浅草アメリカ☆スポーツ留学 -AASA-

浅草とサンフランシスコを結ぶ 浅草インターナショナルスクール

「英語力」とは言葉だけ! It's all up to you !!

2015-01-06 | 浅草インターナショナルスクール準備室
Hi, Romi of Asakusa America Sports Abroad - AASA
浅草アメリカ☆スポーツ留学 ロミ です

It is funny to see the article regarding Sports Communication for Life Skill Training on a magazine

Because it is the concept I've developed over my life of a roller coaster in the States and Japan past 40 years

It doesn't have to be a top athletes nor well-known god-like persons to find out about it

It's the matter of how passionately you've led your life whether it had been a smooth pass or not

These are the kind of people we are pulling together in Asakusa every month
今、こういう情熱家たちと毎月半ばのマンデーナイトに時間とアイ デアを共有し

Striving to make the passage for our next generation

Please join us if you have a dream to make your life complete

New year meetup, Asakusa Monday-Nite Meetup, will be on 1/19(M) at Miyazaki Jidoriya, 1-7-8 Kaminarimon Taito-ku, Tokyo 年初のマンデーナイトハドルは、1月19日(月) 1930-2200 @宮崎地どり家, 台東区雷門1-7-8

Rarticipant's Fee w/all-u-can drink is 4,000 yen
参加費 飲み放題 4,000円

Please contact Romi at asakusa.asa@gmail.com
asakusa.asa@gmail.com ロミ までご連絡ください