

Essay代写:Image oil painting and western modern painting

2019-11-29 17:46:21 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Image oil painting and western modern painting,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了意象油画与西方近现代绘画。意象油画的创作题材不局限于都市生活,更多地是用水墨山水画法表现人类对于自然界的喜爱和敬畏之情。画家利用娴熟自如的表现技法,传递出淡雅豁达、灵动洒脱的文人气韵与精神格调。而西方近现代新表现主义绘画则强调从艺术家的主观感情和自我感受出发,排斥西方传统绘画的构图法则和结构比例,用夸张、变形乃至怪诞的造型和强烈、刺激的色彩烘托都市生活中紧张、混沌的意识形态以及畸形、含糊的价值观,以此来发泄内心对社会不安和不满的情绪。

In the 1860s and 1870s, impressionism entered the art world with the attitude of innovating western classical painting. After that, a large number of painting schools emerged in the western world. The innovation of these schools of painting techniques and the change of ideas have been influencing the emergence and development of image oil painting, with impressionism, post-impressionism and cubism having the most far-reaching influence. The image oil painting borrows the advantage of the western modern painting form, but also has some objections with it.

Impressionism opposed the academic teaching methods and the single painting style of classical oil painting, and advocated realism. It advocated outdoor sketching, visually describing objects exposed to the sun, and rapidly recording the ever-changing world with its free and unrestrained brush strokes and close and close modeling. In the long period of sketching, they found that weather, season, time and other factors affected the color representation of objects, and gradually mastered the rule that light affected color relations. According to their own direct observation and feeling, the painter used the scientific color law to show the rich layers and subtle changes of the light color effect, thus getting rid of the brown color that had changed less for a long time. Image oil painting refers to the artistic effect of impressionism's natural and loose brushwork and the combination of virtual and real, but ignores the influence of natural light on the shape and tone of objects. Keen on the spirit of brush and ink in traditional Chinese painting, they often express complicated social situations with simple and generalized ink color relations.

Post-impressionist painter doesn't agree with impressionist flashes of light color changing effect in the nature of objective, argues that painting should be different from photographic art and reveal the subjective world, attach importance to the performance of self, that painting is the focus of the written form but what freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, artistic image need to cast off the yoke of the objective image and presents the potential of the deformation and exaggeration. The theory of post-impressionism is similar to the theory of traditional Chinese painting that art works should seek to "spit out the nature in the heart". Cezanne believed that painting could not simply blindly imitate and copy the real world, and advocated to construct a strict and orderly color relationship through clearly visible forms, in order to seek the beauty of harmony between modeling and color. Van gogh loves color, he often with passion, enthusiastic, bold and unrestrained, bright color foil oneself to society, life subjective feeling and innermost feelings. Gauguin yearns for freedom and likes to paint freely and freely. He puts untempered pigments directly on the canvas and USES memory and imagination to express his "fantasy" of "primitive" and "barbaric" with simplified and decorative techniques. Van gogh and gaogden focus on the inner spiritual world and emotional appeals, and their works are permeated with the subjective expression of the real world from the inner feelings, and lead the audience to ponder over the Epiphany with their strong symbolic connotation. Liu haisu with national aesthetic psychology and aesthetic structure on over and post-impressionist painting form of heterogeneous isomorphism analogy research, put forward after the impressionist painting is rather than the reappearance of the performance, is a comprehensive rather than analysis, is to create rather than imitate art, after a certain level admiral impressionist painting and image oil painting link. However, the image oil painting is rooted in the Chinese cultural background and aesthetic psychology. Under the inspiration of the "intangible elephant", the image hovers between "like and unlike", with its structure and outline looming. The post-impressionism did not completely abandon the scientific and rigorous structural modeling in western classical oil painting. Under the relatively conceptual and simplified image form, its structure and outline were also clearly visible.

Image oil painters pay attention to the accumulation of inner emotional needs and representation of external objects. They often summarize and extract the structure and color of objects with the potential of "knowing everything in one's heart", and contain the Chinese charm of "dao dao nature" in their simple and plain works. Inspired by Cezanne's use of geometric forms to express nature, cubist painters weakened the narrative and expression of the works, classified the forms and colors of the images geometrically, and reconstructed them geometrically, striving to create structural beauty in the pictures. Analyzing cubist painters sublimated Cezanne's method of observing object images and rational analysis into the method of "simultaneity vision", that is, observing object images from multiple perspectives, and then combining the observed elements into the same image in a unified and orderly way in the form of block planes. Although there are still some concrete objects in the works, this is also a manifestation of the decomposition and reconstruction of the objects. On the basis of analysis of cubism, comprehensive cubism adds the deconstruction of color elements to the picture.

