

Paper代写:Renaissance perspective

2019-11-05 18:27:16 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Renaissance perspective,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了文艺复兴时期的透视法。透视法是文艺复兴时期绘画体现新视角的重要手段,它的使用改变了中世纪绘画空洞单一的背景,使逼真生动的现实世界和客观自然成为神存在的背景。同时创造了更为多样的构图,打破了中世纪绘画呆板单一的构图样式,在视觉上为我们创造了更加丰富的美感体验。

Renaissance paintings show a new perspective different from medieval paintings, the most important reason is the innovation and development of perspective. Through the application of natural light and scientific perspective techniques, the artist vividly depicts the real natural world and brings a new perspective different from that of medieval paintings.

The word "perspective" is translated from the Latin "Perspcire", meaning "to see through". According to historical records, the 5th century BC in ancient Greece, perspective was born. Vitruvius, the ancient Roman architect in the 1st century BC, once mentioned this problem in his architectural renderings.

It really became a science in the 1520s during the Renaissance, when it was widely used by artists. Among them, Italian architect brunelleschi's "focal point" penetrating theory system made an important contribution to the formation of perspective theory. The painters chimabue and giotto di bondona studied the use of perspective in painting, and massaccio, Andre mantenia and others were also influenced by it and created many amazing works. Since then, a large number of knowledgeable artists and architects have studied perspective. For example, the architect Leon batista alberti proposed in his painting theory that "artists are scientists" and that painting should be based on certain mathematical principles. He also believed that by applying the laws of perspective, artists could scientifically interpret and reproduce nature. Da Vinci and Michelangelo also drew works with a sense of perspective on the basis of predecessors, among which leonardo Da Vinci made an in-depth study on the law of body perspective and color perspective in his work "the theory of painting".

Perspective research and application is the most important part of all the discoveries in the Renaissance. It not only enables artists to display works of art more realistically, but also shows people a new perspective different from that of the middle ages through the use of this technique. Religious paintings in the middle ages did not pay attention to the real depiction of the objective world, but used many techniques such as exaggerated deformation and changing the real spatial sequence to achieve the purpose of strongly expressing the spiritual world. Artists in the Renaissance advocated "imitating nature" and regarded fidelity as one of their important goals. The application of perspective can well realize this and help artists create a new perspective of painting.

The Renaissance, natural status is improved, the power of the people to pay attention to the natural, artists began to deep research to explore the nature, and want to truly portray, klein referred to in the "mathematics" in western culture: "Renaissance painters in the vibrant world grand, pleasant nature, to paint a beautiful picture, a beautiful picture scroll was proved to be the happiness of the material world, is to meet the needs of the natural inalienable rights, is from the earth, air, rivers and oceans bring joy."

The elevation of the status of nature is closely related to neo-platonism. On the basis of plotinus's "tai yi yi", neo-platonism put forward the theory of "overflow", in which "tai yi" can overflow rationality, rationality can overflow soul, and soul can overflow nature. This thought broke the separation between nature and god, and integrated them, forming a belief in the unity of god, nature and man, and forming a mystical pantheism that god and nature are the same. This is different from the medieval scholasticism when nature was created by god and god above everything else. The nature under this thought is divine, it is no longer the humble nature created by god, because it can create itself, can emit great energy, and make the universe full of light and warmth. The elevation of the status of nature makes people change from contempt to admiration of nature and treat it with a kind of attention and inspection.

Therefore, painters began to show nature on a large scale in their paintings. The most significant change was the background of religious mythological figures in this period, which changed from the secular golden light symbolizing infinite eternity and nobility to real things or natural scenery. The painting of the virgin Mary by rojer van der weeden, for example, has a golden background behind it, but the window is a real view, and even two people standing on the bridge looking out at the view beyond.

Light is a natural object that enables us to understand the world, and it is also an abstract existence that makes everything in the world visible. Because of its abstract form, it was endowed with a holy and mysterious meaning in the middle ages. For example, in the age of Pythagoras, "some believers claimed that the dust of the sun in the air was the soul", and it was used as a symbol of god, Christ, truth and virtue and savior in the bible. Later, philosophers and thinkers also paid close attention to it. After the transformation and development of plotinus, pseudo-dionysius and augustine, the interpretation of light evolved into a unique medieval "theological aesthetics of light". It makes the light have the sacred status, become the "holy light", and has a specific meaning, with the aesthetic implication of metaphysics of religion.

