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2015-03-28 | 日記

We've had a chance to work with several clients recently who have had their companies acquired by other, larger firms. That is exactly what happened to our original organization. Three years ago, our company, INTEC Japan, K.K., was bought by a large Japanese organization called Link and Motivation. You probably also know the computer school, AVIVA. They also were acquired and are now one of our sister companies within the Link Group.

What I realized is that there are different ways of handling a merger and acquisition. Some companies are very clever, like our parent company. They basically left us alone for the first year, so we did not really feel so much difference. Then, step by step, they started to add their own ideas and value to our organization. I must say that I am pretty happy with the way things have gone, because not all parent companies are so thoughtful. Sometimes they just assume that "It's OUR football, so we can do whatever we want." This may sometimes be a successful strategy, but I am surely glad that was not the direction taken by our parent organization.