The poetic language of traditional Chinese painting is an important basis for the creation and evaluation of image oil painting. The painter absorbs the ethereal ink spirit of Chinese painting and focuses on the release of inner soul and state of mind to pursue the implicit and simple picture effect. The painter tries to deal with the problems of color hue, lightness and purity by the simple and introverted way of thinking of the Oriental. In the picture, he is permeated with gentle and elegant, implicit and quiet charm and style. Brutalism is fond of bold and outward expression, and its painting subjects are rough and bold. Ignoring the inherent volume and color changes of the object, simplified and abstract lines and colorful and thick monochrome are used to construct a two-dimensional plane effect. The painter often extruded the pigment directly onto the picture, and the brushwork was straightforward and bold, creating a strong visual impact, balancing the expression of emotion and the decoration of the picture.

The theme of image oil painting is not limited to urban life, but to express human's love and awe for the nature with Chinese ink landscape painting. The painter used the skillful expression techniques to convey the elegant and open-minded, flexible and free style of literati. He tends to express the beauty of picture schema to obtain the beauty of poetic conception. The picture does not see the impetuous publicity color, but in the highly unified and harmonious color relationship with rich and delicate, composed and elegant black and white gray tone. New expressionist painting emphasizes from the artist's subjective feelings and self feels, rejecting western traditional painting composition rules and structure proportion, with exaggeration, deformation and grotesque shape and strong, the color of the stimulus foil in urban life tension, the ideology of chaos and deformity, vague values, to give vent to the heart of social unrest and discontent. Neo-expressionist painting is the product of social and cultural crisis and spiritual disorder, which is especially prominent and strong in the era of social turbulence.

Image oil painting is rooted in Chinese traditional cultural background and national aesthetic psychology. It is good at expressing emotions in freehand brushwork and plays a role in influencing people's hearts and comforting the soul. Neo-expressionist oil painting focuses on people's spiritual thoughts and the spiritual expression of bondage, repression and loneliness caused by the society. It is good at expressing people's hope and struggle for freedom in the society. Compared with neo-expressionism oil painting, there is more a calm atmosphere, calm and harmonious Oriental charm. It can be seen that image oil painting is a metaphysical art, while neo-expressionist painting is physical.


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Assignment代写:Library management in Germany

2019-11-29 17:44:27 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Library management in Germany,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了德国的图书馆管理。德国的图书馆系统独具特色,第二次世界大战结束后,非中央集权的联邦制国家西德形成。在德意志民主共和国,无论柏林国家图书馆,还是莱比锡德意志图书馆,都保持了其中心作用。民主德国时期,大部分科学文献由科学院研究所图书馆和中央专业图书馆提供。德国大学图书馆最大的特点是“一切为了读者能方便、迅速地获取所需的信息”,师生借书量不限,可事先预约借书。宽大、布置合理的馆舍,以用为主的文献信息服务理念,以人为本、读者至上的咨询服务,受人器重的馆员职业和合理的人力资源管理,这些都推动了德国大学图书馆的事业发展。

The library carries the historical and cultural accumulation of each country and region. After the establishment of the international association of libraries and the association of institutions in 1927, the cross-national, cross-regional and cross-cultural comparative study of libraries gradually developed, and a branch of library science -- comparative library science was formed after the 1950s. It from the perspective of social politics, economy, culture and history, in different countries, different regions, different types of libraries and library undertaking a comparative study, understand the different social environment in the library practice, find out the similarities and differences among them, the reasons for these similarities and differences, find out the solution to the problem, so as to expand and deepen the cognition to the library and the library cause.

