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3. 皇室 The Imperial Family…ΣΨΔ

2013-11-06 22:40:57 | 日記


氏・姓・名字[編集] → He,family name,surname[editing]

日本の皇室は現在の日本国に繋がる国家が始まって以来、続いている。 → TheJapanese Imperial Family follows sinceanation leading to current Japan began.

故に、天皇や皇族は氏姓及び名字を持た無いとされる。 → Thus,lineage groups and hereditary titles andasurname are said totheEmperor andtheroyalty that there is not have.

宮家の当主が有する「○○宮」の称号は、宮家の当主個人の称号(宮号)とされており、苗字には当たらない。 → Thetitle ofthe"○○ shrine whichthepresent head of a household oftheroyal house has is considered to bethetitle(Royal title awarded by an emperor to his son)ofthepresent head of a household individual oftheroyal house and is notthefamily name.

古代日本において、氏姓、即ち「氏(うじ)」「名(な)」と「姓(かばね)」は天皇が臣下へ賜与するものと位置付けられていた(→氏姓制度)。 → In ancient Japan lineage groups and hereditary titles namely "she"(maggot) the"name "family name"(spring)thattheEmperor makes 賜与 toasubject placed (→ system of lineage groups and hereditary titles)."

天皇は、氏姓を与える超越的な地位にあり、天皇に氏姓を与える上位の存在がなかった故に、天皇は氏姓を持たなかったとされる。 → There istheEmperor inthetranscendence-like position giving lineage groups and hereditary titles,and it is said thattheEmperor did not have lineage groups and hereditary titles because there was not higher existence to givetheEmperor lineage groups and hereditary titles.

この事は、東アジア世界に於いて、非常に独特なものである。 → This thing is very unique intheEast Asia world.

これにより、古代より現在に至るまで、日本で王朝が変わった事が無いとされる。 → It is in this way said thatadynasty did not change in Japan up tothepresent fromtheancient times.

延久4年(1072年)に日本の仏教僧である成尋は北宋の神宗への謁見で「本国の王は何というか」と尋ねられた際に「本国の王に姓なし」と答えた文献がある。 → There are "what it is said with as fortheKing oftheown country" byanaudience to Takashi God of north Soong in 成尋 which isaJapanese Buddhist monk in(1072)for Enkyu era four years documents whichIanswered,"there is no family name fortheKing oftheown country" when it was asked.

しかし、「ウジ、カバネ」が制度化される以前の大王(天皇の前身)は、姓を有していたとされる。 → However,it is said thatthegreat king(forerunner oftheEmperor)before "maggot,Kabane." are institutionalized hadafamily name.

5世紀の倭の五王が、倭讃、倭済等と称した事が『宋書』倭国伝、文帝紀等に見え、当時の倭国王が「倭」姓を称していた事が分かる。 → "Soong book" Japan biography, thesentence Imperial document show thatafive king of Japan ofthefifth century called itself tribute to Japan,Japan finished and know that then Japan King named "Japan" family name it.

この事から、宋との冊封関係を結ぶ上で、ヤマト王権の王が姓を称する必要があったのだと考えられている。 → It is thought that King oftheYamato sovereignty had to nameafamily name it in linking 冊封関係 with Soong from this thing.

また、『隋書』倭国伝に倭国王の姓を「阿毎」(あま、あめ)とする記述があり、7世紀初頭まで大王家が姓を有していたとする説もあるが、中国風の一字姓で無い事から「阿毎」は姓で無いとする説もある(但し、中国にも2字姓が無い訳では無い。 → In addition,"Flatter it,and every",there are(Ama,rain)andadescription to do withafamily name oftheKing of Japan in "Sui book" Japan biography,and there istheopinion which royal families hadafamily name very much untiltheearly seventh century,but "Flatter it,and there istheopinion which every",there is not withはfamily name fromthething that there is not with one character family name oftheSinicism(but China has two characters family name.)

「諸葛氏」「司馬氏」など)。 → )such as "Morokuzu" "Mr. government position in ancient China."

大王家の「倭」姓は、中国の冊封体制から離脱した5世紀末、氏姓制度の形成が進んだ5世紀末から6世紀前半迄の間に放棄されたとする説も提出されている。 → Theopinion abandoned to fromtheend of fifth century whentheformation ofthesystem of lineage groups and hereditary titles advanced attheend of fifth century whenthe"Japan" family name of great royal families left Chinese 冊封体制 totheearly sixth century is submitted.

吉田孝は、倭国が5世紀末に中国の冊封体制から離脱し、7世紀初頭の推古朝でも倭国王に冊封されなかった事が、大王=天皇が姓を持たず「姓」制度を超越し続けた事に繋がったとしている。 → Japan leaves Chinese 冊封体制 attheend of fifth century,and Takashi Yoshida does 冊封 to King of Japan intheSuiko dynasty intheearly seventh century when what was not done was connected in having continued transcendinga"family name" system withoutthegreat king=Emperor havingafamily name.

