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食人 ひかりごけ terrorist 人質監禁 兵糧攻め

2014-05-12 17:17:17 | 日記

「"#食人"」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文検

ひかりごけ事件 → ひかりごけ case

残虐の日本史 → Japanese history ofthebrutality

#テロリスト → #Terrorist

#人質監禁 → #Hostage #imprisonment

#籠城 → #Siege

#兵糧攻め → #Starvation #tactics

残虐の日本史 → Japanese history ofthebrutality

ひかりごけ事件 → Hikarigoke case

1943年、太平洋戦争中に北海道目梨郡で発生した死体損壊事件。 → Thebody destruction case that occurred in Menashi-gun, Hokkaido all overthePacific War in 1943.

真冬の知床岬沖で日本陸軍の船が難破した。 → Aship oftheJapanese army was wrecked off Shiretokomisaki ofthedepth of winters.

極限状態の船長は既に息絶えていた船員の人肉を食べることで生き延びたとの事件だ。 → It isacase thatthecaptain who is inanextreme state survived by eatingthehuman flesh ofthesailor who has already ceased to breathe.

食人記録は数あれど、ひかりごけ事件日本史上、唯一裁判にかけられた食人事件と言われている。 → There isanumber,buttheman-eating record is said to beaman-eating case submitted totheonly trial in ひかりごけ case Japanese history.

武田泰淳が小説『ひかりごけ』にて題材にしたことでも有名だ。 → It is famous even that Taijun Takeda hadasubject in novel "Hikarigoke".

事件の発覚 → Detection ofthecase

1944年、知床岬からやや離れた街に住む老夫婦の家に、ある男が行き倒れた。 → A certain man went tothehouse oftheold couple who lived intheslightly remote town from Shiretokomisaki and,in 1944,fell down.

男の名は山田亀吉。 → Thename oftheman is Kamekichi Yamada.

難破した第五清進丸の船長であり、船員は全滅。 → It isacaptain of wrecked 第五清進丸,andasailor is exterminated.

自分だけが生き残ったと語ったそうだ。 → Iseemed to tell that only oneself survived.

極寒の地から生還した船長は「不死身の神兵」として激励を受けた。 → Thecaptain who came back alive fromtheground ofthesevere cold received encouragement as"animmortal soldier of divine protection".

しかし滞在した小屋の近くにある岩場であるものが発見された。 → However, thething which was a certain rocky place was discovered nearthehut whereIstayed in.

それは、中に人骨や人の皮膚がみっしりと詰まったリンゴ箱だった。 → It wasanapple box clogged up with human bone and skin がみっしりと oftheperson inside.

頭蓋骨は割られ、脳漿は空っぽだった。 → Theskull was broken,andthefluid in the brain was empty.

骨にはナイフで肉をこそぎ取った跡も残っていた。 → Thetrace which took meat をこそぎ withaknife was left ontherib.

警察は、船長が船員を殺害し人肉を食した容疑で、現場検証へと赴いた。 → Thepolice proceeded totheinspection of the scene on the suspicion ofacaptain killingasailor,and having eaten human flesh.

結果、船長は殺人、死体損壊、死体遺棄の罪で逮捕された。 → Theresult, thecaptain were arrested on the charge of murder,body destruction, theabandonment of a corpse.

「不死身の神兵」と持て囃していた男は、この逮捕をきっかけに生きるために手段を選ばない卑しき軍属だと蔑まれることになった。 → Whentheman whomIpraised to the skies as"animmortal soldier of divine protection" isthevulgar civilian employee who does anything to live triggered by this arrest,it will be looked down.

矛盾する判決 → Judgment to contradict it

逮捕された船長は栄養失調で死亡した西川という船員の遺体を食べたことは認めた。 → Thearrested captain admitted thatIatethecorpse ofthesailor called Nishikawa who died of malnutrition.

しかし、殺人に関しては否定を続けた。 → However, Icontinued denying it aboutthemurder.

遭難時小屋まで辿り着けたのは船長と西川の二人だけだったという。 → It is said that it was only captain and two of Nishikawa thatIwas able to arrive toahut atanaccident.

二人は常備してあった味噌などを溶かし飢えを凌いでいた。 → Two people dissolved miso had always ready and got over starvation.

それでも二人は衰弱し、遭難から45日目、西川は餓死した。 → Still two people weakened,and Nishikawa starved to death fromanaccident onthe45th day.