Germany has a unique library system. After the end of World War II, the non-centralized federal state west Germany was formed. This new state system distributed the power of the state as far as possible to all levels of government, with each federal state as autonomous as possible, and this "principle of self-government" was applied to the smallest unit communities. In the GDR, both the national library in Berlin and the German library in leipzig remain central. During the GDR, most scientific literature was provided by the institute of sciences library and the central professional library. Library law promulgated in 1968 German democratic, common to strengthen the construction of library network, intelligence and library automation, the original democratic Germany with regional library network and professional network foundation form a unified national library system, democratic Germany interdisciplinary professional libraries usually have a literature information center, actively carry out international cooperation. Between 1990 and 2002, many library buildings were overhauled or expanded. The science library gets all kinds of funds to supplement the collection, while the public library basically relies on the small amount of funds paid by the town to complete the collection replenishment. At the beginning of the 20th century, interlibrary loan based on the principle of mutual aid emerged. Interregional interlibrary loan has covered the whole federal republic of Germany.

Unlike the Chinese university library, which mainly serves the teaching and research of the university, the German university library not only completes this task, but also is open to the public in its area. Therefore, many university libraries in Germany undertake the task of city library or state library at the same time. In practice, the mode of existence of the university library has been constantly reformed and developed towards the way of cooperation, sharing and opening up, thus enhancing the core role of the central library.

The most important feature of German university library is that "all for the convenience of readers to get the required information quickly". There is no limit on the amount of books borrowed by teachers and students. The development of university libraries in Germany has been promoted by the generous and reasonably arranged buildings, the service concept of documents and information based on usage, the consultation service of people-oriented and reader-oriented, the valued librarian occupation and reasonable human resource management. German university library has a good professional reputation, many jobs are a master or doctor degree of professionals engaged in service work, and attaches great importance to the education and training work of librarians, Germany has a lot of university with the school of library and information science, otherwise independent college library science university, college, and university library has been heavily promoted by the practitioners of professional level.

Library law is the foundation for the healthy and stable development of the national library and an important part of the library modernization construction. The prosperity of a national library can not be realized overnight, nor can it be achieved by a basic library law, but after exploring systematic laws and regulations, constantly improving themselves, and finding the development mode suitable for the country and long-term adherence to the results.

At present, China does not have a detailed library funding standards, the existing provisions only require the government to appropriate funding, to ensure the normal operation of the library. Although the amount of investment in the library in our country is increasing every year, there is no specific allocation standard after all, which will lead to the situation of how much is allocated according to people's preferences, so we should actively think about expanding the sources of library funds. We can see from the above that the capital structure of libraries in Germany is relatively diversified, with more donations from society and individuals in addition to government grants. As much as possible, therefore, in addition to more funding for state and local government, we can also learn the way to raise money through various channels, countries can introduce some preferential policies to encourage enterprises and individuals to funding of the library, the library can also fight for the cooperation with enterprises and sponsorship, for enterprise employees provide continuing education or training other cultural services, to attract business investment.

The essence of library development is to put people first. Libraries exist to serve readers and develop according to the changing needs of readers. With the progress of the society, readers' requirements for libraries are not only reading, but also becoming a place for readers to obtain information and relax. Due to the change of the status of library in readers' heart, there are higher requirements for the service concept of library. "people-oriented" has become the core of readers' service. It is the demand of readers to promote the people-oriented service concept, and it is the inevitable trend of the library's long-term and healthy development. "People-oriented" is the purpose of the library, but also the way to prosper the country's cultural undertakings and improve the quality of the whole people. Only by making readers feel the atmosphere of culture and experiencing the warmth like home, can readers truly fall in love with the library and experience the core value and cultural background of the library.


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商科论文作业Case Study怎么写

2019-11-29 17:42:53 | 日記
提到商科专业,那么便不得不提Case Study.在商学院中,Case Study是最常见的作业,学院用它来结合具体的商务环境来进行理论教学。Case Study涉及到的可能是行业巨头,也有可能是微小企业,所以要从不同的角度去分析,下面就给大家讲解一下Case Study的写作。

Case Study通常是伴随着战略管理及布局来进行的,这意味着它的最终价值是为公司提供可行性建议(Feasible Recommendation)。简单的来说,案例分析甚至是可以理解成一个大型的reflective summary(不知道summary怎么写的同学们可以参考:留学作业代写:Summary写作注意事项),,目的就在于通过总结归纳其他公司的得失,为自己公司提供未来的发展方向。此所谓“取人之长,补己之短”。

一、什么是case study?

这里我们借鉴一下Rothaermel教授在战略管理(strategic management)中对于案例分析(case study)的定义:

“The case study is a fundamental learning tool in strategic management” (Rothaermel, 2015).

