Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

From Germany

2007-10-21 18:36:10 | E-mail

it is me again.
while waiting for my friend to finish taking shower, i got on line!

it is extreamly cold here with a lot of snow!!!
people told me it is the coldest weekend they ever had so far
this year, and they said it is really extra ordinary to have snow in october....
i think i picked the worsd weekend, but it is fine....
snow is better than rain i think.
we are planning to stay in museums today

i am glad to know that you did not have to go to osaka this weekend.
relax and sleep well....
have you talked with your family?
i hope it went well,,,
i mean, hope you had productive conversation...

Thanks for the photo!
yes, it is our corner!!!
i remember climbing the hill with you.
the hill was not painful when i was with you.

well, i think i will let u go now.
have a nice weekend.

productive : 生産的な、建設的な
