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New TOEIC Seminar in Nagoya

2014-10-16 | TOEIC
On November 2 (Sunday), we will offer a TOEIC seminar that I have wanted to do for a long time. This seminar is designed for people who already have a substantial control over English. The target audience is people who already have a relatively high score (over 800 or so) who would like to take their score to the next highest level.

In our 11/2 seminar, we will focus on Parts 3/4 in the first part of the day. Later we will deal with Parts 5/6.

Let me explain the reason behind this rather unusual combination.

First of all, many TOEIC test-takers, even people who have already attained a high score, have difficulties with Parts 3 and 4. This is because those parts are not only tests of listening comprehension, they are also tests of a person's speed reading ability. We need to be able to process information at a glance and to be able to understand the answer choices without reading carefully.

Next, the real 大黒柱 of ヒルキ流 is Part 5. If someone can move quickly and accurately through Part 5, then she or he can save time for Part 7. In this seminar we will do some unusual activities to force the participants to answer Part 5 questions rapidly, without sacrificing accuracy. Then, as many of you have heard me say many times, Part 6 is really a "disguised" Part 5, since most of the Part 6 items are very similar to the types of items we find in Part 5.

Anyway, I am very excited about offering this unusual seminar and I hope that people in the regions around Nagoya are able to join us.


TOEIC seminar 11月開催!!

2014-10-09 | TOEIC
ロバート ヒルキ TOEIC 対策セミナー開催決定!!
2014年11月1日、2日 TOEIC 対策セミナー(開催地:名古屋)を開催

11月1日は、基礎的な勉強方法や対策、またTOEIC 650点を目指している方対象のセミナーです。
11月2日は、1日でリスニングPart 3 & 4,リーディング 5 & 6の攻略方法、またTOEIC 860点を目指している方、さらにうえを目指している方対象のセミナーです。

ご注意 1日・2日と内容が異なりますのでお申込みされる場合はセミナー内容をご確認下さい。

詳しくは、Facebook“ヒルキコミュニケーションズ”( https://www.facebook.com/Robert.Hilke.Hilke.Communications )

また、BlogのTOEICお問い合わせmail formからご連絡をいただければ、ファイル等詳しい詳細をお送りいたしますのでお気軽にお問い合わせください。皆様のご参加をお待ち申し上げております。

Crafts Fair

2014-10-05 | 日記
Last Sunday we went to a crafts fair. There were booths displaying traditional Japanese crafts. We found some excellent woodworking there. One was a small chair for our son. Very stable. The other one was a very interesting round table/container. It can be used as either a table. Or, if you open the lid, it provides quite a bit of storage. The wood itself is also really high quality. But because we got it near the end of the day, we only paid \3000 for it. Amazing!

So, then we had to figure out how to get it back home. We hit on the idea of using the baby carriage as a 台車. Then the guys had to search around to find some plastic rope to secure it to the baby carriage. Everyone was very satisfied with their work, as you can see from the photo. In the end, we got it back home without incident. It's a nice addition to our own. Functional, and actually quite beautiful.