说白了,Case Study是商学院的一种学习工具。通过案例介绍,了解某公司(或行业)目前面临的困境(或优势),进而让我们进行案例的反馈吸收(reflection)。比如,是因为什么原因导致了该公司(或行业)面临了困境(或优势);如果想要解决困境或者发展优势,下一步应该怎么做。通常来说,Case Study写作会用到很多的模型,比如入门级的SWOT分析和波特五力模型(Five forces) (Porter, 1985),再比如进阶一点的资源基础理论,以及PESTEL分析等模型。

总的来说,Case Study写作会给大家带来了很多的视角,不单单是一个“短篇故事”,更重要的是故事中所挖掘的商业角度及价值。

二、利用AFI 战略模型(AFI)进行Case Study

一般地,Case Study写作会以战略管理(Strategic Management)角度作为突破口来进行。而战略管理中的一个最基本的模型就是AFI。AFI其实就是Analysis-Formulation-Implementation的缩写,他们环环相扣形成了一个帮助公司战略分析的模型,下面就具体介绍三个部分的内容:

1.分析(Analysis): 分析案例主体公司现有战略(current strategy),针对公司或行业内部(internal analysis),外部(external analysis)以及自身竞争优势(competitive advantage)地分析。






对于案例主体外部商务环境分析,包括宏观环境(Macro-level business environment)以及行业环境(Industry business environment)以及目前其处于的竞争环境(Competitive environment)等等。

对于案例主体内部的资源分析(resource-based view),包括其自身的优(劣)势资源(如自身人力资源或是商业模式)以及价值链(Value chain)等等。

对于案例主体现阶段的商业战略(business-level strategies)和公司战略(corporate-level strategies),包括现有的产品市场地位(Product positioning)以及外贸方式(Entry strategies)等等。同时,在这里还需要评估现阶段的上述战略是否贯彻落实得合理。

利用财务测量(Financial measure)以及市场评估(Market-based measure)分析现阶段案例主体的业绩(Company performance)状况,特别注意与竞争对手(Competitors)的博弈情况。同时,还需要评估现阶段其是否有竞争优势,如果有,该竞争优势是不是持续性竞争优势(sustaining competitive advantage)。


2.谋划(Formulation):基于分析得到的具体情况,进行针对性地改进商业战略(Business strategy)布局,发展公司战略(Corporate strategy)甚至是全球发展战略(Global strategy)地规划。

Tips:商业战略包括差异化策略(Differentiation),成本领先策略(Cost-leadership)以及蓝海战略(Blue oceans)等等;公司战略包括垂直整合(Vertical integration)以及收购并购(Mergers and Acquisitions)等等。

3.推行(Implementation):贯彻执行已谋划好的战略(Proposing Feasible Solutions)。

制定战略执行的优先级并且明确主要部门(primary functions/departments)和协调部门(support functions/department)之间的合作关系(cross-functional corporation)。



制定符合SMART(Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely in nature)原则的目标,以便于清晰明了地判断推行过程中公司是否获得竞争优势。

三、Case Study写作注意事项

1.关于Case study

以上提供的case study研究方法是针对商学院的Case Study Portfolio考核内容所提供的参考方式。话句话说,以上的case study的分析步骤及写作方式是较为正式的。所以本文所提及的case study仅仅是抛砖引玉,不会特别严苛地遵守A-F-I的模式(大部分还是回忆Analysis为主)。

2.Case study的一些局限(时刻不忘critical thinking,可能是中毒已深)

世上没有完美的事,尽管案例分析是一个非常强大的学习前人经验的方式,通过分析各种因素,制定各种应对措施,从而得到相对优势的竞争力,但是这个方式也是有局限的。一个非常大的局限就是它是属于归纳总结的方法(Johnson, et al., 2011; Perren & Ram, 2004)。意思就是,你是通过分析非常具体的案例从而得到相对普遍的规律。这个就是我们之前提到的常识。运用常识来进行学术探讨是不严谨的。所以大家在进行Case Study的时候,将这一点局限放在脑海里,时刻提醒着自己。这样做出的案例分析会更加优质。

