

【事業規模500億円の自然改造 淡路夢舞台-3】

2023-02-28 06:17:56 | 日記

 「淡路夢舞台」建設概要〜建築主:兵庫県・(株)夢舞台<第3セクター>〜設計期間:1993/4-1994/12(震災前)1995/10-1996/12(震災後) 工事期間:1997.07-1999.12 2003.3オープン 敷地面積:213,930㎡ 延べ床面積:95,078㎡ 設計:建築/安藤忠雄建築研究所 施工/(株)竹中組、清水建設(株)など11社JV。〜以上、淡路夢舞台・趣意書より。


English version⬇

Awaji Yumebutai: A 50 billion yen natural remodeling project
The total construction cost and the size of the space are truly big. The boundary between architecture and landscape/environment seems blurred. It has the feel of Tadao Ando's "Labyrinth" world (laughs). Laughs.

 The total construction cost of the Awaji Yumebutai is said to range from 43.9 billion yen to about 50 billion yen. The total project cost of the "Kansai New Airport," a national-scale investment that became the starting factor for the project, was approximately 3 trillion yen. Considering the size of the cost, it would be a macroscopic figure that the cost of restoring environmental destruction was about 1.67% of the cost of the newly created public infrastructure.
 On the other hand, the total "construction investment" of the Japanese government and private sector in 1999, when the construction was underway, was 68.5 trillion yen. Japan's GDP in the same year was approximately 510 trillion yen. The construction investment in FY2023 is expected to be about 70 trillion yen. The economic scale of the construction industry is roughly in this range.
 This is a rough measure to grasp the "economic value" of the Awaji Yumebutai.
 Awaji Yumebutai construction outline - Architect: Hyogo Prefecture, Yumebutai Corporation (third sector) - Design Period: 1993/4-1994/12 (before the earthquake) 1995/10-1996/12 (after the earthquake) Construction Period: 1997.07-1999.12 Opened March 2003 Site Area: 213,930m2 Total Floor Area: 95 Design: Construction: Takenaka Corporation, Shimizu Corporation, and 11 other companies (JV).

  The term "urban guerrilla" is well known as an expression of the design philosophy of the architect Tadao Ando, who was the "general designer" of these national projects. The following words are said to be his own words.
 We are not an "army" consisting of a single commander and soldiers who follow his orders. We are a group of guerrillas, individuals with common ideals, convictions, and duties, who live their lives at their own peril.
 I have visited many of Tadao Ando's works, from the small house "Sumiyoshi no nagaya" and the Ryotaro Shiba Memorial Museum to the Chichu Art Museum on Naoshima, but in terms of grand scale, this Awaji Yumebutai is truly a masterpiece.
 While I normally live in a house the size of my imagination, this scale is far beyond what I expected (laughs). It is almost like designing a "landscape" of the entire topography.

