

China shows commitment to sustainable marine development at yeosuexpo - Laser Liposuction Equipment

2013-04-23 12:38:44 | 旅行
China shows its commitment to pursuing harmonious coexistence ofhumankind and oceans through sustainable marine development, withits pavilion built at the Yeosu Expo. The China pavilion, the biggest foreign pavilion at South Korea 'socean-themed expo, covers an area of 1,241 square meters. Its exterior catches the attention of visitors with unique orientalcharms from traditional fishermen drawings painted in blue, thecolor borrowed from traditional blue-and-white porcelains. Under the theme of "One Ocean, One Home," the pavilion focuses onshowcasing China's constant efforts in developing oceans forscientific purposes and thereby promoting a harmonious relationshipbetween humans and the marine environment. At the pavilion, visitors are invited to learn about China'sdevelopment and preservation of ocean and coastal resources, oceanscience and technology and maritime culture while exploring threemain exhibition areas: Ocean Wave, Ocean Splendor and OceanRomance. IPL Beauty Equipment

Zhao Zhenge, commissioner of the China pavilion, said theexhibition will serve as a chance to introduce China's strength asa maritime country. "By developing the theme of the China pavilion, we are trying toshowcase diversified natural resources of sea life in all the areasin China and also the marine economy as well as the marineculture," said Zhao. He added that various programs will be organized to show China' srich marine resources and maritime economic development, with theparticipation of the country's coastal provinces. The highlight of the exhibition is the animated film that tells theclose friendship shared by a Chinese girl and Chinese whitedolphins. Laser Liposuction Equipment

It not only stresses a mutual dependency between people and nature,but also conveys China's commitment to protecting marine ecosystemsand resources. "The video that was shown at the pavilion depicted that there weremany Chinese white dolphins at first because the sea was clean. Itgot contaminated later, but it was good to see that the country isnow making efforts for the return of the clean sea," said26-year-old Jung Dae-hyeon. The China pavilion is expected to receive about 6,400 visitors perday, with the total number of visitors exceeding 600,000 over thenext three months. Co2 Fractional Laser

The Yeosu Expo opened on May 12 and will continue until August 12in South Korea's southern coastal city of Yeosu under the theme of"The Living Ocean and Coast." The event is being held between the headline World Expos, which arestaged every five years. The last was in Shanghai in 2010.

Mechel update its mining segment result for fy 2011 - Metal CNC Router Manufacturer

2013-04-23 12:28:39 | 日記
In'000 tonnes Mining segment's revenue from external customers in 2011totalled USD 4.1 billion or 33% of the consolidated net revenue, anincrease of 35.7% over net segment's revenue from externalcustomers of USD 3.1 billion, or 31% of the consolidated netrevenue in 2010. The operating income in the mining segment in 2011 increased by42.6% to USD 1.7 billion, or 32.6% of total segment'srevenue, compared to the operating income of USD 1.2 billion, or30.8% of total segment revenue for the 2010. The adjusted EBITDA inthe mining segment in 2011 increased by 37.9% and amounted to USD2.0 billion compared to segment's adjusted EBITDA of USD 1.5billion in 2010. The adjusted EBITDA margin for the mining segmentin 2011 was 39.0% compared to 38.1% in 2010. Cutting Plotter Machine

Depreciation,depletion and amortization in the mining segment amounted to USD328.5 million which is 16.7% more than USD 281.4 million in 2010. Mr Boris Nikishichev Mechel Mining Management Company OOO'sChief Executive Officer said "Last year we managed not onlyto maintain and improve the previous year's high results, butalso implements a series of large-scale strategic tasks key todeveloping our production capacity and resource base for the miningdivision's enterprises. Production problems in the first halfof the year and the worsening market situation in the second halfdid not prevent us from increasing sales of coal products and showsignificant growth on all key financial parameters." He said "For the mining division, last year capitalexpenditure peaked both on maintenance and technical re-equipmentof existing facilities and implementation of an ambitiousinvestment program. We reached important milestones in thedivision's key investment project development of the Elgacoking coal deposit. Metal CNC Router Manufacturer

The Elga open pit was launched into productionas earlier planned, and a railroad linking the deposit withBaikal-Amur Mainline was opened in record time. With the launch ofdirect railway access to Elga, we met the requisite conditions forfurther development of the coal complex and a significant increasein coal mining volumes. This year we plan to commission the firstcoal washing facilities at the deposit, which will enable us toproduce coking coal concentrate and other products in closeproximity to the open pit. He added that "By expanding our offer of high value-addedproducts, last year we consolidated our positions on the PCI exportmarket. We also continued to develop the division's globalsales network, creating a joint venture for selling coals in Indiaand opening Mechel Carbon AG's representative office inSingapore. Art CNC Router Manufacturer

In 2011, the mining segment managed to demonstratesuccessful results, attain significant progress in implementingpriority projects and create the basis for their development thisyear." Source - Mechel.