関連項目[編集] → Item[editing]concerned

皇室の儀式 → Ceremony oftheImperial Family

天皇 → TheEmperor

皇室の系図一覧 → List of genealogies oftheImperial Family

宮家一覧 → List of royal houses

皇族 → Theroyalty

旧皇族 → Theold royalty

臣籍降下 → Status of a subject descent

皇別摂家 → Ex-Imperial family commoner family of the regent and the chief advisor to the Emperor

皇別 → Ex-Imperial family commoner

『皇室』 -扶桑社発行の雑誌 → "TheImperial Family" Magazine of published by Fuso Corporation

皇室追っかけ → Imperial Family groupie

王室 → TheRoyal Family

菊タブー → Chrysanthemum taboo

皇室の伝統文化[編集] → Traditional culture[editing]oftheImperial Family

雅楽 → Gagaku

講書始 → New Year's lecture in literature

天覧相撲 → His Majesty's inspection sumo

歌会始 → Imperial New Year Poetry Party

蹴鞠 → Football

古式馬術(打毬・母衣引)鴨場 → Ancient equestrianism(打毬,母衣引) Duck ground

御料鵜飼 → Imperial property cormorant fishing

皇室に関係する法律[編集] → Law[editing]to be related totheImperial Family

日本国憲法 → TheConstitution of Japan

皇室典範 → Imperial House Act

国事行為の臨時代行に関する法律皇室経済法 → Law Imperial House Economy Act aboutthedischarging the emperor's constitutional functions as a proxy

皇室経済法施行法 → Imperial House Economy Act enforcement law

宮内庁法 → TheImperial Household Agency method

皇室に関係する行政機関等[編集] → Theadministrations which are related totheImperial Family[editing]

宮内庁-皇室関係の事務等皇宮警察本部-天皇及び皇族の護衛等皇室会議-皇室の重要な事項を合議、皇族も議員として参加皇室経済会議-皇室経済に関する重要な事項を審議。 → Thematter thattheImperial council-Imperial Family is important totheguards oftheImperial Guard Headquarters-Emperor andtheroyalty as fortheImperial Household Agency-Imperial Family-related office work as fortheconsultation, theroyalty asamember of the Diet isthedeliberation withanimportant matter abouttheparticipation Imperial Household Economy Council-Imperial Family economy.

掌典職-宮中祭祀を担当皇室を扱うテレビ番組[編集] → TV program[editing]which handlesthecharge Imperial Family by post of ritualist-Imperial Court religious service

皇室アルバム(毎日放送)皇室ご一家(フジテレビ)皇室日記(日本テレビ)皇室スペシャル(TBS、テレビ朝日、テレビ東京)皇太子夫妻結婚記念日特集(不定) → Imperial Family album(Mainichi Broadcasting System)Imperial Family family(Fuji TV)Imperial Family diary(Nippon Television)Imperial Family special(TBS,Asahi National Broadcasting,TV Tokyo Channel 12)Waleses wedding anniversary special feature(theuncertainty)

脚注[編集] → footnote[editing]

^岡田英弘「第五章 最初の王朝」(『倭国』中央公論社,1977,pp.147-183)、「神話が作った大和朝廷」(『日本史の誕生』筑摩書房,2008)pp.245-267。 → It is pp.245-267("birth Tsukama bookshop oftheJapanese history",2008) ^Hidehiro Okada "Chapter 5's first dynasty"("Japan" Chuokoron-Sha,1977,pp.147-183), "theYamato Imperial Court whichamyth made".

^中西輝政『日本人としてこれだけは知っておきたいこと』PHP研究所、2006年、170頁。 ISBN4569648444。 → For^Terumasa Nakanishi"wanting to know only this asaJapanese" PHP Institute Office,2,006 years,it is page 170. ISBN 4569648444.

^ “寛仁親王家廃止、5宮家に=1年前にさかのぼり-ご一家、三笠宮家でお世話・宮内庁”.時事ドットコム(時事通信社). (2013年6月10日)2013年6月10日閲覧。 → ^"generosity Imperial prince's familyIabolish it and date back to5royal houses one year before= -family,Mikasa royal house care,Imperial Household Agency" current events dot-com(Jiji Press). (June 10, 2013)June 10, 2013 reading.

^ “寛仁親王家廃し三笠宮家に合流 逝去1年、当主決まらず”.朝日新聞デジタル(朝日新聞社). (2013年6月10日)2013年6月10日閲覧。 → "Abolish it,and it is not decided our master intheMikasa royal houseagenerosity Imperial prince's family^for junction death one year";Asahi Shimbun digital(Asahi Shimbun). (June 10, 2013)June 10, 2013 reading.

