English version⬇
Nippon is moving back from IT to analog.
I was surprised to hear the announcement that people nowadays use paper medication registers. And this pamphlet is 14 years old. How much has the progress of IT in Japan been hampered? ...
With the aging of the population, we are seeing more and more hospital visits. Well, I think it is inevitable.
I had been receiving my medication at a particular "family doctor" for a long time, and the "pharmacy" there recommended a medication notebook application, which I immediately downloaded to my smartphone as a natural "IT" move, and was happy that I did not have to bring it with me every time like my previous "medication notebooks".
I was not familiar with this kind of information and was ignorant of the details of this area. I naively believed that all pharmacies would share my medication information and that the information would naturally be shared with the hospitals as well.
However, as I began to see patients at more and more hospitals, I was asked, "Um, do you have your medication book? I answered, "Oh, I use an app on my smartphone. I had no idea about the subtlety (?) of the pharmacy's reaction at that time. I had not given any thought to the pharmacy's reaction.
Recently, however, I have come to realize that the "Medication Notebook App" only functions as a means of "user retention" for each specific pharmacy chain, and that information is not shared at all, not only between pharmacies, but also with the hospitals, which is the important thing.
As a patient, all I could think about was what I believed about my health, medical care, and drugs. I was truly horrified to learn that the only purpose of "IT" was to "enclose" information. That's ridiculous.
In my case, I have two hospitals/clinics as my regular "family practice," and I was shocked to find out that even these hospitals/clinics do not share information.
That is why I was given the pamphlet pictured. It says to always keep a paper analog version of your medication handbook in case of "disasters and emergencies. My first thought was, "Oi oi oi. I had mistakenly thought that it was for this year, but it turns out that it is for the year 2012.
The hospital had announced that the "Medication Record Book App" of a self-serving pharmacy chain did not share the important information about the patient's medication status, and that the paper version should be used. This was a paper pamphlet from 14 years ago. IT has not progressed at all in this area for such a long time.
My mind was in turmoil for a while.
I knew from information that there were some people who were "against" the MyNa card, but I was beyond surprised to find out that we have come to this kind of reality. I was so stunned by my own "information-impairedness" that I couldn't even say anything.
I wish I could say enough.
The whole world has been plunging into IT and information technology, and even the work environment has been progressing in this way, but even in the important area of health, the trend has been from IT to analog, perhaps as a result of opposition movements.
As a senior citizen, I felt I had to speak out against this.