toshimitsuサービス(toshimitsu Service )


Gifu / English Lesson

2020-02-14 17:01:21 | 語学

English Lesson ( 英語教室)in Gifu City,Japan./Date and Time:2020.2.14.10:00am~11:30am./Place:Waraku-En./Lecture:Ms.Fumiko./Content:Greeting.How's the weather ? What's the date today ?./Content: Hearing:Valentine Day :( バレンタインデイ): In Japan,St. Valentine's Day is a day for women to give chocolates. This custom dates back to the 1950s. Many women used to express their love to their boyfriends or someone in mind by giving them chocolates on that day. But in the 1970s, they started to give " Gire-Choco", or " friendship chocolate ", to their colleagues,friends,and even to female friends./ Content:About 55% of Americans celebrate St. Valentine's Day: Candy and flowers might be the most on for February 14 is jewelry ,$4.7 billion! The second most-paid -for gift is an evening out with $ 3,7billion,followed by flowers,clothing,and then candy./Content:Basic phrase: " Let me ": 1.Let me think about it. 2. Let me help you. 3. Let me do it. 4. Let me know about it. 5. Let me off here. Please. 6. Let me introduce my son. 7. Let me buy you lunch./Content: Basic Phrese: " You Should ". 1. You should take a train. 2. You should go to bed eayly. 3. You should get on the Meijo Line at Sakae. 4. You should see a docter. 5. You should go now. 6.You should think about it. 7.You should put on your sunglasses./Content:Basic Phrase " Where ? " 1.Where would you like to go ? 2. Where in Japan have you been ? 3. Where in Canada are you from ? 4. Where can I buy a ticket ? 5. Where is a good place to buy souvenirs ? 6. Where am I on this map ? 7. Where have you visited in Tokyo ? 8.Where shall we we meet ? 9. Where does the bus depart from ? ./