In the Renaissance, neo-platonism put forward the view of "sun worship", which was reflected in the importance of the sun's rays. Ficino pointed out in his book on the sun that "nothing reveals the nature of the good more completely than light." They believed that with the sun and the god of similar can replicate, rich fertility characteristics, because it is distributed by the countless great power, can give light, warmth and richness to the universe, the objective existence of the sun to replace the mystery of god, it can prove that people become rational understanding of nature from the perceptual, began to objectively look at the sun and the sun.

People's new understanding of light promoted the development of perspective. In his perspective theory, klein considers the light problem as the most important factor, because the light and shade can help artists better depict the real picture with the sense of space, and it can also put medieval holy figures in the more vivid real world. The background of figures in medieval paintings is mostly golden light. For example, the whole background of duccio's Madonna on the throne is all golden, and the head of the child has a more dazzling golden halo. Renaissance artists also began under the guidance of rational use of natural light in the picture, such as, la Angelina of Notre Dame in Notre Dame led newspaper head although there is a symbol of divine light golden halo, but as printed on the indoor natural light through the window, shows a delicate decoration space for us, the garden is under natural light to shine out of the window appears particularly lively.

In order to accurately depict the real world and pursue realistic painting effect, the artist needs to depict the scene with a certain sense of space on the plane, which needs to apply a variety of scientific mathematical principles, such as Euclidean geometry and so on. The scientific factors in painting are first reflected in the composition of the painting. Composition is the result of rational thinking of artists. Mature geometric composition enables art to find its own rules and get rid of its previous arbitrariness and external framework, thus becoming more mature. Before the Renaissance, "painter painting mainly considering put the owner or sponsor wants to express the theme of the picture of a fixed, in shape picture to picture, around the box and the relationship between frame element is fixed, a form and is closely related to another form within the picture continues, this is self-evident." In the creation of religious paintings, "everything is also arranged in an inherent hierarchy... The Byzantine artist also placed the virgin in the middle, flanked by angels or saints... The artist pays attention to the art of reproduction, which must function with a minimum of sacrifice of order." The basic task of perspective perspective method is to draw a three-dimensional space scene that makes us see in a fixed position and Angle, similar to the scene that our eyes see through a window, on the premise of knowing the size and position of a plane. Based on this point, artists in the Renaissance tried to use scientific perspective and rational spirit in their paintings to explore more vivid composition styles and create new forms that were different from the rigid composition in the middle ages. Among them, masaccio, giotto, Francesca, Da Vinci and Raphael are representative artists. For example, the last supper by Da Vinci takes Jesus as the central axis, and the disciples on both sides are distributed symmetrically. Besides, the disciples also have different combinations, and the indoor layout is also symmetrical. The application of perspective makes people focus on Jesus first, and also makes the picture have a sense of depth and space. Da Vinci's "Santa Anna and the virgin and child" USES a stable triangular composition. The characters are vivid and vivid, forming a complete and stable structure, which is different from the previous rigid composition. The Sistine Madonna is the representative work of the Madonna painted by Raphael. The composition of this painting is an implicit cross structure, which focuses people's eyes on the Madonna. The different poses of the figures on the left and right sides and the shapes of clothes make the picture very vivid. In addition to painting composition embodies the Renaissance artists in the pursuit of the scientific attitude, "the school of Athens" works directly with the content of Raphael express human's praise of the scientific spirit pursuit, it USES perspective focuses attention on the center of the whole picture, then according to the method of geometric composition arrange other characters. Whole picture in st Peter's bramante designed template, will be related to ancient seven liberal arts representative, such as Plato, Aristotle, Pythagoras, grammar master Epicurus, architect bramante, Euclidean geometry home, painters such as sodom, respectively on both sides stand for the goddess of wisdom, Athena statue and the statue of Apollo, the god of music, the whole picture reveals the pursuit of rationality and the atmosphere of wisdom. Raphael designed the background behind the characters as layers of staircases leading to the blue sky, as if they were in the holy heaven. Meanwhile, the scientific achievements of architectural design and perspective are reflected in the whole picture, as well as a miracle of spiritual power.

Perspective is an important method to reflect the new perspective in Renaissance painting. Its use changed the empty and single background of medieval painting, and made the realistic and vivid real world and objective nature become the background of god's existence. At the same time, it creates more diversified composition, breaks the rigid and single composition style of medieval paintings, and creates a richer aesthetic experience for us visually. The emergence of a new perspective of painting cannot be separated from the philosophy of the Renaissance, which created a different thinking from that of the middle ages, triggered the artists' thinking on the new perspective of art, and provided a scientific method to show the new perspective.


