

Energy assets in front line of cyber war - Industrial Bag Filters - Milk Cream Separator Machine

2013-04-15 12:38:39 | 日記
Cyber War - a serious threat (Image credit: The Daily Caller) The stable relationship between the United States, Russia andChina, means there seems little chance of they will try to disruptone another's energy networks any time soon. But Iran has beenbombarded with cyber bugs during its intense nuclear standoff withthe west, with the virus known as Flame detected in April and aworm called Duqu, designed to gather intelligence on industrialinfrastructure for future attacks, found last year. Espionage The United States is by far the biggest source of general maliciousactivity on the internet, data from anti-virus software makerSymantec Corp indicates, but targeted industrial espionage largelycomes from Asia. "Targeted attacks are increasing dramatically. Itcould be state sponsored or it could be just hacktivists or itcould be a cyber criminal organisation.

But we know the number onetarget is government institutions and the second is manufacturing,including oil and gas," Bulent Teksoz, Symantec's chief securitystrategist for emerging markets said. According to data from theRepository of Industrial Security Incidents, power andtransportation companies see the greatest number of major cybersecurity problems. Most of those incidents result in some loss ofproduction or equipment control. Until Stuxnet, breaking intosupervisory control and data acquisition (Scada) systems runningmost of the world's industry was thought to be beyond most hackers.

Thanks to its groundbreaking code now leaked and freely availableon internet, any competent cyber criminal group could use it tospear Scada security that controls vital infrastructure around theworld. "Stuxnet does provide a delivery vehicle, for non stateactors to use, that is a direct threat to critical infrastructure,"said Alexander Klimburg, senior cyber security adviser at theAustrian Institute for International Affairs. "They have to go anddevelop their own warhead but you have given them a cruisemissile... It's perfectly possible that Stuxnet could be adaptedfor cyber terrorism purposes and that is a real concern." Byres,who designed the leading industrial firewall system, said thatalthough the original cyber weapon targets Siemens systems whichcontrolled Iran's Natanz Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge , its parts could be adapted totake control of any industrial controller. It has had some impacton at least 22 other installations, including a U.S.

metalsfactory, he said. Cyber Cold War The mother of all Scada attacks is believed to have occurred 30years ago, when the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency is said tohave used a "logic bomb" to blow up a Siberian gas pipeline.According a book by former senior U.S. intelligence officer ThomasReed, after discovering the KGB was trying to steal pipelinecontrol software, the CIA planted a version that would cause thesystem to over pressurize and let the Soviets have it. U.S.President Barack Obama warned in 2009 that "cyber intruders" wereprobing the U.S.

power network and that foreign intelligenceservices were behind some intrusions. In March the U.S. Departmentof Homeland Security identified a series of attacks on natural gaspipeline operators. "We believe it is only a matter of time beforesomeone employs capabilities that could cause significantdisruption to civilian or government networks and to our criticalinfrastructure," General Keith Alexander, head of the U.S.

CyberCommand, told a senate committee hearing on March 27. A U.S. Department of Defense report said this month that cyberspying was done by intelligence services, private sector companies,and individuals from dozens of countries, but that it expectedChina to remain an "aggressive and capable" collector. "Chineseattempts to collect U.S.

technological and economic informationwill continue at a high level and will represent a growing andpersistent threat to U.S. economic security." U.S. cyber defensechief General Alexander told the committee that Chinese hackerswere responsible for a raid in early 2011 on RSA, makers of theSecureID system used by many large companies to access privatenetworks. The codes and control servers used in the U.S.

gas gridattacks match those used to break into RSA, Byres said. Night Dragon, so called because U.S. security firm McAfee noticedthe data raids took place from Beijing-based IP addresses onweekdays from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Beijing time, was the first knowncoordinated attacks on global energy companies. Night Dragon,reported in 2009, focused on stealing information on potential oiland gas reserves and new technologies from western energycompanies, valuable information for rivals competing forexploration licenses around the world. Modern "digital drillingrigs" with their multiple external connections to critical onboardsystems, and the roll out of "smart meter" systems linkingconsumers and power generators via two way communication lines, arenew potential weak spots.

"The attackers are getting more skilledand we are increasing the vulnerability," Justin Lowe, an energysecurity specialist at PA Consulting Group told the conference. "Weare putting more systems out there which are attackable." REUTERS.
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Usa. 3m annual meeting highlights innovation and new vision - China Centrifugal Transfer Pump

2013-04-15 12:28:28 | 旅行
Executive Chairman George W. Buckley, and President and CEO Inge G.Thulin told shareholders at the Annual Meeting held at the RiverCentre in St. Paul that 3M innovation is stronger than ever andshared a new vision for the company. Its been an honor and a privilege to lead this great company, saidBuckley in his final report to shareholders before his retirementJune 1.

