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Japanese sex lacking stimulation

2007-10-21 14:33:38 | Reading
Japanese not only have less sex than anyone else in the world, they also have the least interesting time in the bedroom, according to the recently released second part of British condom manufacturer Durex's survey of sex lifestyles around the world.

The survey involved 26,032 people from 26 countries around the world and Japanese ranked bottom of the pile when it came to stimulating sex lives. A global average of 50 percent, 36 percent of Chinese and 38 percent of Malaysians enjoy interesting sex, but a whopping 90 percent of Japanese said their sex lives lack stimulation.

Japanese men have an average of 14 sex partners, which is more than the global average of 13 and well above the average four of Chinese men, while women in Japan also have plenty of partners, averaging eight apiece compared to just two each in China and Malaysia.

Japanese average 34 minutes for each session of sex (including foreplay), which outlasts the French by a minute and is just two minutes less than the world average.
With boring sex and lots of sex partners, it's impossible to dismiss the idea that sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS will spread quickly.

On average, the Japanese only have sex 48 times a year, well below the world average of 103 times and a huge distance from the 164 occasions the world-leading Greeks will go at it. There are 38 percent of Japanese couples who say they have sex at least once a week and 86 percent of those partnerships say they want more. The reason why they can't have more sex even though they want it is because it's hard for them to tell their partner how they feel. Throughout the world, 58 percent of couples say they feel at ease enough with their partner to be able to talk about sex, but only 21 percent of Japanese feel good enough to do so -- not even one-third of the 69 percent of Malaysian couples that are happy to chat about nooky. Among the Japanese, 38 percent felt the best way to improve their sex lives was to spend more time with their partner, while 36 percent just wanted to enjoy life more.

What it all boils down to is that the lack of communication between couples is forcing people to take matters into their own hands -- literally. Japanese outpaced the world with experience of masturbation, with 89 percent having done it compared to the global average of 86 percent. Not only do 38 percent of Japanese masturbate weekly, while 16 percent of people across the world had a negative opinion toward the practice, only 4 percent of people in this country did so.

This survey clearly showed that Japanese desperately lack variety in the bedroom. Only 34 percent of Japanese engage in oral sex, and just 16 percent like sexy undies designed to heighten sexual excitement. Just 38 percent of Japanese try to live out their sexual fantasies, while the 40 percent who watch adult videos or read adult magazines is also low and the 4 percent who role play during sex was the lowest level in the world. On the other hand, 49 percent of Japanese have no problem with the idea of being able to buy devices to improve their sex lives at not only sex shops but also ordinary shops. People who have never used sex aids are not averse to the idea of one day doing so. Japanese vibrator use levels are well below the world average, but 25 percent are open to the idea of putting some buzz into their sex life and 16 percent are interested in playing around with lubrication. But at the moment, where 21 percent of the world's people are using vibrators and 34 percent lubrication, only 16 percent of Japanese are using vibes and 15 percent lube. When it came to orgasm gel and orgasm spray, the 23 percent of Japanese who want to try out the gel fell behind the 30 percent of the world-leading Brazilians and just 14 percent of Japanese wanted to give orgasm maintenance spray a go.

As the author of "Shiawase no Sekkusu (Delightful Sex)," I'd really love to be able to use this column to provide a stimulating message that will revolutionize passive Japanese bedrooms.

stimulation : 刺激
according to : -によると
manufacturer : 製造会社
pile : 山
stimulating : 刺激的な
whopping : とびぬけている
above : 超えている
apiece : それぞれ
foreplay : 前戯
outlast : -より長い
dismiss : 開放する、解任する、却下する
transmit : 運ぶ
disease : 病気
below : 下回る
huge : 大きい
occation : 出来事、機会
Greeks : ギリシャ人
go at it : がんばる
throughout : -の間では
feel at ease : 落ち着く
nooky : 性交
boil down : 要約する、煮詰まる
literally : 文字通り、まったく
outpace : 追い越す
desperately : すごく、しょうがないくらい
variety : 多様性、変化
engage in : 行う
undies : 下着
heighten : -を高める
sexual excitement : 性的興奮
sexual fantasy : 性的妄想
averse to : -をひどく嫌う
lubrication : 潤滑にすること
at the moment : 現在のところは
lube : 潤滑剤
orgasm : 快感、刺激
fall behind : -を下回る
maintenance : 維持、持続
author : 著者
provide : 供給する
revolutionize : 改革する
passive : 受身の
