

ビタミンCの安全性: 都市伝説Safety of Vitamin C: Urban Legends

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ビタミンCの安全性: 都市伝説Safety of Vitamin C: Urban Legends by Harri Hemilä



Safety of Vitamin C: Urban LegendsビタミンCの安全性: 都市伝説

by Harri Hemilä

This text is based on pages 62-63 of Hemilä (2006).

This document has up to date links to documents that are available via the net.

Harri Hemilä (ビタミンC研究の専門家)

Department of Public Health公衆衛生学部

University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finlandヘルシンキ大学、ヘルシンキ、フィンランド


Home: http://www.ltdk.helsinki.fi/users/hemila

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Version August 10, 2009、バージョン2009年8月10日




Harri Hemilä氏の他の論文

タイトル:Vitamin C and InfectionsビタミンCと感染症

著者:Harri Hemilä

所属:Department of Public Health, University of Helsinki, Helsinki FI-00014, Finland

雑誌名:Nutrients 2017, 9(4), 339;



補足:(This article belongs to the Special Issue Vitamin C in Health and Disease)

Special Issue ”Vitamin C in Health and Disease” 15のビタミンCに関する論文(全てopen access)があります










2件のコントロール試験では、風邪症状の持続期間に対して、6~8g /日のビタミンCで統計的に有意な用量反応が認められました。

したがって、一部の風邪治療研究の陰性所見は、低用量3~4 g /日のビタミンCにより説明される可能性があります。








論文「Safety of Vitamin C: Urban LegendsビタミンCの安全性: 都市伝説」本文の英和対訳


Often the benefits of vitamin C observed in randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials are disregarded, although at the same time authors may exaggerate the potential harm caused by vitamin C even when it is purely anecdotal (see for example Olson & Hodges 1987; Herbert 1993).

ランダム化二重盲検プラセボ対照試験で観察されたビタミンCの利点はしばしば無視されますが、同時に著者は、それが純粋に逸話的である場合でも、ビタミンCによって引き起こされる潜在的な害を誇張する場合があります(たとえば、Olson&Hodges 1987; Herbertを参照)

In a casual survey of 20 physician colleagues, Goodwin and Tangum (1998) found that all of them were aware that high-dose vitamin C ingestion can cause kidney stones.

Goodwin と Tangum(1998)は、20人の医師の同僚の偶然の調査で、高用量のビタミンC摂取が腎臓結石を引き起こす可能性があることを全員が知っていたことがわかりました。

Goodwin and Tangum were, however, interested in where this common ‘knowledge’ comes from and they combed the medical literature without finding any articles in refereed journals reporting instances of high-dose vitamin C causing kidney stones.


Review articles cited book chapters that in turn cited abstracts, letters, and other review articles.


Goodwin and Tangum concluded that nowhere in the trail of citations was there any fundamental information on whether or how frequently high-dose vitamin C supplementation might lead to kidney stones.


The authors simply stated that vitamin C may cause kidney stones, and as proof they cited other authors who had said the same thing.




Thus, this description reveals a typical urban legend; a story that is retold, yet no-one confirms that the story is true.

したがって、この説明は典型的な都市伝説を明らかにしています。 繰り返し話されたが、だれもその話が真実であることを確認していない。

The anecdote of vitamin C and kidney stones is mentioned in a major textbook of pharmacology: "…risks of megadose treatment ... include formation of kidney stones" (Marcus & Coulston 2001).

ビタミンCと腎臓結石の逸話は、薬理学の主要な教科書に記載されています:「…大量投与治療のリスク...腎臓結石の形成を含む」(Marcus&Coulston 2001)。

The statement that vitamin C may cause kidney stones has been reiterated, e.g., in the Nordic Nutritional Recommendations without any references (NNR 2004 p 310).

ビタミンCが腎臓結石を引き起こす可能性があるという声明は、例えば、ノルディック・ニュートリショナル・レコメンデーションで、参考文献が全くなしで繰り返されています(NNR 2004 p 310)。


When reviewing the health effects of vitamin C, Olson and Hodges (1987) and Herbert (1993) claimed that "Large intakes of vitamin C may reduce insulin production."


This statement was based on a paper published in 1946.


Levey and Suter (1946) reported that vitamin C potentiates the diabetogenic action of alloxan in rats, whose blood-sugar level was determined 3 days after injecting alloxan, or alloxan with vitamin C.


Hyperglycemia was observed in 50% of the rats treated with alloxan and vitamin C, in contrast to 17% of the rats treated with alloxan alone.


