

【沖縄の貝塚文化と農耕・戦争社会 日本列島37,000年史-37】

2022-12-07 06:12:57 | 日記




English version⬇

Okinawa's Shell Mound Culture, Agriculture, and War Society 37,000 Years of Japanese History-37
Okinawa began agriculture around the 12th century. Okinawa began agriculture around the 12th century and entered the age of warring gusuku. Proof that agriculture was the foundation of politics, war, and power. ...

Now, the National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore's exhibition from the prehistoric age to the founding of the nation
I was motivated by the great renewal of the National Museum of Japanese History's exhibition from the prehistoric age to the period of the nation's founding.
Tomorrow, I would like to move on to the next topic, the period of the founding of the nation.
I have been motivated by the idea of reconstructing history based on archaeological findings.
In that sense, it's a period that will have a lot of literary materials from then on.
This will be my greatest field of interest.
I mentioned the other day the heterogeneous situation of the island of Hokkaido.
I am also learning about how they maintained their own unique cultural style because I am a Hokkaido native.
I have visited various archaeological sites and have a vivid sense of it.
On the other hand, I do not know much about the archaeology of Okinawa.
I have visited a museum in Naha, but it didn't really hit me.
The reality of the society before the Gusuku period (12th to 16th century) is still unclear.
In Okinawa, there was no Yayoi period when rice was cultivated, and the main occupation during that period is thought to have been fishing.
For this reason, it is called the late shell mound period or the parallel Yayoi and Kofun periods.
Uken Shell Mound in Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture, which is said to be a representative shell mound site, has two gohora shell rings and six mussel shell rings.
At Uken Shell Mound in Uruma City, Okinawa Prefecture, two gohora shell rings, six mussel shell rings, and three pieces of square rectangular mirrors have been excavated.
In addition, glass beads, plate iron axes, whetstones, and pottery from the late Yayoi period have also been excavated.
However, it cannot be said that research on the actual state of society has progressed. The National Museum of Japanese History and Folklore, the Okinawa Prefectural Museum, and other museums have conducted research on the actual state of society.
The National Museum of Japanese History and Okinawa Prefectural Museum's research results will be expected in the future.

In the National Museum of Japanese History exhibition, the above image was created.
In the Okinawa and Amami areas, it is summarized as "shell mound culture" adapted to the coral reef topography environment.
How can we say that this is a very sea people lifestyle?
So, as a result, after gathering shellfish and other animals and eating their flesh.
After gathering shellfish and eating the meat, the shells were processed and offered to the mainland as "trade goods" in exchange for rice and ironware.
In exchange, they acquired useful commodities such as rice and ironware.
Although there are differences in environmental requirements, is this lifestyle similar to that of the "Sequel to Jomon" in Hokkaido?
In Hokkaido, "agriculture" did not begin in earnest until the Meiji period.
As a result, political power was limited to a "tribal" chief system.
In Okinawa, on the other hand, the Gusuku period began in the 12th-15th century, and it was there that agriculture began to become universal.
As soon as agriculture became universalized, gusuku (castles), politics, war, and military affairs dominated the world.
This is a clear indication that agriculture is the foundation of politics and power.

Agriculture has brought about population growth up to the present day, but the next society must be able to sustain this increase in population.
Can the next society sustain this increase in population?
If agriculture is mankind's macroscopic response to the global climate, there is a possibility that an environment will arise in the future that will make it difficult for agriculture to be established.
If agriculture is a macroscopic response to the global climate, there is a possibility that an environment will arise in the future that will make it difficult for agriculture to take root.
I also believe that the world is entering a phase of population decline due to social causes.
What does the "will of the earth" have in store for mankind?
...With this, the Yayoi period has come to an end, and we are finally entering the period of the creation of the Japanese nation.


