

【農本主義から資本主義へ社会転換 中山道・浦和宿の町家-9】

2023-07-18 05:57:58 | 日記


English version⬇
Social Transformation from Farmerism to Capitalism: Machiya in Urawa-juku, Nakasendo - 9
A major social transformation to a commodity distribution economy in a concentrated city. This group of merchant houses visualizes the transformation from the Edo period to the present day. ...

During the Edo period, Japan, originally a maritime nation, restricted overseas development through trade and created a society that prioritized domestic security. In this society, the economy was based on the values of the samurai clans, which were strongly attached to the land, and the economic scale of each clan was basically based on rice production, which was defined by the rice production standard of 10,000 goku.
 However, around 1700, about 100 years after the establishment of the Edo shogunate, rice production reached 30 million koku, which was in harmony with the total population of 30 million, and remained stable until the end of the Edo period. The standard for calculating the unit is that each person in the population consumes one stone of rice per year.
 When rice production, which is the basis of the unit, was fixed at a certain level without increasing, it was natural to think of using farmland for other commodity crops. In such a situation, open-minded clans and others actively worked to produce "specialty products" on a national scale, with an eye on the nationwide distribution market in Osaka. From the mid-Edo period onward, the diversification of such commodity crops progressed beyond rice production.
 This may be the result of the economic development of society as a whole, which has shifted from a fixed, single-footed rice economy to one in which a variety of commodity crops are at the center of the economy. The business of merchants who selectively traded fertilizers optimized for each of the various commodity crops may have been established. The political changes that led to the opening of Japan to the outside world at the end of the Edo period can be seen as an inevitable consequence of this economic development.
 In the postwar period, my father's family was engaged in the business of buying commodity crops from Hokkaido and sending them to the Osaka market. He was engaged in a speculative business, focusing not only on the status of tenant farmers, which had been gained through the liberation of smallholdings, but also on the distribution of commodity crops, so to speak, and the structure of the market on a national scale.
 For a time, he tried to gain profit by producing "lily root" intensively in the area centering on Kurisawa, Hokkaido, where it had taken root since his parents' generation, and sending it to Osaka. However, the commodity market was prone to "crash prices. After sending a large quantity of lily bulb to Osaka with all his money, he received a telegram immediately saying, "The market price of lily bulb in Osaka has plummeted! The company was able to avoid the crisis by stopping the wagons in Niigata and sending them to the Kanto region, where the market had not yet plummeted.
 I have heard my father say that this was the beginning of his later foray into the food manufacturing business in Sapporo, as he was deeply aware of the dangers of being too speculative.
 By looking at the old architecture of Urawa, which has the commonality of being a merchant house on a street, I think I was able to see in concrete terms the history of the people's lives during the transition from an agrarian to a capitalist economy from the Edo period to today. I was also able to synchronize the transition of my family's history. I was able to replay some very vivid memories.
 Although I have seen the history of housing in Hokkaido, I feel that this kind of business of a merchant family is more realistic and gives me a greater sense of depth from the perspective of the research.