I thank all the wonderful people of 3M for their hard work,support and dedication. Buckley told shareholders that 3M is off to a strong start in 2012with record first quarter sales of $7.5 billion, an increase of 2.4percent. Earnings rose 6.7 percent to a $1.59 per share. Thisfollows 2011 full-year performance of $29.6 billion and earningsper share of $5.96, an increase of 11 percent and 6 percent,respectively.

Thulin outlined a new vision for the company that is alreadygenerating enthusiasm among employees and customers. New Vision 3M Technology Advancing Every Company 3M Products Enhancing Every Home 3M Innovation Improving Every Life The vision captures the essence of who we are as a company and willstretch us to perform at an even higher level, said Thulin.Achieving our vision will help us deliver many more strong quartersand many more years of increasing value for our shareholders. Thulin laid out 3Ms core strategies to turn the vision intoreality: expand 3Ms relevance to customers and its presence in themarketplace; gain market share and accelerate penetration; investin innovation; achieve regional self-sufficiency; build highperforming and diverse global talent; drive consistent and superioroperational excellence. Preliminary Shareholder Voting Results 3M shareholders today elected each of the ten nominees to thecompanys Board of Directors for a one-year term that expires at the2013 Annual Meeting by the vote of the majority of votes cast: Linda G. Alvarado, president and CEO, Alvarado Construction Inc. Horizontal Decanter Centrifuge

Vance D. Coffman, retired chairman and CEO, Lockheed Martin Corp. Michael L. Eskew, retired chairman and CEO, United Parcel ServiceInc. China Centrifugal Transfer Pump

W. James Farrell, retired chairman and CEO, Illinois Tool WorksInc. Herbert L. Henkel, retired chairman and CEO, Ingersoll-Rand plc Edward M. Liddy, partner, Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC Robert S. Disc Oil Separator

Morrison, retired vice chairman, PepsiCo Inc., and formerinterim chairman and CEO, 3M Aulana L. Peters, retired partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLPand former Commissioner of the Securities and Exchange Commission Inge G. Thulin, president and CEO, 3M Robert J. Ulrich, retired chairman and CEO, Target Corp. Shareholders ratified the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLPas 3Ms independent registered public accounting firm for 2012.

Shareholders approved, on an advisory basis, executivecompensation. Shareholders approved the 2012 Amended and Restated GeneralEmployees Stock Purchase Plan. Shareholders approved the Amended 2008 Long-Term Incentive Plan. Shareholders rejected the stockholder proposal on lobbying.

Shareholders rejected the stockholder proposal to prohibitpolitical spending from Corporate Treasury Funds. Shareholders rejected the stockholder proposal on Independent BoardChairman. 3M also will disclose the final voting results on each item ofbusiness properly presented at the Annual Meeting in its CurrentReport on Form 8-K to be filed with the SEC. Forward-Looking Statements This news release contains forward-looking information about 3Msfinancial results and estimates and business prospects that involvesubstantial risks and uncertainties. You can identify thesestatements by the use of words such as anticipate, estimate, expect, project,intend, plan, believe, will, target, forecast and other words andterms of similar meaning in connection with any discussion offuture operating or financial performance or business plans orprospects.

Among the factors that could cause actual results todiffer materially are the following: (1) worldwide economic andcapital markets conditions and other factors beyond the Companys control,including natural and other disasters affecting the operations ofthe Company or its customers and suppliers; (2) the Companys creditratings and its cost of capital; (3) competitive conditions andcustomer preferences; (4) foreign currency exchange rates andfluctuations in those rates; (5) the timing and market acceptanceof new product offerings; (6) the availability and cost ofpurchased components, compounds, raw materials and energy(including oil and natural gas and their derivatives) due toshortages, increased demand or supply interruptions (includingthose caused by natural and other disasters and other events); (7)the impact of acquisitions, strategic alliances, divestitures, andother unusual events resulting from portfolio management actionsand other evolving business strategies, and possible organizationalrestructuring; (8) generating fewer productivity improvements thanestimated; (9) security breaches and other disruptions to theCompanys information technology infrastructure; and (10) legalproceedings, including significant developments that could occur inthe legal and regulatory proceedings described in the companysAnnual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2011 andits subsequent quarterly reports on Form 10Q (the"Reports"). Changes in such assumptions or factors couldproduce significantly different results. A further description ofthese factors is located in the Reports under Cautionary NoteConcerning Factors That May Affect Future Results and Risk Factorsin Part I, Items 1 and 1A (Annual Report) and in Part I, Item 2 andPart II, Item 1A (Quarterly Report). The information contained inthis news release is as of the date indicated.

The company assumesno obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained inthis news release as a result of new information or future eventsor developments. Last Updated ( Wednesday, 09 May 2012 ).