ミニマム 【minimum】



2011-10-27 | 住まい・家電
ティーバッグで2度作るのがめんどうなので、以前から【LABOUR AND WAIT】でチェックしていた2カップ用のティーポットを購入。円高効果か丸の内のBショップでamazonの半額位でした。。英国スタフォードシャーの赤土を2度焼きしたテラコッタがお湯の温度を保ち、おいしい紅茶が入れられるんだそうです。作りはラフでモノによってはガタガタして安定していないものもありますので、実際手に取って買ったほうがよいと思います。イエの急須でいいかなぁとも思ったんですが、雰囲気でないし、伝統の形にはそれなりの意味があるんでしょう。。こういう質実剛健とした作り実に英国っぽくてグッときます。注ぐとき、お茶が虹のような放物線を描くので若干コツがいりますです。

It was a tea group in the morning, and since it was the trouble which is twice made from a tea bag, the teapot for two cups currently checked by [LABOUR AND WAIT] for some time was purchased.
He was able to buy it at least with the half the sum of amazon at the strong-yen effect or B shop in Marunouchi.
It is said that the terra cotta which burned British Stafford Shah's red clay twice maintains the temperature of hot water, and it is put into delicious tea.
Since there are some which use grumblingly that structure is rough and it is mono-に, and are not stable, I consider that it is better to actually have taken in its hand and to buy it.
Although he thought whether it would be good with the teapot of Japanese tea, it is not atmosphere and a traditional form will have an appropriate meaning.
In such structure fruits made simple and sturdy, seemingly he is Britain and likes.
When pouring, since tea draws a parabola like a rainbow, tips are a little needed for how to make tea.