以上就是关于Case Study的写作讲解,既然是案例分析,那么重点就在于大家的分析,分析得好的话,那么自然就能拿高分。


Paper代写:The origin of the roof garden

2019-11-29 17:40:53 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The origin of the roof garden讨论了屋顶花园的起源。屋顶花园作为园林设计的重要类别之一,近年来发展迅速,形式多样。西方的屋顶花园建造开始得早,大多都是和当地的历史相关,其起源可追溯到古代文明。对于屋顶花园,最早的记载就是古巴比伦的空中花园。古巴比伦的空中花园并非悬于空中的花园,而是由多层金字塔形的平台堆叠而成的。每一层的外廊内部有卧室、洞府、浴室等设施,台层上种植了花草树木,用台阶联系上下。这些平台种植了当时的各种柑橘类植物,还有种类繁多的植物群落。经过长期的发展,如今的屋顶花园已经由单一的绿化装饰功能逐步转变为综合总能,既追求生态效益又追求经济效益。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

As one of the important categories of garden design, roof garden has developed rapidly in recent years with various forms. The innovation of roof garden is developed on the basis of inheritance, therefore, understanding the origin of roof garden is conducive to better exploration and innovation. The cognition of roof garden in China and the west is different, so the design form is also different. Learning from each other in China and the west is conducive to inspiring contemporary design scholars to create.

In recent years, rooftop gardens have sprung up all over the world, and interest in them has grown. What is a roof garden? What is the history of the roof garden? Roof garden can also be called roof greening, including all buildings in a broad sense of the roof design and greening design, that is, according to the specific conditions of the roof greening plant configuration, to provide a certain amount of sightseeing and rest space.

Oumei called the Roof garden "Roof garden", Japan also called it special greening, building space greening. Our country and roof garden similar terms and three-dimensional greening.

China has a long history of gardening, gardening skills with the gradual development of theory, but planting trees, flowers on the roof of a large area, creating a garden is rare.

During the spring and autumn period in China, the king of wu fuchai ordered the construction of a gusu terrace on the edge of taihu lake, about 300 meters high and five miles across. Beautiful flowers and trees were planted, and an artificial lake was built for the emperor to go boating. Gusu terrace is considered to be the earliest roof garden discovered in China. After the reform and opening up, China began to carry out systematic research on roof gardens, and sichuan province was the first to start greening and planting.

In the early 1960s, the practice of planting agricultural and sideline products on the roofs of buildings began to appear in some Chinese cities, which caused a sensation in the country. In the 1970s, the completion of the dong fang hotel in guangzhou marked the emergence of China's first rooftop garden. On the tenth floor roof of the hotel, the designer built the first roof garden with Chinese classical garden characteristics, covering an area of about 900 square meters. The garden was decorated with garden pieces such as pools and lake stones, revealing the typical lingnan garden style.

In 1983, China built a roof garden on the lower roof of the soon-to-open Great Wall hotel on the west side of the main building, the first large open-air roof garden in north China.

The roof garden is two stories high and measures 2,600 square metres. Surrounded by trees, Bridges, canals, fountains, etc., make people place themselves in a beautiful environment, relaxed and happy, linger.

There are many historical records about the ancient babylonian gardens, especially the hanging gardens. The hanging garden, also known as the hanging garden, is regarded as one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

The hanging gardens of Babylon had been completely destroyed, leaving a ruin. Later generations of its size, structure, layout and other aspects of understanding from the ancient Greek, ancient Roman historians in the works.

Economists have proved that the so-called hanging gardens are not gardens that hang in the air, but are made up of layered pyramidal platforms. The verandah of each floor interior has a bedroom, cave, bathroom to wait for a facility, planted flowers and plants on platform layer, connect with step up and down. These platforms were planted with various citrus plants of the time, as well as a wide variety of plant communities. Considering the impervious, irrigating and draining problems of the roof gardens, the babylonians stacked reeds, bricks, lead sheaves and planter soil on top of the terrace. They also placed a water hoist in the corner to raise the river to the top of the terrace and water it from floor to floor. Reliefs from archaeological excavations show that in front of the Assyrian houses there were often wide corridors, with heavy roofs that provided shade and protected the living quarters from direct sunlight, and covered with earth to plant flowers and trees.

In fact, there were many rooftop gardens, but the imperial gardens were larger and more luxurious. According to historical records, the hanging garden on the babylonian plain had a square base about 140m in length and a height of 22.5m in height, which was as high as the wall of babylonian. A large number of vines and climbing plants are attached to the terrace. From a distance, the roof garden looks like it has no base and floats in the air, so it is called the hanging garden. However, some scholars believe that such a roof garden of such size and structure is not enough to attract the praise of ancient scholars and poets, nor should it be called one of the seven wonders of the world. Therefore, the authenticity of the hanging gardens remains to be verified. In addition, why there are hanging gardens, there are different opinions. Lord Rawlinson, an English archaeologist, believes that Nebuchadnezzar ii built the hanging gardens for the MIDI princess.

