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Gifu / English Lesson ( 英語教室)

2017-05-13 05:22:39 | 語学

English Lesson in Gifu City,Japan./Date and Shichi/Content:Greeting./Content:Date:What's the date today ?/Content:The weather:How's the weather ?/Informetion:NHK World News:Nasu Kougen in Tochigiken " Tulip"/Informetion:Mother's day is a celebration honoring the mother of family,as well as mortherhood,matemal bonds,and the influence of mothers in society.It is celebrated on various days in many ports of world,most commenly in the mothers of March or May....../Content:Brin Quiz./Listening:Hello.My name is Jim Allen and I come from Canada near Toronto.I live in a suburb just outside the city.I live alone now,because my wife died three years ago.But I'm near my daughter and her family,so that OK.Until last year I worked in a paper factory,but now I'm retired.I never liked jop much but now I'm really enjoying life.I'm a student again.I'm studing with an Online university.I helps retired people like me who want to study again,and it's really wonderful.You see,I left school when i was 15 and stared work in the factory.because we needed the money.Now I'm studing Spanish. I love it. My son lives in Argentina,his wife is from there.Next year I'm going to visit them for 6 months,so I want my Spanish to be good./Content:Use not " Very" at Wonderful,Great and Delicious.Use to " Really"./






