

ドイツ発(datelined Germany): Netherlands COVID-19 cases jump by

2020-12-14 15:00:12 | 日記

2020年12月14日(Mon.) オランダも厳しい状況下にあるようです。(ニュースソース: DWーDE  12月13日発 )


Coronavirus digest: Netherlands COVID-19 cases jump by nearly 10,000

The number of new coronavirus infections in the Netherlands has jumped by almost 10,000 in the past 24 hours. Meanwhile, neighboring Germany will enter a harder lockdown within days. Follow DW for the latest.



The rise in numbers in the Netherlands marks the biggest jump since the end of October


In the Netherlands, the number of new coronavirus cases rose on Sunday by almost 10,000 — the largest spike the country has registered since the end of October. The country, with a population of nearly 17.3 million, implemented a partial lockdown in mid-October, although the effects appears to have waned. Hubert Bruls, the chairman of the Security Council which manages the country's disaster and crisis response, voiced support for a stricter lockdown to mirror the one in Germany.

Bruls voiced concerns about Germans crossing the border into the Netherlands to do their Christmas shopping now that nonessential shops are due to close there. A similar strict lockdown in the Netherlands is "unavoidable," he told Dutch newspaper De Gelderlander.


Germany is tightening its lockdown restrictions amid burgeoning case numbers and fatalities, Chancellor Angela Merkel announced on Sunday following a meeting with the leaders of the country's 16 states.

The new restrictions will take effect on Wednesday and last at least until January 10. Under the new restrictions, stores, hairdressers, schools and day care centers are due to close. Click here for DW's breakdown of the new measures.

The number of coronavirus cases in Germany continues to rise, increasing by 20,200 to 1,320,716, data from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) for infectious diseases showed on Sunday. The reported death toll rose by 321 to 21,787, the tally showed. Germany has been under a partial lockdown for six weeks, with bars and restaurants closed but shops and schools open. Some regions have already imposed tougher measures.

(注: 原文を流し読みして下さい。ちなみにオランダの人口は17.3百万人と紹介されています。 ドイツでは水曜日16日から規制が強化される見込みで、少なくとも1月10日まで続けられます。)

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翻って日本、対策実施が遅いし、意思決定プロセスそのものも遅い、つまり、準備不足も感じさせます。さらには、その対策内容も中途半端で効果は限定的でしょう。一方で、一部の国民は、COVID19を舐めているし、自己中心的だと感じさせます。社会が荒んで来ているからなのでしょうか、それとも指導者の信頼感が低いからでしょうか? メルケルとの違いを感じます。

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