Business English Study

Enhance my basic english ability !

Talk about Food (Pattern A / P21)

2007-10-30 15:50:29 | English Conversation
1. Do you usually eat breakfast before coming to school ?
(if yes) What do you usually have ?
Yes, I do.
I eat usually eat breakfast every morning.
The menu is always same.
For example, Hot milk, bread with butter, apple, banana, orange and yogurt.
And after finishing to eat those, I usually drink japanese tea.

2. What's your favorite vegetable ?
I like lettuce with dressing the best.
I usually eat lettuce with a lot of tomatoes and japanese inspired dressing.

3. What's your favorite fruit ?
I totally like fruit but especially I like Kiwi and Mango.
I think those are healty for me.
Incidentlly, I have a dislikable fruit that is Melon.
Simply I dislike that taste and seed.

4. What do you usually drink with your dinner ?
I usually drink japanese tea with my dinner.
In youth, I usually drink carbonated beverage such as Coke but now I can't drink them.
And after finished dinner, I sometimes drink english tea with milk.

5. Which do you prefer, chinese food or italian food ?
I prefer Italian food better such as Pizza, Pasta and Rizotte.
I don't have any reason for preferring Italian but I think they are easy-to eat.
I like chinese food too, but I have a few dislikable menu in them such as Peking duck, Peatan and Ebi-Chiri.

6. If you were going on a date, what kind of restaurant would you go to ?
Perhaps I choice italian restaurant.
Because, I think there is few women who dislike them.
And In italian restaurant we can separate some foods so wa can enjoy a lot of menu.
And more in italian restaurant they have many good wine.
In fact, I can not drink beer, so I want to avoid japanese style pub.

7. Have you ever tried frog legs ?
No! I never eat that.
And I don't want to that forever.
I dislike that appearance and I can't understand anyone who can eat them.
I think taste of that is not good.

8. Have you ever had Thai food ?
Yes, I have.
That was so-so.
But there is a few spicy food and I can not eat enormous spicy menu.
So, I dislike Tomuyankun.
In this food menu, I like Coconuts within Tapioca.

9. What kind of japanese food do you dislike ?
I dislike Sushi.
Because, I dislike vinegar and Wasabi so if I have to eat sushi I eat that without Wasabi.
Therefore I can not eat Sashimi that is sliced raw fish for same reason.
In sushi menu, eatable menu is Natto-Maki, Tamago(egg) and salmon caviar in japanese Ikura.
Ikura is delicious.
The reason that I dislike sushi is only prejudice.
But I think I can not eat Wasabi forever.

10. Do you plan to eat out tonight ?
No, I don't.
I am going to eat dinner in my house with my family.
I think my wife is making ready my dinner.
I usually eat dinner at my house to save food cost.
