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G20 urges countries to support economic recovery

2010-04-24 12:14:00 | 政治・経済

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【G20 urges countries to support economic recovery】

The finance ministers and central bank governors of the Group of 20 nations have called on countries to support the global economic recovery through measures tailored to individual circumstances.

The officials issued a joint statement at the end of their meeting in Washington on Friday.

The statement says the global economic recovery has progressed better than previously anticipated due to the G20's concerted policy effort but that it is proceeding at different speeds within and across regions.

The statement refers to the need for each country to rebuild public finances.

It says all countries should elaborate credible exit strategies from extraordinary macroeconomic and financial support measures while pursuing well-coordinated economic policies that are consistent with sound public finances.

On financial regulatory reform, one of the main focuses of the meeting, the statement says good progress is being made. It says the G20 will, by the end of this year, develop international rules to improve the quantity and quality of bank capital.

It also says the G20 will, until the financial summit in June, continue studying ways to prevent taxpayers from bearing the burden for bailing out financial institutions in the event of another financial crisis. It says the G20 will take proposals from the International Monetary Fund into account.

2010/04/24 08:45(JST)
(JST: UTC+9hrs.)
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