

Critical Analysis与Summary的写作区别

2019-11-18 15:19:56 | 日記
很多留学生们都吐槽过国外大学的论文作业种类繁多,一不小心可能就会把两种不同类型的作业弄混,其中Critical Analysis与Summary就是很多留学生们都弄混过的作业,其实这两者的区别还是可以分清的,下面就给大家讲解一下。

尽管summaries和critical analyses密切相关,但是它们之间的区别非常明显。 另外,请记住,critical analysis和summary只是两种论文,还有许多其他论文有不同的要求。


撰写summary时,您只需要以直接,清晰和简洁的方式讲述主题的重点,无论是研究文章还是文学作品;而在编写critical analysis时,您必须根据所需的分析类型来评估主题,这意味着在编写summary时,主题保持原样,只是较短。

但是在编写critical analysis时,主题将承担另一种形式,您必须提供可能的含义或对所分析的文章提出批评。


例如,写作任务是“how gender influenced a character's decisions in Literature X”,这使论文成为critical analysis,因为您需要提供受过教育的见解作为问题的答案。

但是,如果问题变成“what are the key decisions that the main character has to make in Literature X”,那就是变成summary.

通常,当必须回答Who, What, When, Where的问题时,必须提供summary.最基本的问题是“What”,它指的是确定故事的元素。




确定需求后,现在就必须缩小覆盖范围。在写thesis statement时,必须确保清楚地表达了自己的目的。当涉及论文写作时,文字游戏并不是最好的武器。作为summary,它可以很简单,比如:

"This paper aims to provide a summary for Literature X"(或者您可以留下论文标题自己说出来,例如“Literature X': A Summary),然后以您自己的话写故事。

但是,在撰写批判性分析时,论文陈述的表述变得有些复杂。以“how gender influenced a character's decisions in Literature X”为简单例子:

首先,您可以将问题转换为thesis statement-“This paper aims to discuss how gender influences the decisions of the characters of Literature X.”

或者,您也可以解决这个问题,使您清楚地证明自己是有道理的:"The decisions of Character 1 in Literature X are always beaming with equality considering that she is a woman in a patriarchal society."

但是,您选择编写thesis statement,请始终确保清楚地陈述。

The Confusion不同

虽然,在撰写本文之前,您可能会问自己“how can I steer clear from just narrating key information of this article?”。

答案很简单-您不能。为什么?因为在编写summaries和critical analyses时,您注入到论文中的所有信息都是必不可少的。




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以上就是关于Critical Analysis与Summary的写作区别,看完之后,现在大家总算知道这两者的区别了吧,希望大家以后不要再弄混。



Paper代写:Image modeling of Chinese and western paintings

2019-11-18 15:17:23 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Image modeling of Chinese and western paintings,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了中西绘画的意象造型。中国与西方一些现代绘画艺术虽然在艺术家个人表达这点上是殊途同归的,但是二者还是存在着显著的差异。中国传统的绘画更多是受到传统道家哲学思想的影响,在意象造型上体现出了道家思想的审美趣味。而西方现代主义绘画受到了精神分析学说、超自然主义等多种哲学思想的影响,不同的流派意象造型的特点也大不相同,不像中国传统绘画那样出现高度的一致性。另外,中西绘画意象造型体现的精神内涵也大不相同。

There is a big difference between Chinese painting art and western painting art. In contrast, Chinese painting art pays more attention to the expression and expression of the artist's own emotions, while western art pays more attention to the pursuit of truth and realism to reproduce the objective world. However, this is only from the overall perspective. In fact, there are certain similarities between the two aesthetic systems of Chinese and western art, especially after western art enters modernism, it pays more and more attention to the expression of subjective feelings of artists. Image exists in both Chinese and western fine arts. There are similarities and differences in image modeling between them.

