

Football watching party !!

2008年09月17日 07時42分30秒 | English
Our friend invited us to his new house. It was a "Football party". That night had one of the BIG game. It was "Ohio State vs USC".

Before watching the game, he cooked out for us. And we brought food to share them together.
I made "smoked salmon SUSHI".

I wasn't sure if everyone expected me to bring a Japanese food, however, I wanted to show them my country's food. I saw they enjoyed it.

Here is his grill....

He baked (or steamed?)a rib in the oven before grilling it so that it coulde be tender.

It looks yummy, isn't it???

I admired him for his cooking. I have never ever cooked a rib with its bone. He was cooking it and did a good job with tears in his eyes caused by its smoke.

As for a yummy thing, here is an another.

It's potato.
It was very DELICIOUS !! As it was so tasty, I asked him how to make it. He showed me over 10 kinds of spicies and herbs which he put on potatos. One more thing, it was a key to make potato delicious....it's a Italian dressing. He poured it over potatos. That was an eye-opener to me! I had no idea that a dressing was used other than a salad. I recognized him a good chef.

There were about 16 people there. They were watching that big game, another college football game, or talking each other freely.
As for me, I played with a little boy and a girl as a little boy liked playing with me so much. I enjoyed playing with him, however, I was tired as he had a lot of energy. He asked me to do a same thing again, again, and again. He didn't accept my mention that I was out of energy! Finally, I let him play ORIGAMI so that I took a rest. (I didn't know Origami is familiar in the States.)
When we were playing, he said " I love you. I wanna sit on your lap".
Ummmm...it is SOOOOO sweet. His sweet behavior made me so happy and I wanted to take him home!!

At last, here is what happened to my husband. The face of a folderable chair he was sitting on was torn. Then he felt down into the chair. It seemed like what happened in a comic book! It was funny.

I enjoyed that night with my friends and had a good experience of American life. I'd like to thank my friends.
