

【弥生期の死と墳墓 日本列島37,000年史-36】

2022-12-06 05:59:00 | 日記




English version⬇

Death and Tombs in the Yayoi Period: The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago - 36
The tombs are silent time capsules of the state of society. The tombs are a quiet time capsule of the state of society, from which the way of life of our ancestors and their way of living naturally emerge. The Tomb of the Dead

As we saw yesterday, the industrial revolution in the form of iron was probably the defining factor in the Yayoi period.
Iron manufacturing technology developed in mainland China was first introduced directly into Japan.
Later, ironmaking materials were imported and "forged" on site.
In rice paddy farming, which is based on collective labor, the management of iron tools was of paramount importance.
This was the fundamental meaning of the advancement of the power structure of domination.
It is said that there are traces of the ironworking at the Yoshinogari site, and even at the Asuka Palace, which was built much later, traces of ironworking have been found.
The remains of a blacksmith workshop have been excavated within a few hundred meters of the center of royal authority.
This seems to have been the key factor in the subsequent "history of Japan.

In such a society, the deaths of many of its predecessors were layered on top of each other.
The Yayoi society was established around the 10th century B.C., and for about 1,200 years, various graves were excavated in various locations until the "front-recessed circular mounds" were established in the Kinki region.
Various tombs were built in various places for approximately 1,200 years until the "front-recessed circle burial mounds" were established in the Kinki region.
The death of a person represents the phase of the time, and the nature of people's prayers can also be seen.
The following are examples of tombs excavated throughout Japan in chronological order.
Stone Tomb <8th century B.C.-4th century B.C.E.> Shido Stone Tomb Group, Fukuoka Prefecture
A 1m square table-shaped flat stone supported by table-leg stones.
They are found only in western Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, and Kumamoto.
Tomb of a visitor to Japan <6th century B.C.-1st century B.C.E.> Doigahama site, Yamaguchi Prefecture
A mass grave constructed on a sand dune. The fact that people taller than the Jomon were buried here suggests that they were "migrant" people from the Korean Peninsula.
The fact that people taller than the Jomon people were buried in these graves has become the basis for the theory that these people came to Japan from the Korean Peninsula.
Square ditch tombs (3rd century B.C.E. - Uryudo site, Osaka Prefecture)
This is an unusual shape of a tomb from the southern part of the Korean Peninsula, in which a square trench was dug and a fill of more than 1 m was placed inside the trench.
It is a square with one side measuring 10 to 20 meters.
Large mound tomb <3rd century B.C.E. - Kami Site, Osaka Prefecture
The mound is large, measuring 26 x 15 m and 3 m high. 23 wooden coffins were found in the mound. Fourteen adult coffins and nine child coffins were found.
The coffins were found to be rich in burial accessories.
Reburial Tomb <3rd century BC - Izumisakashita site, Ibaraki Prefecture>.
A grave in which the remains of a deceased person were reduced to bones and a portion of the bones were placed in an urn or other container. Jomon type, distributed in the Kanto region, Fukushima, Niigata, and other areas.
The graves were distributed in the Kanto region, Fukushima, Niigata, and other areas. The number of these tombs decreased drastically when rice paddy farming began.
Square ditch tombs (2nd century B.C.-1st century B.C.-Toshikatsuchi site, Kanagawa Prefecture)
About 25 graves were found, but it is thought that there were originally about 30.
It is thought that there were originally about 30 of these tombs.
Jar coffin tomb (1st century B.C. - Tateiwa site, Fukuoka Prefecture)
These are jars or pots more than 70 cm high made exclusively for coffins and are found in Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, and Kagoshima.
They are distributed in Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, and Kagoshima. They were made from the 6th century BC to the 3rd century AD.

The archipelago's society is a combination of the native Jomon people
and those who migrated to the archipelago as the "frontier of East Asia" with rice cultivation in the paddy fields.
The mixture of native Jomon people and those who migrated to the archipelago as "the frontier of East Asia" along with paddy rice cultivation is quietly conveyed.
Eventually, the tomb system progressed from the Kofun period to the introduction of Buddhism.
Kofun tombs are symbols of power and are contrasted with the architecture of temples that followed.
In this sense, the shape of these tombs can be seen as an expression of architectural orientation.
Knowing the thoughts of our ancestors is probably synonymous with knowing ourselves. I bow my head in prayer.


