2月10日の記事で albrada,samantha さまより
教えていただき ありがとうございます。
現在の状況を 転載させていただきますね。
Good day to all stuffs of RSPCA.
This is Albrada live in Japan. Now we have two Labradors. Today I received a serious report about French islanders using live dogs for shark baits. It is so serious matter in the world. On 1st Feb "The Sun" reported in UK about it on their paper.
According to report of "The Sun", RSPCA is planning that demanding an end to the hideous torture.
Was the protest against a French government executed? Is that true? I want to now the fact about it.
Would you please report to me via e-mail so kindly?
This report is so noisy among a dog lover in Japan. A report of the tabloid alone cannot be trusted.
Could you so please take a kindly treatment.
Best for all. Thank you for your supporting.
Albrada. As a Japanese representative who loves Labrador.
Dear Albrada.
Thank you for your email. I'm not sure if you realise, but this happened five years ago in 2005.
I'm not aware of anything happening since 2005. There was a successful petition and the RSPCA encouraged the authorities in Reunion to take action. I believe that in the end there was a prosecution against those responsible.
I hope this helps.
All the best
Senior Press Officer
Good day, Mrs.RSPCA.
Thank you for your quickly response. Yes I know it when happened in
2005. It seems to be misunderstood that the Japanese is the problem that is occurring now.
The problem was solved and can be understood that there is no problem now?
There is a necessity for confirming whether the dog was used as live bait to remove the misunderstanding of a lot of Japanese.
Actually, please let me confirm whether the dog was used (as a live baits) or was not so.
However, an enthusiastic dog lover is called a "KICHIGUY" in Japan. I might be included... Please guide it for such a person could you please please...?
I do not want to believe such a cruel act to be as much as you now either.The contact was able to be done with you and it ripens and think that I pave it!
waited for yours again.
Thank you for all your best.
Good day
My understanding is that the animals were sadly used as live bait and that the problem is now resolved.
I hope this answers your questions!
albrada ,samantha さま。
1人でも多くの方に 真実を知っていただけたらと思います。