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2019-11-05 17:31:09 | 日記
































2019-11-05 17:18:08 | 日記















Paper代写:Big data application scenarios

2019-11-05 17:14:10 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Big data application scenarios讨论了大数据应用场景。大数据没有应用场景就没有价值。当用户在使用一些产品时,最可能在某个空间,也就是场景中进行应用。而且在对用户场景进行设计时,需要考虑到很多未知因素。需要考虑客户的满意程度,以及对该应用场景的一个评价。根据客户对应用场景提出的不足之处进行具体的分析,并提出相应的改进方案。随着信息化技术更新换代的速度不断加快,从而出现了很多形式的应用场景,每个应用场景存在的不确定因素也是比较多的,如何在不确定的环境下,为客户提供满意的服务,就需要对不同的应用场景进行分析,使客户的期望值达到最大化,更好的满足客户的需求。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

Data is a kind of new technology that emerges gradually in our country after entering the 21st century. The so-called big data is a data set with large amount of data and complicated data categories. This kind of data puts forward the denial to the traditional database, thus big data arises at the historic moment, also realized the enterprise management and the management better.

The principle analysis of big data is mainly introduced from the following two aspects. First, how big data is collected. First, in the process of data collection, some links need to be dismembered to reduce the complexity of the process. The main requirements of big data collection are accurate and comprehensive, so as to achieve specific analysis of specific data. Second, in the process of big data collection, data from traditional sources and structured data from the Internet are needed for support. Although the application of traditional system in promoting social development has shortcomings, it can still be used for reference in providing data. The main application system has accounting system, HR system and so on. The structured digital system provided by the Internet is relatively accurate, but the data generated by sensors and other devices in the Internet of things will complicate the application, mainly due to the timely matching of data production volume and intake. The analysis of mining needs to be introduced from three steps. First, identify the source of the data. Data collection methods are various, including manual collection, automatic collection and so on. Data collected by different methods need to be clearly classified, because the accuracy of data collected by different methods is also different. Second, be clear about the availability of the data. The collected data can be applied in many fields, some for real-time on-site judgment, and some for long-term strategic decisions. Finally, measure the value of the data. There needs to be a comprehensive consideration of the measures used to collect the data. It is also worth considering what kind of measurement is needed for different data analysis, and whether the measurement can reward and reward the right behavior.

Big data has no value without application scenarios. When users are using products, they are most likely to use them in a space, or scenario. And there are many unknowns to consider when designing user scenarios. First, you need to consider customer satisfaction and an evaluation of the application scenario. Then, according to the customer to the application scenario of the shortcomings of the specific analysis, and put forward the corresponding improvement plan. Finally, with the acceleration of upgrading information and technology, thus there are many forms of application scenario, each application scenario is also more uncertain factors, how under the uncertain environment, to provide customers with satisfactory service, you need to analyze different application scenarios, to maximize customer expectations, to better meet the needs of customers. In China, the typical representatives of big data application scenarios mainly include search engine companies, social networking companies and e-commerce companies. These application scenarios are representative at present, and as a whole, customers have relatively high evaluation on them. As for baidu, the search engine company, it can solve all kinds of doubts of users, and the whole operation process is relatively convenient. In practical application, it also provides people with very convenient services. However, baidu also has some disharmonious notes in recent years, some lawless elements use baidu platform for improper operation, which is not conducive to the healthy growth of young people. As for the social networking company tencent, it is inseparable from People's Daily life and is increasingly closely related to our daily life. Using QQ, WeChat and other social software can not only meet our normal communication needs, WeChat and other platforms can also conduct online and offline payment, which facilitates a lot of transaction processes. At present, a major disadvantage of tencent's application is that some criminals use social software to commit fraud, many people have been duped. For the e-commerce company taobao, the development speed in recent years is very fast, the development trend is also very good. However, with its development, some platforms with high similarity, such as Vipshop, suning tesco and, also appear correspondingly, and the corresponding industry competition will be increasingly big.

Although the application of big data promotes the development level of Chinese enterprises to some extent, there are still some problems in the practical application. User privacy issues, for example, in a big data environment, all user privacy is exposed in the perspective of the staff, some criminals use illegal means to get users to seek profits of large amounts of data, it will inevitably the credibility of the enterprise, and even some serious illegal and criminal activities also can cause large mass incidents, affect social harmony and stability.

This paper analyzes the concept and application principle of "big data", and makes a simple analysis of its application scenarios, typical representatives and existing problems. To sum up, in order to better promote the development of Chinese society, it is necessary to actively improve the problems existing in practical application. In the big data environment, it is necessary to better realize big data mining and make technical innovation in application scenarios.


