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Myanmar media blames slain Japanese journalist

2007-10-14 23:09:49 | Reading
Myanmar's state-controlled media said Sunday that a Japanese journalist, killed during a crackdown on recent pro-democracy protests, was to blame for his own death because he put himself in harm's way.

Kenji Nagai, 50, a video journalist for Japan's APF News agency, was among at least 10 people killed in the Sept. 26-27 crackdown, when soldiers fired automatic weapons into a crowd of pro-democracy demonstrators.

"This was an accident. The journalist was not deliberately targeted," said an editorial in The New Light of Myanmar newspaper, a junta mouthpiece. "The fact that the Japanese journalist was among the protesters amounts to inviting danger."

The editorial also said Nagai had entered Myanmar on a tourist visa. "He should have come in with a journalist visa, since he was a journalist," it said. "If he had behaved like a tourist he would not have faced this tragic end."

Myanmar is believed to have rejected all visa applications from journalists during the pro-democracy protests.

Video footage of Nagai's death, broadcast around the world, appeared to show a soldier shooting the journalist at close range.

Japanese police say he is believed to have died from blood loss caused by at least one bullet penetrating his kidney.

Japan's foreign minister, Masahiko Komura, said earlier this month that Japan -- Myanmar's largest aid donor -- was preparing to suspend assistance to Myanmar in response to Nagai's death.

slain : 殺害された(Slay過去形)
crackdown : 弾圧
pro-democracy : 民主化要求、民主賛成
protest : 抗議、反対運動
harm : 危険な、-を害する
deliberately : 故意に、意図的に
editorial : 社説、編集者の
junta : 臨時政府、軍事政府
mouthpiece : 電話の送話口
amount to : 結局-になる、合計-になる
since : -だから(理由)、-してからあとに
behave : -の行動をする、態度を取る
tragic : 悲劇の
application : 申請、出願、適用
footage : 全長、映像
broadcast : 放送(名)、放送された(形)、放送する(動)
appear : -のように見える、出現する
blood loss : 失血
bullet : 弾丸
penetrate : 突き抜ける Ex=penetration:洞察、普及率
kidney : 腎臓
foreign minister : 外相、外務大臣
aid : 援助
donor : 寄贈者、ドナー、援助者
suspend : 一時停止する、停止する