Nevertheless, the authors concluded from their own previous work that "ascorbic acid alone does not produce hyperglycemia" (Levey & Suter 1946).

それにもかかわらず、著者らは自身の以前の研究から、「アスコルビン酸だけでは高血糖を引き起こさない」と結論している(Levey&Suter 1946)。

Thus, this old experiment with alloxan- treated rats was the basis for Olson and Hodges (1987) and Herbert (1993) to state that large doses of vitamin C alone may reduce insulin production in human subjects.

このようにして、アロキサンで処理されたラットを用いたこの古い実験は、Olson and Hodges(1987)とHerbert(1993)が、大量のビタミンCだけでヒトのインスリン産生が低下する可能性があると述べるための根拠になっています。

(訳注: Olson及びHodges(1987)とHerbert(1993)による「ビタミンCの大量摂取はインスリン産生を低下させる可能性がある」という主張には、根拠は全くない嘘である。 )


Olson and Hodges (1987) and Herbert (1993) stated that "Large intakes of vitamin C may interrupt pregnancies."

Olson and Hodges(1987)とHerbert(1993)は、「ビタミンCの大量摂取は妊娠を妨げる可能性がある」と述べています。

This suggestion was based on a brief Russian paper published in 1964.


Twenty women whose menstruation was delayed by 10-15 days were given 6 g/day of vitamin C, and 16 of them started to menstruate within 3 days (Samborskaya & Ferdman 1966).

月経が10〜15日遅れた20人の女性に6 g /日のビタミンCが投与され、そのうち16人が3日以内に月経を始めました(Samborskaya&Ferdman 1966)。

Pauling (1976a) wrote a letter to the authors inquiring whether any actual direct test of pregnancy was carried out, but he received only a copy of the publication by way of reply.


Thus, there was no evidence that the women were pregnant to begin with.


Possibly the women just had irregular menstruation, yet this report was valid enough for Olson and Hodges (1987) and Herbert (1993) to conclude that vitamin C may cause miscarriages.


(訳注: Olson and Hodges(1987)とHerbert(1993)の、「ビタミンCの大量摂取は妊娠を妨げる可能性がある」という主張には、根拠は全くない嘘である。 )


Olson and Hodges (1987) and Herbert (1993) also argued that "Large intakes of vitamin C may lower plasma vitamin B12 levels."

Olson and Hodges(1987)とHerbert(1993)はまた、「ビタミンCの大量摂取は血漿ビタミンB12レベルを低下させる可能性がある」と主張しました。

This claim was originally made by Herbert himself (Herbert & Jacob 1974), however, it was shown afterwards that the apparent breakdown of vitamin B12 was due to methodological shortcomings (Newmark et al. 1979; Marcus 1981), and the vitamin B12 level was not decreased in patients administered as much as 4 g/day of vitamin C for 11 months or more (Afroz et al. 1975), or in children  administered gram-doses of vitamin C for years (Ekvall et al. 1981).

この主張はもともとハーバート自身によって行われた((Herbert & Jacob 1974)が、その後、ビタミンB12の明らかな分解は方法論の欠点によるものであり(Newmark et al。1979; Marcus 1981)、ビタミンB12レベルは 11か月以上4 g /日のビタミンCを投与された患者(Afroz et al.1975)、または何年もビタミンCのグラム用量を投与された子供(Ekvall et al.1981)では減少しませんでした。

However, these papers were not cited by Olson and Hodges (1987) or Herbert (1993).


(訳注: Olson and Hodges(1987)とHerbert(1993)の「ビタミンCの大量摂取は血漿ビタミンB12レベルを低下させる可能性がある」という主張には、根拠は全くない嘘である。 )


In extreme cases, suggestions about vitamin C toxicity have been based on double speculation.


Herbert (1993) stated that (1) vitamin C might cause elevated iron levels, and (2) elevated iron levels might cause increased risk of coronary heart disease.


However, (1) in order to quantify the effect of vitamin C supplementation on iron status, Cook et al. (1984) administered 2 g/day of vitamin C to 9 subjects for 2 years without finding indications of iron accumulation, and (2) several studies with different types of settings were unable to corroborate the hypothesis that raised iron levels increase the risk of coronary heart disease (Bendich & Langseth 1995; Hemilä & Paunio 1997).

