Towards the Universe....

~Miyuki Ito-Composer's Life~

Michelangelo Antonioni/アントニオーニ監督

2007-08-03 22:53:49 | ♪video/アメリカドラマの大ファン!
Michelangelo Antonioni died at 94 on 7/30.
I watched his film, "Red Dessert" long time ago at Modern Art Museum in NYC when I used to live there.
It was the first film of his I watched. It gave me a very vivid image, a kind of shocking.
Whenever I see a factory chimney abywhere else, it still reminds me of that film. I don't remember the story so much, though. But it's a great film I've thought. It's his first color film I think. Although it's a pretty old film, it looked very modern to me. It's very beautiful and art I thought. I want to see it again......... I didn't know he's alive by now. Somehow when I saw the film in NY, I thought he's dead long time ago. 
ニューヨークに住んでいた随分前、MOMAで彼の「赤い砂漠」を始めてみた時、何かすごい衝撃を受けた。 古いフィルムなのにすごくモダンに感じた。最初の”工場の煙突”のイメージが、脳裏に焼き付き、未だに工場の煙突を見るたびにあのフィルムを思い出します。内容は、はっきりとは覚えていないけど、フィルム全体を通しての強烈なイメージだけが残っている。
改めてもう一度みてみたいなあと。 でもあれは映画館でやはりみるべき!


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