toshimitsuサービス(toshimitsu Service )


Enlish Lesson

2014-11-08 05:33:37 | 語学

Shichi Fumiko Englishi Leson / Greeting: Hello.How are you ? What's the date today ? How's the weather ?/ Song: Love me tender./ Go~ing / Answer the question : Which month do you like the best ? Which number do you like the best from 1 to ten ?........../English proverds: Time is a great healer. Keep something for a rainy day. Honesty is the best policy.All happiness is in the mind. Tomorrow is another day. Laghter is better than wealth. Where there's a will, there's a way. The early bird cathes the worm. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Haste is waste. Too much is as bad as too little. Easy come, easy go. No pain, no gain. Art is long, life is short. Use the means and God will give the blessing. Easy to say, hard to do. There is always a rainbow after the stoem. Life is full of ups and downs. What's is done. This is not the end of the world. Never too old to learn./ Book mark./