Image is an important concept in traditional Chinese painting. There is a close relationship between the image modeling of Chinese painting and Chinese traditional culture. Chinese classical aesthetics and philosophy are the direct origin of the image modeling of painting art. Influenced by the concepts of Chinese philosophy, such as dynamic and static, virtual and real, Chinese painting developed aesthetic categories, such as shade, shape and spirit, far and near, dry and wet, which shaped the unique characteristics of traditional Chinese painting different from western painting. Influenced by the concept of "complacency but forgetting the image" in traditional Chinese philosophy, the concept of freehand brushwork was born in Chinese painting very early in aesthetic appreciation and creation. The role of "idea" is more important in painting, and "image" usually exists as a medium to express "idea".

In image on modelling, the Chinese traditional painting not shaped like a, but beg forms and grasp the essential characteristics of things, by a few pen to stand out, through highly concise brushwork to the nature of the material are derived, eliminating external side-issues, makes the work features of the more prominent, more impact, in give a person leave deep impression at the first glance. For example, zhu da da shan man's lonely bird map is extremely obvious to reflect this feature. In the whole picture except for a lonely bird, there are usually only a few dead branches left as background ornament, or even there is only one bird in the whole picture, leaving a lot of white space in the picture. At the same time, the shape of birds is also very simple, through concise brushwork outline its external outline, for the relevant details such as feathers, but very little description. In some of his paintings, the most prominent detail is the birds' eyes, which vividly convey the loneliness of seeing people with white eyes through the simple use of black and white. The characteristics of image modeling are closely related to the artist's own emotional expression. As a descendant of Ming dynasty royal family, zhu da was facing the situation of the destruction of his country and his family, forming the characteristics of grief, anger, depression and loneliness. Therefore, his thoughts and personality would naturally be revealed in his paintings.

In image modeling, Chinese painting also pursues a state of abstraction and concreteness, "the beauty lies between likeness and unlikeness". In the process of painting creation, the painting artist takes the objective image as the basis and carries out subjective creation and artistic processing through generalization, refinement, exaggeration and other techniques. Finally, the image presented is not only the original objective image, but also the subject emotion and aesthetic idea of the artist. Through the created paintings, we can not only see the shadow of the objective image, but also interpret the artist's personal emotion and aesthetic pursuit through the refined image. For example, through zheng banqiao's paintings of bamboo, we can directly understand the outstanding characteristics of bamboo, and also deeply understand the author's praise and pursuit of the spiritual qualities such as integrity and bua. At this time, the bamboo in the painting is not only the concept of nature, but also has the characteristics of personality, from the real nature to the real art, has a more unique artistic charm.

Traditional western painting pursues the objective representation of nature and reality. After the 19th century, western paintings were also influenced by eastern paintings, and many eastern painting techniques were borrowed from western paintings in this period. In addition, the social trend of thought centered on people, many painters began to express their own inner world instead of reproducing the outside world, and gave more personal feelings and spiritual connotation to the picture in their paintings, which led to a significant change in western painting creation. The western modernism painting no longer simply pursues the detailed and realistic description of the reality, but makes the modeling factors serve more for the artist's inner world and the expression of the subject's emotion.

In image modeling, western paintings are more fond of using various colors to express their inner feelings and subjective feelings. Western painting artists have a great preference for various colors. Different colors usually symbolize different emotions and feelings, which have become an important means for western painting artists to express their ideas. The use of color is most evident in the works of the Dutch post-impressionist painter van gogh. In "sunflower", van gogh used yellow, an extremely intense color, in his paintings, to display his understanding of life incisively and vividly, and to convey the artist's warm and sincere emotion, full of passion and upward passion. This is the most real expression of the author's emotion and inner world. The colors in starry sky are in sharp contrast to those in sunflower. The painting USES a large number of cool colors, mainly blue. The emotion it conveys is more mania, struggle, anger and helplessness, which is the most real expression of the author's mood and situation at this time. Through the bold use of contrasting colors, van gogh conveyed his feelings to the world in his works and revealed his inner world.

