toshimitsuサービス(toshimitsu Service )


Gifu/ English Lesson

2014-10-16 05:42:18 | 勉強会

Shichi Fumiko English Lesson / greeting: / Sing song the Tennesse Waltz / How to Lost : I lost my key yesterday. I have lost the key." Gone with the wind." / Scavenger Hunt: Each groups search one's belongings./ Air port Speed Challenge:Immigrtion .May I see your passport ? Here you are. Do you have anything to declare ? Pardon? How long are you going to stay in this country ?What's the purpose of your visit? Sightseeing. Where are you going to stay ? At the Park Hotel. Do you have a return ticket? Yes. Here it is. O.K. Enjoy your stay./ Where can I pick up my luggage for JAL 21? Where can I get a cart ? My suitcases are lost. What was your flight number? JAL flight 21.... from Tokyo........../ 