Essay代写:Legal regulation of freedom of speech on the Internet

2019-11-05 17:11:07 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Legal regulation of freedom of speech on the Internet,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网络言论自由的法律规制。网络言论自由是指公民在不违背法律法规的前提下,利用互联网信息传播方式,通过其创造的网络空间来表达自己对某种现象或事物的观点或看法,提出自己的建议或意见。另外,网络言论自由是公民的基本权利,但是由于网络本身固有的特征导致网民的言论自由演变成网络暴力行为。

At present, the behavior of the network subject is complex and diverse, and the network management is relatively difficult, and the network environment is in urgent need of rectification, especially the network violence in the network speech. Freedom of speech on the Internet is a basic right of citizens, but due to the inherent characteristics of the Internet, the freedom of speech of Internet users has evolved into Internet violence.

Introduction: with the continuous development of science and technology, the Internet industry is becoming increasingly prosperous, but the ensuing network violence constantly occurs. In recent days, hot incidents of Internet violence have occurred frequently at home and abroad, and the major Internet platforms have become the stage for Internet violence. Therefore, we should not only pay attention to the constitutional right of free speech, but also be aware of the reverse harm caused when people abuse the constitutional right -- cyber violence. Based on this, this paper takes the freedom of speech of citizens as the entry point and focuses on the discussion of Internet violence, in order to provide useful reference for China to solve the problem of Internet violence in the future.

Article 53 of the constitution of the People's Republic of China stipulates that "citizens of the People's Republic of China shall have freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration". Freedom of speech is the basic right of citizens to speak freely and listen to others' opinions as they wish, provided that the personal rights and dignity of the persons under discussion are guaranteed. Freedom of speech is a basic human right of citizens, and no one can illegally deprive it. However, freedom of speech also has its limitations. From the perspective of the object of restriction, it is mainly restricted on the content of speech and non-restricted on the content of speech, that is, the method or channel of expression of speech. In a word, freedom of speech cannot go beyond the limits of the law.

Freedom of speech on the Internet means that citizens can express their views or opinions on certain phenomena or things and put forward their own Suggestions or opinions through the network space created by the Internet on the premise of not violating laws and regulations.

According to the above concept of freedom of speech on the Internet, freedom of speech on the Internet has the following characteristics:

The first characteristic of Internet freedom is anonymity. On the Internet, the communication between people is mostly realized through anonymity. The concealment of the freedom of speech on the Internet provides a space for all kinds of users to express their opinions freely on various network platforms.

The second characteristic of Internet freedom is openness. On the one hand, on the big platform of the Internet, any citizen can express his or her own opinions without being limited by space or time. Anyone can speak and see what others are saying at different times and places. A piece of news on the Internet is likely to set off a thousand waves, so a former star announced the relationship, resulting in microblogging paralysis, click more than 100 million. On the other hand, the Internet connects the world as a whole. People in different countries can see the information of other countries and connect with people in other countries.

The third characteristic of Internet freedom is sharing. The Internet connects the world as a whole, transcends the limitations of time, space and nationality and language. For example, although we live in China, with the popularity of microblog and the increasing number of registered foreigners among microblog users, we have more channels to obtain foreign information. At the same time, the news we publish on QQ space and microblog can also be known and obtained by citizens of our own country and other countries. The click volume of a microblog can even be tens of thousands within a minute. The openness of the Internet accelerates the speed of information dissemination, expands the channels for people to acquire knowledge and increases the amount of information that people can obtain.

Internet violence refers to the violence formed by making bad remarks on the Internet or even causing some disturbance to the normal life of others. In a broad sense, publishing words, sentences and articles that are hurtful and insulting to others on the virtual platform of the Internet falls into the category of cyber violence. However, as the Internet is not as easy to control and manage as real life, whether a thing belongs to Internet violence needs to be carefully measured. However, due to the concealment and openness of the Internet, the number of Internet violence is increasing, and some statements are harmful to the people, the society and the country.

One of the causes of Internet violence is the anonymity of Internet users. Due to the development of network technology, the network has penetrated into every corner of people's lives, and the threshold of access to the network is very low, almost everyone can access the Internet and register users, which also makes people of different classes and different qualities easily enter the network world, so the conflict on the network is inevitable. Some of the violent conflict of the nature of the speech will develop into "network violence", network violence will cause a certain degree of psychological harm to citizens, and even in real life threat to the personal safety of citizens.

The second cause of Internet violence is the arbitrariness of Internet speech, also known as emotional speech. Due to the anonymity of Internet users, many people express their opinions freely on the Internet, and some even take pleasure in attacking others with their words, which forms a very bad atmosphere on the Internet. Therefore, the arbitrariness of Internet speech is also an important reason for the formation of Internet violence.