しかし、(1)鉄の状態に対するビタミンC補給の効果を定量化するために、Cookら(1984)は、鉄の蓄積の兆候を見つけることなく、9人の被験者に2 g /日ビタミンCを2年間投与しました(2) さまざまなタイプの設定を用いたいくつかの研究では、鉄濃度の上昇が冠状動脈性心臓病のリスクを高めるという仮説を裏付けることができませんでした(Bendich&Langseth 1995;Hemilä&Paunio 1997)。

In contrast to ordinary people, patients suffering from actual iron overload may derive harm from vitamin C; however, its harmful effect on these particular patients and the rationale of treating such patients with the combination of vitamin C and desferrioxamine has been known for a long time (Nienhuis 1981).

普通の人とは対照的に、実際に鉄過剰に苦しんでいる患者はビタミンCから害を被る可能性があります。 しかし、これらの特定の患者に対するその有害な影響、およびビタミンCとデスフェリオキサミンの組み合わせでそのような患者を治療する理論的根拠は長い間知られています(Nienhuis 1981)。


Rivers (1987) reviewed 74 publications dealing with the possible toxicity of vitamin C and concluded that "Large quantities of ascorbic acid will not result in calcium-oxalate stones, increased uric acid excretion, impaired vitamin B12 status, iron overload, systemic conditioning, or increased mutagenic activity in healthy individuals."

Rivers(1987)は、ビタミンCの毒性の可能性を扱った74の出版物をレビューし、「大量のアスコルビン酸は、シュウ酸カルシウム結石、尿酸排泄の増加、ビタミンB12状態の障害、鉄過剰、全身状態調節、または 健康な個人の変異原性活性の増加を起こさない。」と結論づけた。


In another review, Marks (1989) concluded that "A large number of adverse reactions have been alleged to occur with the use of large doses of ascorbic acid, but almost without exception further study has demonstrated that the allegations are without foundation ... an overview of all the information shows that the safe daily level is at least 100 times the RDA."


The RDA level for vitamin C was 60 mg/day at that time.

その時のビタミンCのRDAレベルは60mg /日でした。

(訳注: 安全な毎日のレベルが少なくともRDAの100倍=6000mg=6g/日)


Hathcock (1997) stated that "Many hypothetical adverse effects of high intakes of vitamin C have been cited for decades.


Most, with the exception of mild and transient gastrointestinal effects, seem to have little or no known factual basis."



Several other reviews have also concluded that vitamin C is safe in doses around 1 g/day (Hanck 1982; Bendich & Langseth 1995; Diplock 1995; Hathcock et al. 2005).

他のいくつかのレビューでも、ビタミンCは約1 g /日で安全であると結論付けています(Hanck 1982; Bendich&Langseth 1995; Diplock 1995; Hathcock et al。2005)。


The recent US nutritional recommendations suggest that the safe range of vitamin C intake goes to 2 g/day for adults, but the basis for this upper limit of ‘safe doses’ is the appearance of loose bowels (FNB 2000 pp 155-65), which, however, is quite a trivial adverse effect and disappears quite quickly with a change to lower intake levels.

最近の米国の栄養勧告では、ビタミンC摂取の安全な範囲は成人で1日2 gになると示唆されていますが、この「安全な投与量」の上限の基礎は、ゆるい腸の出現です(FNB 2000 pp 155-65)、 ただし、これは非常に些細な悪影響であり、摂取量を減らすとすぐに消えます。


There are a few reports of severe harm caused by high dose vitamin C administration.


Nevertheless, the death of a 68-year old African American man was not attributed to intravenous injection of 80 grams of vitamin C on 2 consecutive days per se, but to his coincident glucose-6-phosphate deficiency (Campbell et al. 1975).

それにもかかわらず、68歳のアフリカ系アメリカ人男性の死亡は、連続した2日間のビタミンC 80グラムの静脈内注射自体によるものではなく、彼の偶然のグルコース-6-リン酸欠乏によるものでした(Campbell et al。1975)。

Such isolated instances have no public health relevance.


In a recent pharmacokinetic study participants were administered up to 100 grams of vitamin C within a few hours indicating the safety of such a large dose per se in healthy people (Padayatty et al. 2004).

最近の薬物動態研究では、参加者は数時間以内に最大100グラムのビタミンCを投与され、健康な人でそれ自体大量の安全性を示しました(Padayatty et al。2004)。

There is much evidence indicating that vitamin C metabolism changes during infections and this may affect the relationship between doses and adverse effects (Hemilä 2006 pp 6-7; see Metabolism).

感染中にビタミンCの代謝が変化することを示す多くの証拠があり、これは用量と副作用の関係に影響を与える可能性があります(Hemilä2006 pp 6-7;代謝を参照)。

It has been reported that people with serious infections can ingest over 50 g/day of vitamin C without gastric problems (Luberoff 1978; Cathcart 1981).