To comfort the princess and ease her nostalgia for her hometown, a roof garden similar to the plateau was built. This 2,500-year-old example has important implications for the future development of rooftop gardens in the west.

In ancient Greece, there was a kind of roof garden called adonis, which originated from the custom of offering sacrifices to adonis. It is said that adonis was a beautiful boy in Greek mythology who was killed by a boar in the hunting.

Aphrodite, the god of love and beauty who loved him, moved hades, the god of death, and adonis was allowed to return to earth every six months to spend time with Aphrodite. So in the spring the Athenian women would hold a party in anticipation of adonis' return. The statue of adonis on the roof of the house was a unique way for the athenians to show their love for adonis. This type of roof garden is called the garden of adonis. Since then, this decorative form has been retained, not only in festivals, but also in large Numbers at ordinary times. The sculpture is not only placed on the roof, but also in the garden, surrounded by flowers that bloom all the year round. This may have led to the practice of later western gardens of placing flower beds around statues.

In the 8th century BC, there was a small fishing village named Pompeii on the coast of the Mediterranean. With the advantages of coastal ports, Pompeii developed into a city of merchants after decades of development, making it the second largest city after the city of Rome in Italy.

On October 17, 79, mount Vesuvius, which locals had long believed to be an extinct volcano, suddenly erupted, flooding Pompeii with ash about 5.6 meters thick. All that is known about Pompeii today comes from archaeological excavations. In the study of modern archaeologists, scholars inferred from the well-preserved architectural remains what the roof garden of Pompeii looked like at that time. Archaeologists found three luxury villas not far from the northwest gate of Pompeii.

One of the biggest is the mystery villa. On the u-shaped platform surrounded by the three sides of the building, the garden is planted with flowers and trees. Below the platform was a stone colonnade where people could talk in the cool. With the deepening of the later archaeological excavations, the plant species planted in the original garden were clearly studied, and the true nature of the roof garden of Pompeii was gradually revealed.

After consulting the data, we can clearly find that there are few records of roof gardens in ancient China, and most researches on roof gardens started after the founding of the People's Republic of China. The initial roof garden design style has strong local characteristics and ethnic characteristics, representative.

Roof gardens in the west started early, mostly because of local history. Roof gardens in the west have continued to evolve with The Times. In the early days, the west had more types of roof gardens and more advanced construction techniques than China. After a long period of development, Chinese and western roof gardens have gradually changed from a single green decorative function to a comprehensive total energy, pursuing both ecological and economic benefits.


Essay代写:The fusion of Chinese and western percussion

2019-11-29 17:33:36 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The fusion of Chinese and western percussion,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中西方打击乐的融合。如今,世界呈现出多元化发展融合的态势,随着经济一体化、全球化的发展,互联网技术的整合效应日益凸显,这些都为音乐等文化形态的融合发展带来了极大的条件。西方打击乐和中国打击乐近年来呈现出了不断融合的态势,主要体现在器乐制作的融合、曲目合作的融合、创作的融合等等几种现象当中。中西方打击乐融合发展意义重大,在各自文化走向瓶颈之时,双方打击乐文化相互融合,一定程度上符合客观规律,在音乐背景的不断融合下进行相互借鉴,取长补短。

Western percussion have their own characteristics and style, no matter in tone, melody has different cultural differences, the function, in the future development trend, the Chinese and western percussion should present a multi-cultural development momentum, not only is advantageous to the percussion of Chinese and western culture from each other and learn from each other, and conducive to the innovation practice application of percussion.

Chinese civilization has a long history of extensiveness and profoundness, and percussion music has experienced a long history of development and change. Western civilization originated from ancient Greece. Percussion was often used in ancient Greek drama. Although its functions and functions were quite different from the current situation, as the initial form of western percussion, it had a great influence on later generations.