At the same time, artists also use highly exaggerated, distorted image modeling to highlight their own inner and spiritual world. The western post-modernism painting has changed the perspective of creation from the real world to a surreal world to convey one's inner feelings and spiritual world, which is especially evident in the paintings of surrealist painter Dali. In his work "eternal memory", the author presents a strange world through the images of wriggling clocks, sibuxiang monsters and so on. The main images in the picture are distorted to a large extent and are organized into a picture without logic, revealing personal dreams and illusions, just like the subjective world in the subconscious of mental patients, expressing a painful and helpless life reality. In "premonition of civil war", Dali broke apart the human body and recombined it into a grotesque and horrible image to construct a surreal phenomenon, allowing viewers to deeply feel the terror and destructive power of war from the picture. The author expresses his accusation of war crimes in this highly exaggerated and realistic way.

For a long time, Chinese painting has been influenced by Oriental aesthetic and philosophical thoughts, and image has always been in the dominant position in artistic expression, forming a unique Oriental aesthetic system, while the development and transformation of western painting is much more tortuous. In the middle ages, western paintings mainly served religion and conveyed religious doctrines through paintings. In the Renaissance, they were influenced by the trend of thought of humanism, and many different art schools emerged, such as classicism, romanticism, impressionism and modernism. With the continuous development of western philosophy, great changes have taken place in the artistic expression of western paintings. The individual spirit and inner world of artists have become the focus of painting art, and expressionism, abstraction, brutalism and other painting schools that use image expression as the technique have emerged. Therefore, the similarities between Chinese paintings and western paintings in this period are that they focus on the expression of the artist's personal subjective feelings, inner feelings and spiritual world. In order to realize this kind of artistic appeal, both Chinese and western paintings abandoned the accurate representation and description of objective things, and turned to inject subjective expression into the paintings through deformation, exaggeration, refinement and other techniques. The image modeling in the works is for the personal expression of the artist, not to reproduce the objective world.

Although some modern painting art in China and the west are different in terms of individual expression, there are still significant differences between them.

First of all, China is far from western modernism in terms of ideological origin. The traditional Chinese painting is more influenced by the traditional Taoist philosophical thought, which shows the aesthetic taste of Taoist thought in image modeling. However, western modernism painting was influenced by psychoanalysis, supernaturalism and other philosophical thoughts, and the characteristics of image modeling in different schools were quite different, which did not show a high degree of consistency like Chinese traditional painting.

Secondly, there are great differences between Chinese and western paintings in the way of image modeling. The image modeling of Chinese painting is mainly represented by ink, brush and rice paper, and the black and white lines are used to shape the image modeling with the unique meaning of Oriental philosophy. Image modeling has a high degree of generality, more simple and plain. His use of color is mostly black and white, which also highlights the philosophical pursuit of "returning to pu-shang-su" pursued by Taoist philosophy. In contrast, western painting is more complicated in expression techniques. Although it no longer follows the traditional artistic pursuit of reproducing the objective world, many painting expression techniques have been inherited and developed. In terms of image modeling, western paintings will realize the personal expression of artists through the changes of lines, shapes, light and shade, and light and shadow. In terms of color treatment, it forms a sharp contrast with traditional Chinese paintings. Different from traditional Chinese paintings, which focus on black and white, western paintings express different emotions through various colors and reflect the inner world of the author at different stages. Almost all colors can be used in the shaping of image modeling. In addition, in terms of artistic techniques, traditional Chinese paintings emphasize highly refinement and generalization, abandon details, and point to the core essence of the real image. The image created does not appear too exaggerated deformation, nor does it distort the original things. Western painting, on the other hand, reconstructs images that do not exist in reality through disassembling, reassembling and stitching objective objects, so as to serve the personal expression of artists, such as the paintings of Picasso, the Spanish painter.

Finally, Chinese and western painting image modeling reflects the spiritual connotation is also very different. The image modeling of traditional Chinese painting reflects the pursuit of "tao" and nature by Chinese painting artists. The spiritual expression of western art has experienced the evolution process from divinity to humanity and finally from humanity to artistry. This makes the image modeling of western paintings in different stages reflect different characteristics, and there is a huge difference between each other.