取調べで船長は「横たわる屍を見ていると我慢できなくなり、太腿の肉を削ぎ取り味噌で煮て食べた」と供述したとされている。 → It is said thatthecaptain testified it byaninvestigation when "I cannot stand whenIwatchalying corpse and chipthemeat ofthethigh and take it and boil it with miso and ate".

裁判の結果船長は懲役一年の実刑を受けた。 → Thecaptain gotaprison sentence of penal servitude one year as a result of trial.

食人行為は最も人道に反した行為という裁判長の判断だった。 → Theman-eating act wasajudgment ofthepresiding judge calledtheacts against humanity most.

だが、戦争時の食人行為は珍しいことではなかった。 → Buttheman-eating act at the time ofthewar was notarare thing.

公の場に出た以上は裁かねばならない。 → Since you appeared inthepublic place,you must judge it.

しかし、食人行為はナイーブな問題であるため、事を荒だてたくはない。 → However, Ido not want to raiseathing becauseaman-eating act isanaive problem.

結果、精神鑑定もせずに心神耗弱状態での死体損壊として処理された。 → It was worked to doaresult, thepsychiatric test as body destruction inthefeeble-mindedness state.

小説の影響 → Influence ofthenovel
1954年に武田泰淳がこの死体損壊事件をモチーフとして書き上げた小説「ひかりごけ」を発表した。 → Iannounced novel "ひかりごけ" where Taijun Takeda finished writing this body destruction case asamotif in 1954.

内容は武田泰淳が現地の郷土史、及び噂をもとにつくったフィクション小説だった。 → Thecontent wasthefiction novel which Taijun Takeda made based on local local history andarumor.

この小説が世に出るにつれて、内容が事実であるかのように世間に受け入れられた。 → As this novel appeared intheworld, Iwas accepted bytheworld as if contents were facts.

結果、船長は次々と船員を殺害し、遺体を貪り食べた食人狂であると語り継がれることになった。 → Aresult, thecaptain killasailor in sequence andItell that it istheman-eating maniac thatIcovetacorpse and ate and will be inherited.

船長の供述からすれば、食人行為を行ったことは認めたが殺害してはいないはずだ。 → Iadmitted thatIperformedaman-eating act,but,judging fromthetestimony ofthecaptain,cannot kill it.

しかし、小説の影響から船長は殺人鬼であるとの噂が広まり、実刑後、「あれが人食いか」といった陰口を叩かれることも多かったという → However, arumor thatacaptain isamurderous fiend spreads out fromtheinfluence ofthenovel,and it is said thatthebackbiting that "that is man-eating" was often criticized afteraprison sentence.

戊辰カニバリズム…Terrorist 人質監禁 兵糧糧攻め

2014-05-12 16:55:41 | 日記

「戌辰戦争」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文検

#テロリスト → #Terrorist

#人質監禁 → #Hostage #imprisonment

#籠城 → #Siege

#兵糧攻め → #Starvation #tactics

戊辰戦争とカニバリズム → Boshin War and cannibalism

残虐の日本史 → Japanese history ofthebrutality


残虐の日本史 → Japanese history ofthebrutality

戊辰戦争とカニバリズム → Boshin War and cannibalism

戊辰戦争の際、新政府軍と旧幕府軍双方で、さかんに人肉食が行われていた。 → In the case of Boshin War, ahuman flesh meal was carried out flourishingly in new government troop and both old Shogunate forces.

この時代、薩摩では「勇敢な人物の肉や生き肝を喰らうと、その力にあやかれる」という迷信があった。 → We hadasuperstition "to be able to sharethepower whenIdrank meat andtheliver ofabrave person" in this time in Satsuma.

長州藩兵・椿太郎吉の証言によると、ある薩摩藩兵が敵の間諜(スパイ)や相撲取りを捕縛して斬首し、その肝を龕灯(がんどう)提灯に入れて持ち歩き「煮て食うから後で来い」と誘われた、と。 → When a certain Satsuma feudal clan soldier arrestedasecret agent(spy)andthesumo wrestler oftheenemy and,according tothetestimony of Choshu feudal clan soldier,camellia Tarokichi,didanartifact of a severed head and was invited whenIputtheliver in 龕灯(how aboutacancer)lantern and carried it and "it was after it and came becauseIboiled it and ate it."

