

ドイツ(Germany 🇩🇪): Jenny cheers up German lockdown

2020-05-04 17:59:38 | 日記

2020年5月4日(Mon.) 日本での緊急事態宣言は5月末まで延長することが決定されたと報道されています。“先手先手で対策を”とか言っていた安倍政権ですが、“後手後手”になったからこうなってしまったと考えています。何度でも言います、初動の対応を誤ったのです。また、アベノマスクなど稚拙の極みです。460億円もの血税をドブに捨てたようなものです。そして、経済を慮ったが故に、既に500人以上の予期せぬ死を迎えた人々を出してしまい、さらには、言っていた“経済”そのものもズタズタにしてしまっているではありませんか。これはニワトリ・タマゴ論争ではなく、明らかに人命優先で取り組むべき内容だったのです。そんなことも判断出来ない稚拙で利己主義・日和見主義の集団による政治には辟易しています(これほどまでに日本人は愚かだったのですね、残念です)。

さて、ドイツから、少しだけホッとさせる話題です。(ニュースソース: The Jakarta Post 5月4日発 )


Free-roaming horse Jenny cheers up German lockdown

Twenty-five-year-old horse named Jenny strolls through the streets followed by a small dog during her daily walk in Fechenheim near Frankfurt am Main, western Germany, on April 28, 2020. (AFP/Daniel Roland)(注: 写真は4月28日のものです。馬のJennyは25歳。)

Every morning white mare Jenny leaves her stable to stroll through her Frankfurt neighborhood. Bringing trams to a halt and smiles to people's faces, the free-roaming horse is brightening up the coronavirus lockdown for many.

"Everyone else has to live with coronavirus restrictions but Jenny is as free as ever," her owner Anna Weischedel, 65, told AFP.

For more than a decade Jenny has wandered solo through her local Fechenheim area, a green part of Frankfurt on the bank of the Main river.

She explores the high street, trots along the tram line to a nearby field and spends hours nibbling on patches of grass.

The beloved Arabian mare, already a venerable 25 years old, has always been a hit with residents. But never more so than in recent weeks.

"People seem to notice her more because they have more time. A lot of passers-by stroke her, maybe because they are missing some human contact," said Anna.

Like many countries, Germany has closed schools, playgrounds and many businesses to curb the outbreak.

Though it has slowly started easing some lockdown measures, people are encouraged to limit their social interactions and keep their distance.

But there are no rules against snuggling with Jenny.

"It makes us so happy to see Jenny, we miss her when we don't pass her on our walks," said Gaby Marxen, 61, holding two dogs on a leash.

Johanna, 8, who was also out walking a dog, said: "My brother and I like to pet her."

(注: 原文を読み流して下さい。ロックダウンの街を癒してくれているようです。)

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