シュレーゲルの祈り Schlegel's Prayer


2005年10月10日 | Weblog

Moth ()
A moth hanging down from the ceiling outside of my house. The wing has strange shape.


2005年10月10日 | Weblog

Suzuki haraboso turiabu (Cephenius suzukii) Bombyliidae
Sometimes when I find something I have never seen, I feel little excited. It does not matter, it is known in general. This object was flying around over the field. It never stops in front of me, but it seems it stops on Mizosoba(the flower) when it is away from me. When it flies, it hovers in the air for a couple of seconds and moves for few inches and then hover again. It goes back and forth over ~10 meter path taking about 3 minutes, so I sat down at one spot and tried to take pictures. I could not get closer than 50 cm, and it was extremely hard to focus. These are my best shots. Looks like it has head of a kind of Syrphidae, tail of Ophioninae and legs of Polystes. Cool, isn't it?
I believe that anyone who has ever tried to take insect pictures would dare to take a shot when they are flying. I recently saw impressive pictures taken by Satoshi Kuribayashi, a profesional photographer. He uses ultra-high speed flash light, and electronic sensors, which we could never afford. However, recently, degital camra allows us to take as many pictures as we want. So with enough time, guts and luck, we could manage to take some shots. Well, I need to improve my skill, I know.

Oct. 11 補足

Oct. 12 補足