また会津藩では、少年兵・町野久吉が銃で撃たれて死亡した後、新政府軍兵士や村人らによって、胴体や四肢の肉を削ぎ取られて食べられている。 → In addition, Ichipthemeat ofthebody and limbs and have it stolen,and it is eaten by new government troop soldier and villager and others after child soldier,Kyukichi Machino being shot withagun intheAizu feudal clan,and having died.

うち一人は永井村(群馬県新治村)の漁師だったが、昭和3年に死去する直前、病床で「久吉が来る、久吉が来る」と絶叫してこの世を去ったとの記録が残っている。 → Ibeat,andtheone wasafisherman oftheNagai village(Niihari, Gunma village),butarecord thatIexclaim when "Kyukichi whom Kyukichi comes to comes" just before that inasickbed and lefttheworld to die in 1928 stays.

酔狂下でのカニバリズムと、のちの太平洋戦争下の飢餓状態でのそれとは、まるで意味が違う。 → Ameaning is totally different from cannibalism underthefun and that of starvation state undertheのちの Pacific War.

幕軍の人肉食 → Human flesh food oftheTokugawa shogunate army

幕軍側の会津藩兵の手記に目をやると、遠藤平太「会津戊辰戦争従軍記」に、越後の戦闘で敵の肝を食べた味方兵士が口から泡を吹き、発狂したとの記述が見て取れる。 → Thefriend soldier who atetheliver oftheenemy blows onabubble withabattle of Echigo fromamouth,and Endo mask of a warrior in the prime of life "description of Aizu Boshin War service in a war" can graspadescription thatIwent mad whenIlook inthenote oftheAizu feudal clan soldier oftheTokugawa shogunate army side.

そして、同じく会津藩兵の三沢千賀良(ちから)「暗涙之一滴」には、処刑したスパイの肉を怒りに任せて喰らおうとした者がいたが、陣中で禁じられているので、死体は山に棄てられたとの下りがある。 → And similarly,in Misawa Ryo Senga(power)"暗涙之一滴 oftheAizu feudal clan soldier ," there wastheperson whoIleavethemeat ofthespy whomIexecuted to anger,and was going to drink it,but there isadescent thatthebody was thrown away onthemountain because it is forbidden in in camp.

戊辰戦争の際の人肉食は、大体が迷信や激しい憎しみから来たものだろう。 → Human flesh food in case oftheBoshin War will bethething thatalarge body came out ofasuperstition and intense hatred.

倫理的に許されないと忌避した者もいれば、己の豪胆さを示すために、積極的に敵の肉へ齧り付いた者もいたようだ → There seemed to betheperson whomIbit it,andthemeat oftheenemy was accompanied by positively to show one's courage if there wastheperson whomIevaded when not permitted ethically.

残虐日本史 朝鮮人Terrorist 人質監禁 兵糧攻め

2014-05-12 16:39:07 | 日記


「兵糧攻め」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文検

#テロリスト → #Terrorist

#人質監禁 → #Hostage #imprisonment

#籠城 → #Siege

#兵糧攻め → #Starvation #tactics

残虐の日本史 → Japanese history ofthebrutality

秀吉の兵糧攻め → Starvation tactics of Hideyoshi

ひょうろう‐ぜめ〔ヒヤウラウ‐〕 【兵糧攻め】敵の食糧補給路を断ち、兵糧を欠乏させることによって打ち負かす攻め方。 → How to attack to defeat by lettingIcut offafood supply road,and food lack ひょうろう-ぜめ[ヒヤウラウ- ]【 starvation tactics】enemy.

食(じき)攻め。 → Ameal(soon)attack.

秀吉の兵糧攻め → Starvation tactics of Hideyoshi

紀伊・四国・越中から九州への攻略では、並々ならぬ力を発揮した豊臣秀吉 → Hideyoshi Toyotomi who showed extraordinary power inthecapture from Kii,Shikoku,Ecchu to Kyushu

兵糧攻めは篭城の兵士たちを飢餓に陥らせる残忍な戦法である。 → Thestarvation tactics isthebrutal tactics to let soldiers ofthesiege fall into starvation.

豊臣秀吉が特にこれを用いた。 → Hideyoshi Toyotomi used this in particular.

