*** Plaisir de voyager ***

非日常的な旅で遭遇する色々な体験のお話です。Various enconters in unusual travels.

☆gooブログへの登録 Registration to goo blog

2008-09-22 | フランスあちこち Trip in France




I made registration to "goo blog" today. I intend to take up the topics about the oveseas trip at this blog site.

At the beginning, I want to write a story about my trip to France.
I've been to France alreay many times. Upon arrival at the CDG airport, I used to take a taxi or a limousine bus for going to the downtown of Paris.
Recently, however, I learned how to use the train (RER) and found it very convenient. Without the fearing about the traffic jam, I can arrive at the North Station of Paris in 1 hour.

CDG空港のパリ行きRER駅ホーム RER platform for Paris at CDG airport

パリ行きのRER列車  RER train bound for Paris

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