"Human flesh search" refers to the search of personal information of citizens from the Internet and spread it widely without the knowledge of the parties, sometimes verbal attacks or even personal attacks on others, threats or actual infringement of others' right of reputation, privacy and personal security. In such platforms as renren, blog and tieba, human flesh search is a common form of Internet violence.

Micro-blog is one of the most important social networking platforms in China today. The registered users of micro-blog have exceeded 100 million, among which there are celebrities such as film and television stars. However, these public figures have great influence. The privacy of public figures is often violated. The number of "fans" is large and the quality is uneven. As long as public figures have a trouble, fans will immediately concerned, and the broad masses of fans have a number of "spiderman" keyboard according to their own likes and dislikes and emotional spread false information on the Internet, plus some sites to pursue hits and economic benefit, on the "hot issues" to make the event worse, the event the parties by more and more attention and comments. If a public figure makes a mistake, nine times out of ten he will be criticized by the public. Under the impact of this trend, the public can easily be deluded and confuse right and wrong, thus causing psychological or physical harm to the people being discussed.

Rumor and slander means that citizens deliberately fabricate facts, spread rumors and slander others on the Internet platform when there is no basis for facts. While spreading rumors and slander, some citizens disclose others' privacy without permission, such as personal name, id number, home address, work unit, bank card number, etc., which causes significant interference to the lives of the parties involved in real life. Because of the diversity of network users, Internet users will inevitably take on personal emotional color while spreading information. After the information is transformed and spread, it gradually loses its authenticity.

In response to the growing trend of cyber violence, the country should start from the government, platforms and citizens, and use legislative and judicial means to curb the development trend of cyber violence, so as to create a clear and healthy cyber space.

The rule of law is one of China's "four comprehensives" strategy. Law is an important tool for the country to manage society and restrain citizens. Since the founding of new China, the country attaches great importance to the improvement of the legal system, China has established a relatively perfect socialist legal system. However, due to the constant emergence of new things, more and more aspects need to be protected by legislation. Cyberspace is an extremely important aspect. China's laws and regulations for the Internet is not small, but can not completely eliminate the network violence. Therefore, the country should further strengthen the network legislation, pay attention to the protection of the basic rights of citizens, not only to ensure the freedom of speech of citizens, but also to prevent others' right to privacy, reputation and other legitimate rights from being violated.

At present, China has a large number of network platforms and over 100 million registered users, which not only promotes the development of China's Internet industry, but also causes certain difficulties to Internet management. And the number of illegal business network platform is more, the number of its registered users is also a lot. Except for a small number of large-scale and prestigious online platforms, which are strictly managed, other small platforms blindly pursue commercial interests and economic benefits, ignore the restrictions of laws and regulations and government regulation, spread bad information, promote online violence, attract people's attention and make public sensationalism. While strengthening the legislation, the government should also strengthen the management of the network platform, make clear the scope of responsibility, clear the limit of responsibility, raise the threshold of industry access, and clean up the network platform that does not conform to the rules and regulations. The government should not only strengthen external supervision, but also help platform managers to strengthen their sense of responsibility, establish legal concepts, and make network operators respect and abide by the law from the bottom of their hearts.

Citizens are the main participants in online activities. In addition to perfecting legislation and strengthening platform supervision, it is also an important way to improve citizens' personal quality and legal awareness. To strengthen the ideological and moral education of citizens and the cultivation of scientific culture quality, improve the whole quality of our citizens and fundamentally clear the unhealthy practices on the Internet, let citizens know how to have a limit, and not to the extremes of appropriate comments, we need to respect the reputation and the privacy of others, to fulfill the responsibility of themselves as citizens of the People's Republic of China, consciously abide by the laws, maintenance, don't do illegal violation of morality. As long as the overall quality of citizens is improved and the legal awareness is enhanced, the speech conflicts on the Internet will be reduced, and it will be easier to supervise and manage the online platform.

Conclusion: the Internet is a double-edged sword, which can enrich people's life and make people's life colorful, and also cause some negative effects on people's life inadvertently. In order to give full play to the positive role of the Internet, limit the negative effects of the Internet, and create a healthy, civilized, harmonious and clean cyberspace, the state must take necessary measures from the aspects of legislation and justice to regulate citizens' speech and behavior, so that freedom of speech, the basic human right, will not be damaged by pollution. Let the Internet become a platform for citizens to communicate with confidence, and let civilization become a synonym of the Internet.

