


2023-08-02 06:39:32 | 日記

 ちょうど2番目の地図では、関東平野地域の地形変化ぶりを表現していますが、利根川を東遷させた水路の最終地が、これらの神が鎮座する地域に相当するのですね。利根川東遷でこの地域に流路変更させたこととの歴史的関係性は? それは偶然なのか?

English version⬇

From the traces of the eastward shift of the Tone River to Kashima Jingu Shrine and the three shrines in the eastern part of Japan
Ieyasu was a warlord, but more than that, he was a remodeler of the Japanese archipelago dozens of times greater than Kakuei Tanaka. His frontier spirit can be traced back to the development of Hokkaido. Hokkaido

Well, we have finished the series of the old private house garden in Urawa until yesterday.
 In reconfirming the ancient state of the Kanto region, I have come to understand how a huge natural transformation called the eastward shift of the Tone River took place in the early Edo period (1603-1868), which resulted in the increased regional stability of the capital region, Edo Tokyo.
 The other day in China, the typhoon damage caused by the typhoon was reported as a major flooding in the capital city of Beijing. News footage from Beijing showed concrete bridges collapsing. The summer heat this year is said to be abnormal and the climate is said to be getting more violent, but what do you think?
 It can be inferred that flood damage like that was common in Japan before Ieyasu's massive civil engineering works. Considering that the effectiveness of the public works project of moving the Tone River eastward was the basis for the subsequent development of the capital city of Tokyo, we are informed of the weight of our predecessors' labor and hardship. Ieyasu was not only the supreme ruler of the Warring States period, but he was also a man of decisive judgment and political power in the key political issue of flood control. I wonder how much of this less dramatic side of Ieyasu will be explored in "What to Do About Ieyasu" in the future? There is a story that Honda Tadakatsu, who served as a military commander, lamented Ieyasu's politically-centered stance in his later years, saying, "Tell him that Heihachi ended up with a rotten stomach (due to anger).
 I am interested in this area. Now, what about "What to do, Ieyasu?
 So, back to the Tone River, which was the largest rampaging river in the Kanto region and an obstacle to regional development in the Kanto region. I was strongly interested in the area facing the Pacific Ocean before Ieyasu moved it eastward to increase the effectiveness of flood control and achieve economic stability in his domain, and the area around the three shrines of the East, Kashima Shrine, Katori Shrine, and Katori Shrine, which are located near the sea from Kasumigaura to Katori.
 Just the second map shows the topographical changes in the Kanto Plain area, and the final location of the waterway that moved the Tone River eastward corresponds to the area where these deities are located. What is the historical relationship between the Tone River's eastward shift and the fact that the flow path was changed in this area? Is it a coincidence?
 It is clear that this was a national land reform plan that went right across the Kanto Plain. You can see that Ieyasu was more than a warlord, he was a "remodeler of the Japanese archipelago" dozens of times more than Kakuei Tanaka.
 In Hokkaido, there was no need to remodel the natural environment to this extent, but instead, frontier settlements in response to the cold climate and the development of housing technology to make houses highly insulated and airtight were essential, which can be compared to the Tone River Eastward Transition.
 As a Hokkaido native, I have sometimes been exploring the history of the three shrines in the eastern part of the country, because I cannot think of them as traces of ancestors unrelated to me.
 Although the area is quite far from Hokkaido, it has become relatively close to us thanks to the convenience of flights from Narita Airport. In light of this, I would like to explore the final route basin of the Tone River's eastward transition.


