

Arla follows dc and wiseman with 2ppl milk price cut - China Nissan Car DVD Player

2013-04-12 12:33:23 | グルメ
Readers' comments (14) Peter Dyson | 3 May 2012 1:35 am Sir, I have been commenting the past weeks on milk price paid tofarmers, if you do not stick together on this issue there won't bea dairy industry in the UK, just more cuts to make the processorsmore profit. And what is the NFU and DEFRA doing about this daylifgt robbery totheir members !!! Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Anonymous | 3 May 2012 9:04 am Are dairy farmers so weak they cannot do anything about these cuts! 40% of dairy products imported at much higher prices than 26ppl!!with no assurance, or any regard for welfare etc etc. Time to getsome laedership and take action. For example, unfair contracts can be challenged in court, but withmost dairy farmers not concerned about making a good living, whatchance has any action got? Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Anonymous | 3 May 2012 11:45 am Dairy Crest -2p Ltre Wiseman -2p Ltre Arla -2p Ltre and there is no collusion in the Dairy Industry ? Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Emma | 3 May 2012 3:02 pm "With most dairy farmers not concerned about making a good living"-- are you living on another planet 'anonymous'?! You are rightthat collective bargaining is the logical answer; however as withmany other industries, sadly dairy farmers are at the mercy of hugegreedy corporations that believe they can dictate the price withlittle regard for their suppliers livlihoods. Honda DVD Player

Something has got tochange. Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Peter Dyson | 3 May 2012 4:22 pm To Emma, many companies are at the mercy of these largecorporations, because they don't know how to negotiate a goodcontract, and now the time has come to stick together, but I don'tthink farmers will so they get exploited, talk about slave labour. Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Anonymous 3 May 2012 4:31 pm Ok who out there is prepared for blockading & standing up for whatthey believe in. FFA have been out many a time for the farmers &only those regular followers have been there for them. China Nissan Car DVD Player

Now theyneed 100% support before being prepared to fight a battle onceagain. Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Anonymous 3 May 2012 4:44 pm As a dairy farmers wife & unpaid farm accountant over the last sixmonths preparing our next years budget has for the first time inthe last 5 years been enjoyable to do & read because at last itshowed a glimmer of good fortune for once. But now all that work &hope has been shattered by the price drop. All our expenses haveincreased & now income is coming back down. Chevrolet DVD GPS

How on earth are weexpected to make a living in dairy farming. We must retaliate &fast. Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Anonymous | 4 May 2012 12:47 pm The French would hit back that hard that the proccesers would haveno idea what happened we have 3million litres plus.. This is over60k i feel it is time to put preasure on.

Like the French do Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment psbovine relief services yorkshire | 4 May 2012 12:52 pm hi every one like i said in the week about wiseman why dont you allpull the f******g plug on these dairy firms and all phone mrbuckley who is in west yorkshire he is giving 30ppl and a volumebounse of 1.5ppl my name is phil i do a lot milking around thecountry if you like more details please txt or phone me on07738429154 thanks every one Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment Anonymous | 4 May 2012 1:26 pm Was kind of hoping Arla just might have a little more backbone anddrop 1-1.5 pence especially being after milk and the new dairyplant built !! Pull the plug and get short term pain for long termgain ! Unsuitable or offensive? Report this comment.

Puma earns a, apple takes home d in eiris sustainability rankings - China Outdoor SMD Led Display

2013-04-12 12:28:16 | 旅行
German sportswear manufacturer Puma tops EIRIS' Top 10 GlobalSustainability Leaders list while Apple earns a D, in a rankingthat sees UK and European companies receive higher marks than theirUS and Asian counterparts. With the UN s 2012 Rio+20 Earth Summit coming up in June, the research house applied its SustainabilityRatings methodology to measure the sustainability performance of2,063 global companies from the FTSE Aall World Developed Index.The report, titled On track for Rio+20? How are global companies responding tosustainability? identified 10 sustainability leaders and analyzes theperformance of 50 of the world s largest companies (by marketcap). A fifth of UK companies scored As, the highest ranking, based ontheir sustainability performance, followed by 12 percent ofmainland European ones. But only 2 percent of US companies and 1percent of Asian ones make the top grade in EIRIS' GlobalSustainability Ratings. Puma received an A for its environmental management systems andreporting practices, along with its industry-leading supply chainpolicies, systems and disclosure, according to EIRIS analysts. Indoor Led Display Screen

In late April, PPR, Puma s parent company, announced a series ofsustainability goals, pledging to cut its carbon emissions , waste and water usage resulting from the production of productsand services by 25 percent by 2016. The UK travel and leisure company FirstGroup derives more than 90percent of sales from rail and bus services, which earned it an Ain EIRIS Top 10. Other Top 10 Global Sustainability Leaders: National Australia Bank GlaxoSmithKline Roche Novartis Philips Electronics Deutsche B rse Novo Nordisk Go-Ahead Group Along with Apple, which EIRIS gives a D and says needs to do moreto address supply-chain sustainability challenges, Exxon Mobil, theworld s second biggest company, also ranks low on EIRIS sustainability list. The oil and gas company shows poor performancein the areas of biodiversity, climate change and water management,according to the report. China Outdoor SMD Led Display

Toyota, the Japanese car maker, producesgreener cars, but lags behind rivals on supply-chain-laborstandards, earning it a C. Chevron along with other major oil andgas producers, including ConocoPhillips and Occidental Petroleum,receives EIRIS lowest rating An evaluation of 21 sustainability ratings including EIRIS by think tank SustainAbility, however, foundthat most lack sufficient quality controls. China Indoor Led Display Screen