To sum up, under the influence of relatively unified artistic thoughts, the evolution of artistic creation techniques in traditional Chinese painting has not changed dramatically. Therefore, image modeling has a great identity and a lot of common characteristics. However, due to the alternations of aesthetic thoughts in western paintings, the expression techniques have been updated frequently. Although there is a relationship between inheritance and development during this period, it shows more obvious diversity. Therefore, image modeling is more diversified and complicated.

In a word, the development of painting art will be influenced by many factors such as different nationalities, cultures, historical backgrounds and lifestyles, thus presenting different characteristics. In history, Chinese and western paintings followed their own development and evolution trajectory, forming two sets of completely different aesthetic systems. However, with the cultural exchanges becoming more frequent, mutual influence and mutual reference between different countries, different nationalities and different regions of painting art has become inevitable. By studying the image modeling of Chinese and western paintings, we can clarify the development track of the painting art of the two systems, so as to point out the correct direction for the further development of Chinese painting art under the background of globalization.


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2019-11-18 15:16:09 | 日記

Margins, Spacing, and Font Size(边距,间距和字体大小)

First and foremost you should leave a marginal space of 1 inch from the top, bottom, left and right sides of the page. You can easily leave a margin space of one inches in Word by doing the following tasks:


(1)Go to the page layout option and click the margins tab.


(2)Click on the normal option, which is default to 1 inch space from all the sides.


Each and every line of the paragraph should be double-spaced. Proper line spacing can be achieved in MS Word through the following steps:


(1)Select the paragraph.


(2)Right click on the selected portion.


(3)Go to Paragraph.


(4)In the Indents and Spacing tab: go-to ‘line spacing’ option and select ‘Double’.


Make sure that you use the Times New Roman font with size 12 to write your essay. This is a universal font acceptable in all academic papers. Don’t try to use a larger font to write less!

确保您使用Times New Roman字体、大小12的文字来写你的文章。这是一个学术论文可以接受的通用字体。不要试图用更大的字体而减少写作的字数!


The heading should start with the top left corner of the page. Make sure that you have set the indentation to left-justified. The left justified option can be easily enabled in your MS Word software.


The heading of the essay should follow a format which is:


(1)Write your name on the first line of the heading.


(2)Write your instructor name below your name.


(3)Write the name of the subject and the subject code below the instructor’s name.


(4)Write the date of submission below the subject name.


An example heading could be:


Marc Stevens 马克·史蒂文斯

Dr. Thomas Daniels 托马斯·丹尼尔斯博士

Math 1005 数学1005

4 March 2014 2014年3月4日

One of the most ignored but the most important parts in essay formatting is the header. The first page of the header should contain only the page number. From the second page and further, the header should contain your last name and page number, both should be right indented.


Header formatting steps for first page:


(1)Go to the insert option.


(2)Click on the header tab.


(3)Check the different first page option.


(4)Click on the page number tab in the design tab.


(5)Inside the top of page option select the right indented page number.


Header formatting steps for second page and further.


(1)Go to the insert option and click the headers tab.


(2)Uncheck the different first page option.


(3)Click on the page number tab in the design tab.


(4)Choose the right indented page number style.


(5)Write your last name before the page number.


The MLA rule book says that the paragraphs should start by leaving a half-inch space at the beginning. To keep it simple, you can start your paragraphs after pressing the tab button. Make sure that each and every paragraph that you write should follow this format.


(1)The title should come after the heading and should be center aligned. After writing the title, make sure that you press enter twice before starting with the paragraph. You can use the formatting symbol (?) option and check that there are two formatting symbols between the title and the paragraph. You can start writing the first paragraph after the title.


(2)Keep the text left aligned every time you start with a new line.


These are simple college essay formatting guidelines that every student should follow in his academic age. The format makes the essay easy to read and comprehend for the reader.