^ “皇室の構成図”.2012年10月16日閲覧。 → ^"figure of constitution .2012 years October 16 reading oftheImperial Family."

^皇太子徳仁親王の学友である賀陽正憲^abcd吉田孝『日本の誕生』岩波書店<岩波新書>、1997、ISBN4004305101^吉村武彦「倭の五王の時代」 『古代史の基礎知識』角川書店<角川選書>、2005、ISBN4047033731外部 → In positive Masanori ^ab c dTakashi Yoshida "birth Iwanami Shoten<Iwanami new book>of Japan",1997,4004305101 ISBN^Takehiko Yoshimura "times of five King of Japan" to congratulate it that areaschool fellow oftheHis Imperial Highness Prince^Naruhito Kotaishi "basic knowledge Kadokawa Publishing<Tsunogawa selected books>oftheancient history",2005,4047033731 ISBN

リンク[編集] → outside links[editing]

宮内庁 → Imperial Household Agency

皇室の構成図 → Figure of constitution oftheImperial Family

皇室 → TheImperial Family

一覧 → List

天皇の一覧-皇后の一覧-皇室系図の一覧身位 → List of list-Imperial Family genealogies ofthelist-empress oftheEmperor Body rank

天皇(今上天皇) -皇后-太皇太后-皇太后-皇太子-皇太子妃 → TheEmperor(thepresent Emperor) -empress-mother of the Empress Dowager-Empress Dowager-Crown Prince-Crown Princess

親王-親王妃-内親王-親王宣下王-王妃-女王 → Imperial prince-Imperial prince princess-Imperial princess-nomination of an Imperial prince king-queen-Queen

宮家-直宮家-皇族-内廷皇族-摂政-御称号-宮号-お印-皇別-皇別摂家-旧皇族宮中祭祀 → Person of royal house-Imperial Family linearly related to the Emperor-royalty-inner court royalty-regency-title-Royal title awarded by an emperor to his son-small present-ex-Imperial family commoner-ex-Imperial family commoner family of the regent and the chief advisor to the Emperor-old royalty Imperial Court religious service

宮中三殿-天照大神(皇祖神) -伊勢神宮-神-日本神話-神道 → Three houses in the Imperial Palace-Sun-Goddess(ancestor of the Emperor God) -Ise-jingu Grand Shrine-God-Japan myth-Shinto

公務・制度 → Government affairs,system

国事行為-行幸・行啓-園遊会-皇室典範-皇室経済法-皇室会議 → Acts in matters of state-royal visit, theImperial attendance-garden party-Imperial House Act-Imperial House Economy Act-Imperial council

皇室の儀式・行事 → Ceremony,event oftheImperial Family

即位の礼-大喪の礼-立太子の礼 → Etiquette oftheetiquette-imperial funeral-official investiture of the Crown Prince oftheenthronement

講書始-歌会始-雅楽-蹴鞠-鴨場-古式馬術(打毬・母衣引)宝物・御物 → New Year's lecture in literature-Imperial New Year Poetry Party-gagaku-football-duck ground-ancient rite equestrianism(打毬,母衣引)treasure,magistrate in charge of managing the shogunate's private property

三種の神器(八咫鏡-八尺瓊勾玉-天叢雲剣) -正倉院-三の丸尚蔵館 -御府 → It is stillastorehouse building-prefecture three kinds of sacred treasures(themirror-big ball comma-shaped bead-Grass-Mowing Sword) -Shoso-in-outermost outworks

居所・陵墓 → Whereabouts,Imperial mausoleum

皇居-京都御所-大宮御所-東宮御所-赤坂御用地-御用邸-離宮-天皇陵-豊島岡墓地 → Shimaoka graveyard full of Imperial Palace-Kyoto Imperial Palace-Omiya Imperial Palace-Crown Prince's Palace-Akasaka Goyochi-Imperial Villa-imperial villa-sky Imperial mausoleum-

組織 → Organization

宮内庁-侍従-宮内庁侍従職-皇宮警察本部-皇宮護衛官-菊葉文化協会-菊栄親睦会 → Imperial Household Agency-chamberlain-Imperial Household Agency Board of the Chamberlains-Imperial Guard Headquarters-Imperial Palace guards official-chrysanthemum leaf lyceum-chrysanthemum Sakae party

その他 → Others

菊花紋章-君が代-お召し列車-皇室用客車-御料車-皇室財産-皇室費用-掌典職 → Post of passenger car-Royal carriage-Imperial property-Imperial Family expense-ritualist fortheChrysanthemum flower crest-Kimigayo-Imperial train-Imperial Family

「http://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=皇室&oldid=48858704」から取得カテゴリ: → It isanacquisition category from "http://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title= Imperial Family &oldid=48858704":

日本の皇室 → TheJapanese Imperial Family