三木の干し殺し → Dried homicide of Miki

天正6年(1578)3月、播磨(兵庫県)三木城の別所長治が信長に離反、籠城戦を展開した。 → (1578)3 month,Nagaharu Bessho oftheHarima(Hyogo)Miki Castle developed estrangement, asiege war to Nobunaga for Tensho era six years.

城には、播磨の地侍や一向衆門徒を含め、総勢7500人が集まっていた。 → 7,500 people in all gathered inthecastle including ground samurai and earnestness a large number of people supporter of the Shinshu sect of Harima.

秀吉は、毛利氏からの補給路を絶ち、城中を飢餓に陥らせた。 → Hideyoshi cut offasupply road from Mori and let in a castle fall into starvation.

城内の者は飢えをしのぐ為に、牛や馬を食べ、草や木の根、木の皮を囓った。 → Becausetheperson inthecastle tides over starvation,eatacow andahorse;is囓った intheroot of grass andthetree, theskin of tree.

それもなくなると、虫や蛇、鼠を捕らえて食べ、果てには壁土の中の藁まで口にした。 → Icaughtaninsect andasnake, amouse and ate when it became without it and ate it to straw intheplaster to end.

ついに長治が降伏・自害したのは篭城から2年後の天正八年の年明けだった。 → It wasthenew year of Tensho era eight years two years afterthesiege that Nagaharu surrendered at last and killed.

「兵糧攻め」は相手を直接傷つけることはない。 → "Thestarvation tactics" does not hurtapartner directly.

だが、敵兵に深刻な痛手を与える残忍な戦術だ。 → But it isthebrutal tactics to giveaserious serious injury toanenemy.

秀吉による「三木の干し殺し」は、「鳥取の渇(かつ)え殺し」ともに現在も兵糧攻めの代名詞として並び称されている。 → By Hideyoshi"air it to death of Miki",and"get渇 (and)of Tottori to death",and is admired equally asapronoun ofthestarvation tactics now together.

鳥取の渇(かつ)え殺し秀吉は、三木の干し殺しの翌年、因幡(鳥取県東部)鳥取城にも兵糧攻めを用いた。 → Igot渇 (and)of Tottori to death,and Hideyoshi used starvation tactics forthenext year ofthedried homicide of Miki,Inaba(East Tottori)Tottori Castle.

鳥取城は毛利氏の支配下にあった。 → TheTottori Castle was under the control of Mori.

吉川経家が入城していた。 → Tsuneie Kikkawa entered a fortress.

秀吉は因幡国内の米を相場の倍で買占めをはじめた。 → Hideyoshi beganacorner with double ofthemarket price with rice oftheInaba.

米が無くなり城下では騒乱を起こった。 → Rice disappeared and was generated by turmoil in Shiroshita.

大勢の人々が鳥取城へ逃げ込んだ。 → A large number of people escaped into Tottori Castle.

鳥取城には20日分の兵糧しか用意されていなかった。 → Only food for 20th was prepared for Tottori Castle.

すぐに植物も牛馬も食い尽され、3ヶ月も経てば餓死者が続出した。 → Boththeplant andtheoxen and horses were eaten immediately exhaustively,and starvers appeared one after another in 3 months.

信長公記には、豊臣軍の兵士によって撃たれた人間が、まだ息があるのにも関わらず、人々が群がり集まって肉を削いで食べた、との記述がある。 → Toadescription of Prince Nobunaga,there isadescription that people gather in spite of there being still breath,and human beings shot bythesoldier oftheToyotomi forces gather and chip meat and ate.

脳味噌は水分が豊富で美味だったらしい。 → Ihad abundant water,andthebrain seemed to be delicious.

首は取り合いになった、との記述もある。 → Thedescription that he/she scrambled hastheneck.

籠城から4ヶ月後が経つ。 → Four months later passes fromasiege.

とうとう経家が降伏した。 → Ipassed,andahouse surrendered at last.

城内の人々には炊き出しが振る舞われた。 → Distribution of boiled rice was treatedthepeople inthecastle to.

しかし、あまりに急激に食べ過ぎたため、内臓への負担から半分以上は命を落としてしまった → However, theabove has half lost its life fromtheburden totheinternal organs becauseItoo suddenly overate myself.

