

世界の警察官に感謝  【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-21b 】 あなたの毎日1600: 危機と戦う次のドア

2018-03-21 09:29:38 | ホワイトハウスからのメール


【米国 ホワイトハウスからのメールマガジン 2018-03-21b 】





200万人のアメリカ人は、処方薬や不法なオピオイドに苦しんでいる。 2017年、オピオイドは自動車事故や銃撃事故よりも多くの人々を殺した。




今、彼らは1つを持っています。ニューハンプシャー州マンチェスターで、トンプル大統領は、「オピオイド中毒や中毒の危険性についてアメリカ人が話し合うことができる新しいウェブサイトCrisisNextDoor.govを発表している」と語った。 「この流行は誰にも影響を与える可能性があるため、私たちは皆に教育したいのです」




これらの声を聞くために、またはあなたのものを貸すために今 '危機の次のドア'を訪れてください。





>彼の政権の初期の時代から、トランプ大統領は、国の移民制度に無法者ではないと明言しました。その姿勢はすぐに結果を得ました。昨年2月、マイアミ・デイド郡は長年の聖域都市政策を逆転させました。 8月までに、管理局はフロリダ州最大のマイアミ - デイド郡が現在コンプライアンスを遵守していると判断しました。








農業評議会(Agriculture Council of America)によれば、アメリカの各農家は165人以上の人々に食料を供給しています。今日は、農業がアメリカの生活の中で果たす本質的な役割を反映する機会を提供する「農業の日」である「Ag Day」です。




「ワシントンでは、田舎のアメリカは厄介な規制の下で声を掛けずに苦労している」と、パーデュー事務局長はタスクフォースの報告書に記している。 「トランプ大統領のリーダーシップの下、そしてこのタスクフォースの作業の下で、我々はそれを回ることができる」


大統領のAg Day宣言を読む。



トランプ大統領がオピオイド危機の発言を発表| 2018319日(アンドレア・ハンクスの公式ホワイトハウス写真)



今日、トランプ大統領は、サウジアラビア王国のモハマド・ビン・サルマン皇太子をホワイトハウスに歓迎する予定です。 2人は、マイク・ペンス副社長とともに昼食を取る前に会います。











【USA Mail magazine from the White House  2018-03-21b 】


Your 1600 Daily:


Fighting the Crisis Next Door
Two million Americans suffer from addiction to prescription or illicit opioids. In 2017, opioids killed more people than either car accidents or gun violence.

Americans cannot let stigma, silence, or a lack of information prevent us from confronting this crisis. The Trump Administration is committed to leading that charge. Just as President Trump shared his personal story last October about his brother’s struggle with alcoholism, all Americans whose lives have been touched by opioid addiction deserve a place to tell their stories.

Now, they have one. “We're announcing a new website, CrisisNextDoor.gov, where Americans can share their stories about the danger of the opioid addiction and addictions,” President Trump said yesterday in Manchester, New Hampshire. “This epidemic can affect anyone, and that's why we want to educate everyone.”

If you have an experience to share, you can record your story directly from your iPhone or upload a pre-recorded video. You may also watch what others have to say about confronting opioid addiction.

Visit ‘The Crisis Next Door’ now to hear these voices—or to lend your own.

Restoring order to our immigration system
This afternoon, President Trump is hosting a roundtable discussion with law enforcement about sanctuary cities in the Roosevelt Room of the White House. During the past year, the President has made a priority of protecting Americans no matter where they live.

>From the earliest days of his Administration, President Trump made it clear he would not stand for lawlessness in the country’s immigration system. That attitude got results quickly: In February of last year, Miami-Dade County reversed its years-long sanctuary city policies. By August, the Administration determined that Miami-Dade County—Florida’s biggest—was now in compliance.

Furthermore, one of the President’s first Executive Orders informed sanctuary cities that failure to abide by Federal immigration laws would jeopardize their access to certain Federal grant money.

Read more: Facing the facts about our broken immigration system

A President that puts rural America front and center
Each U.S. farmer feeds more than 165 people—a dramatic increase from 25 people per farmer just a half-century ago, according to the Agriculture Council of America. Today is National Agriculture Day, or “Ag Day,” which offers an opportunity to reflect on the essential role agriculture plays in American life.

Throughout the past year, President Trump has made rural America a centerpiece of his Administration. In the President’s proposal for rebuilding America’s infrastructure, he has asked Congress to invest $50 billion in Federal funds for rural infrastructure.

No doubt, rural America has struggled under burdensome regulations with no voice in Washington,” Secretary Perdue writes in the task force’s report. “Under President Trump’s leadership, and with the work of this task force, we can turn that around.”

Read the President’s Ag Day Proclamation here.

Photo of the Day

President Trump delivers remarks on the Opioid Crisis | March 19, 2018 (Official White House Photo by Andrea Hanks)


Today, President Trump will welcome Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the White House. The two will meet before having a working lunch along with Vice President Mike Pence.

This morning, the Vice President will deliver remarks at the U.S. Department of Agriculture commemorating the President’s National Agriculture Day Proclamation

This afternoon, the President and Vice President will host a law enforcement roundtable on sanctuary cities before attending the National Republican Congressional Committee March Dinner.


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