

マクスウェルのエーテル理論  02 エーテルの本当の性質(構造)とは、何であるのか?

2012-05-04 | 日記



James Clerk Maxwell
“Ether” in Encyclopædia Britannica (9th ed.), 1878.

「エーテル」 ジェームズ・クラーク・マクスウェル

(訳 鈴木てつや)

Physical constitution of the aether.

What is the ultimate constitution of the aether? is it molecular or continuous?

では、このエーテルの突き詰めていったところの本当の性質(構造)とは、何であるのか? それは、「分子的性質(構造)」なのか、それとも(境目や分子構造のない)「つながった何か」であるか?

We know that the aether transmits transverse vibrations to very great distances without sensible loss of energy by dissipation. A molecular medium, moving under such conditions that a group of molecules once near together remain near each other during the whole motion, may be capable of transmitting vibrations without much dissipation of energy, but if the motion is such that the groups of molecules are not merely slightly altered in configuration but entirely broken up, so that their component molecules pass into new types of grouping, then in the passage from one type of grouping to another the energy of regular vibrations will be frittered away into that of the irregular agitation which we call heat.


We cannot therefore suppose the constitution of the aether to be like that of a gas, in which the molecules are always in a state of irregular agitation, for in such a medium a transverse undulation is reduced to less than one fivehundredth of its amplitude in a single wave-length. If the aether is molecular, the grouping of the molecules must remain of the same type, the configuration of the groups being only slightly altered during the motion.