Percussion existed in China roughly before the shang dynasty. Bronze percussion, as an important religious functional instrument in sacrificial activities, assisted the smooth development of religious sacrificial activities. Percussion can be divided into stone percussion, wood percussion, bronze percussion, modern multi - material percussion several historical forms. Stone instrument percussion is the most simple, easy to draw materials, the function is to frighten the beast, strictly speaking, it is not a real music percussion, although it has already had the rhythm factor, but because it does not belong to the reflective sense of Musical Instruments, can only exist as a preliminary percussion form. Bronze percussion is one of the religious sacrificial instruments. Due to the difficulty in drawing materials and complicated production techniques, it can only be used as a special percussion instrument tool for the ruling layer on major occasions. For example, the view of ancestor worship ceremony. Wood percussion is more popular, with a wide range of application value. Wood percussion refers to the main parts of percussion instruments, such as the handle of the hammer, the effective part of the drum hammer, and so on. With the development of percussion instruments in China, the materials are becoming more diversified and modern. The function of Chinese percussion changed from religious sacrifice to instrumental accompaniment and solo. Functional application is carried out according to the performance structure of starting and turning. Rise, is the rise, marks the beginning of the music, the beginning of the band, so the audience knows where the head is. For example, traditional Chinese Peking Opera is very particular about this. Bearing, is the connection, to the upper and lower section of the effective connection, such as the timpani is such. Turn is the transition of melody and the change of mode. In Chinese Peking Opera, one can often hear the effect of the cymbal. Close, is a high degree of fusion, the end of the meaning. In general, the role of harmony is relatively weak, but it is also indispensable, especially in traditional operas, harmony often plays the role of the finishing touch, such as "dragon and phoenix cheng xiang" this play, the end of the big gongs and small gongs, very lively, foil the theme of the play.

The function of western percussion music always presents the accompaniment effect of sound and strength. Western medieval Christian songs have percussion accompaniment of existence, but at that time the main accompaniment percussion instrumental music is a pipe organ, percussion as an important instrumental music or modern western music after the end of the second world war, it is mainly divided into metal materials, composite materials, for percussion sound, attaches great importance to efforts, have played an important role in foil rhythm, expanding the volume and effect. In the process of development, western percussion music has absorbed elements of South America and Africa, such as African drum, Indian drum, American tambourine and other elements, combined with the popular elements of rock and blues music, combining into a rich diversity of features. Western percussion is the most popular music in the United States, especially in black music percussion is the most widely used, the audience is also the largest.

The world today presents a trend of diversified development and integration. With the development of economic integration and globalization, the integration effect of Internet technology is increasingly prominent, which has brought great conditions for the integrated development of music and other cultural forms. In recent years, western percussion and Chinese percussion have shown a trend of continuous integration, mainly reflected in the integration of instrumental production, repertoire cooperation, creation and other phenomena. The fusion of instrumental music production is mainly composed of composite materials in the production and processing of percussion equipment, which is light, convenient and durable. Local materials are standardized and unified in production and processing. The fusion of repertoire cooperation is embodied in the cooperative performance of Chinese and western music, such as the performance of western symphonies with Chinese percussion, or the accompaniment of traditional Chinese repertoire with western percussion instruments. Creative fusion is just the phenomenon that creators from different cultural backgrounds participate in the cooperation, the division of labor and the mixed application of percussion elements to constantly try to innovate the sound effect and tone effect. Both Chinese and western percussion have their own characteristics and styles, and they present fresh and diversified artistic effects under the development trend of continuous integration, which is a phenomenon worthy of our continued attention.

It is of great significance for the integrated development of Chinese and western percussion. When their respective cultures become bottlenecks, the two percussion cultures merge with each other, which conforms to objective laws to some extent. Under the continuous integration of musical background, they learn from each other, learn from each other, inject new blood and find a new development path. Chinese and western percussion have their own characteristics and strengths. Western percussion emphasizes the characteristics of sound, strength and strength, while Chinese percussion emphasizes the characteristics of improvisation, rhythm and timbre. How to continue the fusion of the two can enrich the impact, enhance the musical expression and enhance the appeal of music. For China, five thousand years of cultural history of music culture is always in a process of fusion absorb fusion development is one of the main ways of Chinese music culture, is also one of the main changes in morphology of Chinese percussion, fusion of Chinese and western percussion is not only a subjective fusion, derivatives of the diversified development of globalization.

As an important part of music performance, percussion plays an important role in controlling the rhythm and changing the strength of music performance. This paper briefly analyzes the development trend of percussion music in China and the west, hoping to provide positive reference value.

