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2014-03-27 | 日記
On Saturday, I will be going with my family down to Kyushu for a short 4-day vacation. We'll spend some time in Kagoshima and Kumamoto. My oldest son, Kenji, plays professional basketball for the Kumamoto Volters team in the National Basketball League. So on Sunday, we'll go to see Kenji's game. Recently he has been getting more and more playing time, so finally he has had a chance to show his true ability.

Of course, if you hear the name "Kumamoto," I guess you quickly imagine two things: Kumamon and 馬刺. We are big fans of both. We've already made dinner reservations for a "horse feast" on Sunday night. I can't wait.

I'll post some photos of our trip after we get back. I hope you all also enjoy your own weekend. Possibly with cherry blossom viewing. . .??



2014-03-19 | 日記
今は、3月…遅いValentine chocolateを頂いた









TTT reflections

2014-03-16 | TOEIC
Even though I had no outside work this weekend (the first time in a long, long while), I kept reminiscing about the two TTT sessions (TTT10 and TTT11) recently concluded. I am really proud to be a part of such an outstanding event. The connections that we have been able to make and the relationships we have been able to forge are great on both a personal and professional level.

It was nice, though, to have a weekend at home with my family.


TTT11 終了

2014-03-09 | TOEIC
Today was the last day of TTT11. Already?!?!?
This is one event on my annual calendar that I look forward to very much.
But then it always seems to come and go in a flash. いつの間にか?

We had a wonderful group of people, as usual. A good mix of new TTT members and TTT graduates. The activities, for example, the item writing feedback session and discussion, were extremely useful for everyone concerned, including for Hiro and me. Jay Hayakawa's presentation of 東京スイカトリー was hilarious. But more than that, it was pedagogically sound. I think many of learned some tips from Jay about how to effectively use PPT in our classrooms.

I can't wait for the next TTT (TTT12 and TTT13) to start. But they won't begin until next January and February. In the interim, I look forward to keeping in contact with all the members of our TTT family!


TTT11 Party

2014-03-04 | TOEIC
When I got home from my seminar today, there was an important package waiting for me. It was the item-writing assignments from the TTT11 participants.

Every year, I promise myself that I will somehow find time to do the item-writing correction in advance of the actual TTT weekend. But every year, I fail. This year's TTT10 was no exception. So, when I came home and found the TTT11 assignments sent by Mr. Irisawa of ALC, I was very pleased. On one hand, I though "Yes. I can do it this time." But when I look at my actual schedule for this week, I'm afraid I may unwittingly and unfortunately continue the tradition of missing the Saturday TTT Day 3 party.

I'll do my best, but I'm pretty sure that TTT11 will see me spending the entire night on Saturday grading the papers. Still, I promise I will do my best to finish all of the other things I must do so that I can (finally) join the TTT participants for a drink at the party after Day 3.