Paper代写:The development of animation industry

2019-11-18 15:14:17 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The development of animation industry讨论了动画产业的发展。欧美动画以动画电影为起点,凭借领先全世界的先进的数字媒体科技,以精美细致的画面,跌宕起伏的故事情节,以及特有的美式幽默,成为商业动画界的佼佼者。日本的动画产业体系文化可以说是举世闻名,被誉为“动漫之国”其动漫产业产量的输出在历年来都一直处于世界领先地位。与美国以动画电影为起点相比,日本主要借助电视动画,ova等剧集形式为依托作为动画的主要传播手段。另外,韩国的动画产业依靠大量的日本外包动画业务扶持逐渐发起与兴起,由于韩国的政策等情况,韩国的动画作品的导向需要对整体文化产业链的整体起到带动作用。韩国的动画产业是一种以动画IP作为文化元素融入城市的载体中去,这样动画的文化与城市文化也就有了交集息息相关,共同发展。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

At present, the development of animation in European countries takes the United States as an example. Starting from animation films, European and American animations have become the leaders in the commercial animation industry by virtue of the advanced digital media technology leading the world, exquisite and detailed pictures, ups and downs of the story, and unique American humor. The animation industry has a relatively mature industrial system. Due to the leading technology and the pursuit of innovation and technical innovation in the production of animation, the box office of animated film series released in cinemas is always high. Take Disney as an example. In the early stage, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck series achieved a series of success, and they did not abandon their foundation, constantly improving their image, launching books and animations. Also benefit from special at the time, without such, Disney created their own a set of animation system of fairy tales, created the Disney's fairy tale world, the same influence in the industry to expand at the same time, established the Disney theme park, in various countries in the innovation of new animated films at the same time, the park will be updated as new image, image has also become a popular brand will continue in one hundred received and the cause of the sustained development. And the king of copyright Disney company will be peripheral products into the world market, obtained a great deal of revenue. Disney created classic films such as the little mermaid, the lion king and toy story from 1989 to 2000, which became a milestone in the world of CG animation. But because audiences are tired of the Disney type touch panel commercial movies, Disney has begun to transition, from around the world, break through the creation form, as well as technical innovation, such as the "mulan", "city of wild animals", "dreams", can let a person feel amazing every work, so from the animation itself is excellent, aggressive marketing, strict copyright protection and knowledge was a commercial success.

Asian countries take Japan and South Korea as an example. Japan's animation industry system and culture can be said to be world-famous, and it is known as "the country of animation". Its output of animation industry has been in the leading position in the world over the years. Compared with the starting point of animated films in the United States, Japan mainly relies on TV animation, ova and other drama forms as the main means of transmission of animation. To put it simply, Japanese animation industry can be composed of manga, TV animation, film animation and games, forming a stable relationship of an iron triangle. However, in the embryonic period of Japanese animation, European and American animations were widely welcomed by the public, while local animations were also neglected. Faced with this has inspired people with lofty ideals to create the enthusiasm of national animation. Therefore, Japan has successfully explored its own path in the process of innovation. It can be said that after a hundred years of changes, Japanese animation gradually transformed from the educational tool of militarism into a means to promote the national native culture, revitalize the national economy and enhance the country's international status, and became the Japanese characteristic of "building a nation by culture". Represented by tezuka pest series "astro boy", "black jack black jack", "forest emperor" and so on, has received widespread praise from all walks of life at the time, and therefore the Japanese animation began to move towards the world, to stabilize the Japanese animation TV market, it is worth mentioning that as a turning point, improve the visibility and influence of the animation, greatly improving the pitchman social status, so in the case of the state shall pay attention to, and the birth of a new batch of excellent pitchman. For example, free animators like hayao miyazaki have created a series of excellent animation works, which not only have excellent animation production, but also are rich in profound philosophical thoughts, which have been widely spread and become world-class animation masters. Moreover, world-class evaluation has also successfully promoted the social status of animation in Japan. Subsequently, miyazaki hayao's "princess mononoke" and "spirited away" won various awards at home and abroad. Miyazaki hayao's works not only retain the artistic and social features of animation works, but also ensure the market profits and wide dissemination.

