What do you like to do?



2006年04月10日 | English・学習
Hey,I'm going to that rock concert on Friday.Do you want to cme along?
Well,I'd love to ,but I', sorry,I can't make it.I'll be out of town.Thanks anyway.
Yeah.I'm up for that.What time?

What are you up to on Aaturday night?I'm having a dinner party if you can make it.
That's a shame.I've already got plans with Dave.Sorry about that.Maybe next time.
Great.Count me in.What should I bring?

Come on! You're into rock ,aren't you?

You really should try and make it.Some great bands are playing!

You'd be crazy to miss it!It's going to be a great night.

A lot of people will be really disappointed if you don't come!

I was counting on you to turn up!

It won't be the same if you don't come.


2006年04月10日 | English・学習
I have a wide circle of friends.
I prefer to have one or tow close friends.

We first met each other...
I've known her for/since...

We've into the same kinds of music.
Neither of us sre really that interested in politics.

We hit it off from the word go.
We always have a laugh whenever we get together.
We don't always see eye-to-eye,but generally we get along fine.

He gets on my nerves sometimes.
We had afalling-out recently.
We had an argument over something stupid.

I send him a letter every year but he neber bothers to write back.
We had a bit of a fallinf-out so we haven't spoken in a while.
I haven't seen her around much lately althoufh I used to see her a lot at parties.
She's been my best friend since high school and we still spend lots of time together,
We never had much in common until just recently we found out we were both into jazz.