深刻な感染症の人は、胃の問題なしに1日50 g以上のビタミンCを摂取できると報告されています(Luberoff 1978; Cathcart 1981)。



NOTE: all the links in the main text should be freely accessible, but several of the

links below require a permission from publisher.

Afroz M, Bhothinard B, Etzkorn JR, et al. (1975) Vitamins C and B12 [letter]. JAMA 232:246


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Bendich A, Langseth L (1995) The health effects of vitamin C supplementation. J Am Coll Nutr

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Campbell GD, Steinberg MH, Bower JD (1975) Ascorbic acid-induced hemolysis in G-6-PD

deficiency [letter]. Ann Intern Med 82:810

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scurvy. Med Hypotheses 7:1359-76 Cathcart 1981 Cathcart 1981

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supplementation on body iron stores. Blood 64:721-6

Diplock AT (1995) Safety of antioxidant vitamins and beta-carotene. Am J Clin Nutr 62:1510S-


Ekvall S, Chen IW, Bozian R (1981) The effect of supplemental ascorbic acid on serum vitamin

B12 levels in myelomeningocele patients. Am J Clin Nutr 34:1356-61

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Goodwin JS, Tangum MR (1998) Battling quackery: attitudes about micronutrient supplements

in American Academic medicine. Arch Intern Med 158:2187-91 p 2188

Hanck A (1982) Tolerance and effects of high doses of ascorbic acid. Int J Vitam Nutr Res

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Hathcock JN (1997) Vitamins and minerals: efficacy and safety. Am J Clin Nutr 66:427-37

Hathcock JN, Azzi A, Blumberg J, et al. (2005) Vitamins E and C are safe across a broad range

of intakes. Am J Clin Nutr 81:736-45

Hemilä H (1994b) The good and harm of vitamin C [letter]. Nutr Today 29(2):49-50 Manu

with links to Refs * comments on: Herbert (1993)

Hemilä H (2006) Do vitamins C and E affect respiratory infections? [Dissertation]. University of

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Hemilä H, Paunio M (1997) Blood donation, body iron stores, and risk of myocardial infarction

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Today 28(1):28-32

Herbert V, Jacob E (1974) Destruction of vitamin B12 by ascorbic acid. JAMA 230:241-2

Levey S, Suter B (1946) Effect of ascorbic acid on diabetogenic action of alloxan. Proc Soc Exp

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Luberoff BJ (1978) Symptomectomy with vitamin C: a chat with Robert Cathcart, MD.

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Marcus M (1981) Vitamin B12: response to Dr. Herbert. Am J Clin Nutr 34:1622-4 * see also:

Am J Clin Nutr (1976);29:645-9 * Am J Clin Nutr (1980);33:137-43 * Pauling (1986) pp

232, 261-3

Marcus R, Coulston AM (2001) The vitamin B complex and ascorbic acid. In: Goodman &

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Marks J (1989) The safety of the vitamins: an overview. Int J Vitam Nutr Res (Suppl 30):12-20

Newmark HL, Scheiner JM, Marcus M, Prabhudesai M (1979) Ascorbic acid and vitamin B12.

JAMA 242:2319-20

Nienhuis AW (1981) Vitamin C and iron. N Engl J Med 304:170-1

NNR (2004) Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2004, 4th edn. Copenhagen, Danmark: Nordic

Council of Ministers. p 310

Olson JA, Hodges RE (1987) Recommended dietary intakes of vitamin C in humans. Am J Clin

Nutr 45:693-703

Padayatty SJ, Sun H, Wang Y, et al. (2004) Vitamin C pharmacokinetics: implications for oral

and intravenous use. Ann Intern Med 140:533-7

Pauling L (1976a) Vitamin C, the Common Cold, and the Flu. San Francisco: Freeman. p 119

Pauling L (1986a) How to Live Longer and Feel Better. NY: Freeman.

Rivers JM (1987) Safety of high-level vitamin C ingestion. Ann NY Acad Sci 498:445-54

Samborskaya EP, Ferdman TD (1966) Artificial abortion by ascorbic acid [in Russian; English

summary in the Chemical Abstracts: AN 1966:493662 ]. Bull Exp Biol Med USSR 62:96-8

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Copyright: © 2006-2009 Harri Hemilä. This text is an open-access article distributed under

the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use,

distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Safety of Vitamin C: Urban Legends by Harri Hemilä is licensed under a Creative Commons

Attribution 1.0 Finland License.

Based on a work at www.ltdk.helsinki.fi.

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