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In love . . . (and Happy New Year!!)

2014-12-31 | 日記

 . . .  with Awaji Island. My family and I spent a week there last week. Despite my roots, I think I might be an "island boy" at heart. For me, there's something exciting about being in a place where civilization is on the other side of the water.

Writing that sentence, I realize that my British business partner, Gaz, would make the same comment about my roots. In other words, the U.K. represents "civilization" and the U.S. represents the wild, untamed, barbarian world.

But it was wonderful to wake up each morning and see Kobe across the strait. And the nighttime lights, too, were special. However, the main thing was just having a week together with my family. It has been a long time since we could spend that much dedicated time together. I explored the island everyday for about 3 hours, taking as many back roads as I could. It was special. I can't wait to go back there.

Anyway, there are only a few hours left in this year. I hope that it was a good year for everyone and that 2015 brings even more happiness for all of us!    Thanks for reading!!


Toba Rainbow

2014-12-17 | 日記

Now I am down in Toba, Mie. It is absolutely gorgeous here. One of our most important clients has a training center that overlooks Toba Bay. What a fantastic view to wake up to every morning!! Yesterday, the weather was wet and miserable. Then, suddenly, about 16:00 we looked out the window and saw an amazing beautiful rainbow. All the instructors, administrators, and participants were suddenly scrambling to find the best vantage point to take photos with their smartphones. I'll post a couple of mine here.



The rainbow yesterday was as nice as any rainbow I've ever seen, including the ones in Hawaii. Probably it was even more impressive because of how unexpected it was.


A first-time seminar

2014-12-06 | TOEIC
Tomorrow I will give a lecture in Tokyo that is completely new for me. Well, the content is not new -- many of the ideas are things we often use in our Intercultural Communications seminars. But the target audience is a bit unusual. I'll be working with ALC Kiddy Kat English. These are people who are very interested in helping children learn how to speak English. My topic is going to be "Developing an Eigo-de no Jinkaku." I hope that I can advise parents and teachers of young children how to encourage the kids to express themselves confidently and effectively in English, even when they do not yet control the language that well.

Wish me luck! I'm very excited to deliver this lecture tomorrow afternoon.
