What do you like to do?



2005年11月30日 | English・学習
1 ground floor:first floor
2 queue:line
3 lift:elevator
4 motorway:highway
5 crossroads:intersection
6 pavement:sidewalk
7 public toilet:restroom
8 underground:subway

1 ) The least expensive way to fly is in "coach", or "economy" class.
2 ) If you fly with one airline a lot, you can accumulate air miles.
3 ) If you don't speak your client's language, you may need an interpreter during meetings.
4 ) When traveling by air, most people have "check-in" luggage and "carry-on" luggage.
5 ) "I'm flying from London to Sydney, with a 2-day stopover in Singapore."
6 ) If you are a frequent flyer, you may sometimes get an upgrade from business to first class.
7 ) The list of places you will visit, or things you will do, on a trip is also called an itinerary.
8 ) For their business class passengers, many airlines operate an executive lounge where they can wait for their flights.

1 ) I hope you remembered to pack warm clothes.
2 ) I wish you wouldn't go off without me like that.
3 ) He hoped to meet some famous people at the party.
4 ) I wish I had majored in something else at university.
5 ) I wish I could speak English more fluently.
6 ) I wished for a new pair of soccer boots.
7 ) We hope you have enjoyed your time with us.
8 ) I had hoped to get there in time for the start of the movie.

1) Which station is [nothing] nearer to the new house?

2) Are you better than your brother at tennis?

3) I waited for as long as I could, but no-one came.

4) That meeting was a lot shorter than the previous one.

5) I met Fred yesterday; he's still as boring as ever.

6) Brown rice is better for you than white.

7) Could I have the smaller [nothing] one, please?

8) The haunted house wasn't as much fun as the roller coaster.


2005年11月29日 | Weblog