ккк 窃盗団 朝鮮 強奪とは Withseizure

2014-05-12 11:52:12 | 日記

#ккк #窃盗団 #朝鮮

「を強奪する」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文

「強奪者」に関連した英語例文の一覧 - Weblio英語例文検索

「あなた方は災いだ,律法学者たちとファリサイ人たち,偽善者たちよ! あなた方は杯と皿の外側は清めるが,内側は強奪と不義で満ちているからだ。

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and unrighteousness. - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 23:25』

該当件数 : 13件


renegade supporters of the usurper - 日本語WordNet


robbery of a traveller or vehicle in transit or seizing control of a vehicle by the use of force - 日本語WordNet


During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners - 日本語WordNet


the latter own such property as they have seized, or such as has, under the sanction of usage, descended upon them from their forebears who seized and held it. - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』


a marauder and plunderer (originally operating in the bogs between England and Scotland) - 日本語WordNet


Commissioned by the plurality of prize distributors, transporters transport the special prizes and cash by transportation vehicles fitted with special equipment and can prevent robbery of cash and secure the safety of prize and cash transport. - 特許庁

「あなた方は災いだ,律法学者たちとファリサイ人たち,偽善者たちよ! あなた方は杯と皿の外側は清めるが,内側は強奪と不義で満ちているからだ。

“Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and unrighteousness. - 電網聖書『マタイによる福音書 23:25』


To provide theft prevention equipment for a checkout counter of an existing shop which can prevent crimes beforehand and avoid a property crime safely so that human's life may be protected against robbers for money who may come in and people concerned may not suffer from money robbery. - 特許庁


When the practice hardens into custom, the captor comes to exercise a customary right to exclusive use and abuse over the women he has seized; - Thorstein Veblen『所有権の起源』


Thus, it is possible to specify the other party of transaction, and to prevent the unauthorized transfer of electronic money between mobile wallets by, even when electronic money is seized by extortion or the like, notifying an operation manager or the like of the result, and freezing the account. - 特許庁


the worst of which were the work of an usurping few, and which, in any case, belonged, not to the permanent working of popular institutions, but to a sudden and convulsive outbreak against monarchical and aristocratic despotism. - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


In fact, according to "Mikawa Monogatari," the group of Nobukimi ANAYAMA, who accompanied Ieyasu but kept a certain distance because he had a considerable amount of money and goods and was afraid of being robbed of them by Ieyasu's valets was caught up and killed by natives who were looking for fleeing defeated warriors at the ferry on the bank of the present Kizu River (in the vicinity of the present Yamashiro-Ohashi in Kyotanabe City, Kyoto Province) in Tsuzuki County, Yamashiro Province. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


When the Honnoji Incident occurred while they were sightseeing in Sakai City (Osaka Prefecture), they tried to quickly return to Kai, but according to "Mikawa Monogatari" (Tales from Mikawa), as Nobukimi's party was carrying a lot of money and goods, they went a separate way for fear they might be robbed by Ieyasu's attendants; however, they were consequently attacked by natives who were holding up lost samurai along the Kizu-gawa River (near Yamashiro-Ohashi Bridge in the present-day Kyotanabe City, Kyoto Prefecture), and Nobukimi was killed. - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

強奪とは? → Withtheseizure?

和英辞典 → Japanese-English dictionary

〈土地・船などを〉 【形式ばった表現】(a)seizure〈車などを〉(a)hijack(ing) → It is〉(a) hijack(ing) by 〉【 form grasshopper expression】(a) seizure〈cars by〈land,ship

強奪する → Seize

seize → seize

robsomebodyofsomething → rob somebody of something

wrestsomethingfromsomebody → wrest something from somebody

【形式ばった表現】plunder → [form grasshopper expression]plunder

銀行から 300 万円を強奪する → Irobthebank of 3 million yen

robabankofthreemillionyen《★robは「不法に奪う」意で,暴力が伴わない「盗む」の意味にも用いることができる》 → 》whereIcan use robabank of three million yen 《★ rob forのmeaning"to steal" that violence is not accompanied by for will"to take illegally"



Japanese‐English dictionary


銀行から 300 万円を強奪する
rob a bank of three million yen


Japanese‐English dictionary


vessel; craft; ship; vehicle; watercraft


expression; representation

car; wheel; automobile; vehicle




expression; representation

rob a bank of three million yen

illicitly, illegally, lawlessly

usurp, arrogate, seize, take over, assume

meaning; mind; attention

violence; brute force; force


snatch, snatch up, snap

significance; meaning; sense

sweep up, adopt, espouse, embrace


2014-05-12 06:01:35 | 日記