Tezuka pest animation has brought the world animation industry innovation and shock and hayao miyazaki is considered to be "can from Disney World animation another peak", Japan also therefore had two pitchman to build museums, tezuka pest memorial hall and three eagle sen art museum, attracting people all over the world come to visit, amazing, imagine their positions in Japan.

In the digital era, Japan has created a new animation industry constitution, and the animation production committee has gradually replaced the independent producer. Production committee refers to the number of related enterprises, in the form of any combination or anonymous combination, to invest 10 capital. Under the premise of separating animation production and commercial development, the operation system of joint investment, joint risk and joint benefit is formed. Due to the diversification of investment themes, the market forecast and analysis is more professional, to ensure the integrity of the overall operation plan. Therefore, the animation peripheral has become the most profitable link. Take pokemon for example, the overseas revenue has reached 38 billion yen, while the peripheral development revenue has reached 1.2 billion yen. The authorization of Pikachu's image has created a revenue of 3 trillion yen, which has become a classic case of animation peripheral development in the world. Japanese animation culture, therefore, also performed in the streets of Japan, small to merchant's advertisement, trolley warning signs on the subway, everywhere embodies the characteristics of animation culture, not only that, the Japanese famous animation culture district, east of akihabara, all of them are in the buildings surrounding the sale of animation and animation, the virtual character set to show real entity, steady and stable of Japanese animation industry chain, to promote the prosperity of the market.

South Korea's animation industry began to rely on a large number of Japanese animation outsourcing business support initiated and rise gradually, such as South Korea's policy situation, South Korea's animation work guidance to culture to the whole industry chain of the overall play a leading role, so the south Korean IP industry is relatively developed, such as social software through the network line a thriving linefriends, shop to make a lot of themes, simple lovely widespread image through image is popular among young people. South Korea's animation industry is a kind of animation IP as a cultural element into the carrier of the city, so the animation culture and the city culture have intersection and are closely related, common development. This makes Korean animation industry in a unique way in a short period of time, and has received considerable response.


Essay代写:Enterprise human resources management content core

2019-11-18 15:11:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Enterprise human resources management content core,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业人力资源的管理内容核心。新时代背景下,人才作为推动企业发展、提升核心竞争力的重要支撑和基础保障,是企业发展的重要资源。科学的人资管理能够帮助企业招揽人才,提升员工综合素质和业务能力,促使企业更为从容地面对行业竞争,提升自身的核心竞争力,对企业实现既定的发展目标具有重要价值和积极意义。

In the era of knowledge economy, if enterprises want to gain advantages in the fierce industry competition, they need to take the talent team as the support, and the competition of modern enterprises is also the competition of talent advantage. As a key part of the daily management of an enterprise, human resource management can improve and enrich the reserve of talents and lay a solid foundation for the stable and sustainable development of the enterprise.

Under the background of the new era, with the continuous improvement of China's market economic system, the industry competition pressure continues to increase, especially in the context of global economic integration, enterprises not only need to face the competition from domestic peers, but also to cope with the competition from foreign enterprises. As an important support and basic guarantee to promote enterprise development and enhance core competitiveness, talent is an important resource for enterprise development. Scientific human resource management can help enterprises attract talents, improve the comprehensive quality and business ability of employees, promote enterprises to face industry competition more calmly, improve their core competitiveness, and have important value and positive significance for enterprises to achieve the established development goals.

Talents are not only a key part of human resources, but also the difficulty and core of human resources management. Under the market economy system, enterprises pay more attention to human resources, especially under the background of the deepening reform and opening up policy, China's economic construction and social development need a large number of specialized talents. The concept of talents can be divided into narrow sense and broad sense. From the narrow sense, talents can be classified into primary talents, intermediate talents and senior talents by taking intelligence development as the judging factor and intelligence level. Analysis from broad sense Angle, talent basically is to show the talent that has ability and ability to learn, it is the skilled person in manpower resource and excellent person, its will be engaged in intellectual degree higher or the laborer of brainwork is collective as talent.

From the perspective of the concept of talent intermediate and senior talents is an important core of enterprise human resources, therefore, enterprises need to comprehensive analysis of the existing personnel, according to the development of the enterprise needs to carry out human resource utilization and optimization, improve the intermediate and senior talents in proportion to the employees of the group, enhance the level of human resource utilization through talent team construction, meet the needs of enterprise development for talent.

As the core content of human resource management, talent cultivation and development is an important way for modern enterprises to gain competitive advantages in the industry, and also a key way to enrich enterprise talent reserve. However, most Chinese enterprises have some difficulties and problems in talent development and training, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects: the serious shortage of high-tech and high-skilled talents, the unreasonable structure of existing senior talents, and the difficulty in providing talent support for the development of enterprises; The advantages of human resources have not been fully developed, and the enterprise has not explored and absorbed talents from the internal and social aspects, resulting in different degrees of waste of human resources, which is not conducive to the construction of the enterprise's talent team and the development of science and technology. In the development and training of talents, enterprises pay more attention to absorbing and recruiting talents instead of giving full play to the role of staff training. The lack of ability to tap and create talents within enterprises not only leads to the loss of work enthusiasm of employees, but also goes against the cultivation of employees' sense of belonging and centripetal force.

In the knowledge economy, talent is the basis and premise of enterprise's competition, but also for the steady development of enterprise security, intelligence in the human resources management, enterprises need to meet the needs of jobs and their own specific conditions, the existing human resources development and utilization of appropriately, change enterprise internal human resources advantage into competitive advantage and development advantage and talent advantage. Talent development mainly refers to the development of intermediate and senior talents, through the development of senior talents to solve the problem of unreasonable internal talent structure, through talent development to mobilize internal staff to improve themselves, strengthen learning and active work enthusiasm and enthusiasm, so as to promote enterprises to better cope with industry competition.

Education is the most important way to cultivate talents, especially higher education, which is an important base for our country to send modern professionals. Want to cultivate a high-quality, professional personnel need to enterprise pay a lot of time, effort and resources, cultivation of talents in the enterprise, due to the comprehensive ability and knowledge structure of the talent, the difficulty of the talents cultivation is bigger also, want to enhance the comprehensive quality and professional ability, need to devote a great deal of education resources.

Talent development and training is an important part of human resource management in modern enterprises. Under the market economic system, enterprises need to attach great importance to talent development and training, and take effective measures and approaches to excavate and refine talents from inside enterprises to meet the needs of talents in various production and operation activities. First of all, to enhance investment in continuing education and re-education, enterprise to encourage worker through study, the degree, and so on ways to improve the degree of personal and intellectual ability, staff qualification, professional skill and performance salary, mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff take the initiative to improve yourself and enthusiasm, encourage employees to master new skills, broaden knowledge. Secondly, it provides employees with opportunities to get in touch with cutting-edge knowledge and theories, holds regular trainings on theoretical knowledge and practical skills, improves the pertinence and effectiveness of training, encourages employees to carry out professional practices in difficult posts, and provides a platform and space for employees to play their talents. Thirdly, we should carry out in-depth cooperation with colleges and universities to attract young talents with professional background from college graduates, provide them with rich salary treatment, continuously attract outstanding graduates to join the enterprise, and provide space for young employees to be promoted. Enterprises should also establish a stable cooperative relationship with colleges and universities, send employees to colleges and universities for training and education in an organized way and in batches, and use college education resources to improve the comprehensive quality and professional ability of existing employees, so as to reserve talents for the development of enterprises. Finally, enterprises should combine the development of modern talent demand, through a variety of effective incentives to encourage mining and training talents, for instance by role transformation, spiritual encouragement, promotion and a raise, play to the talent work initiative and creativity, to provide different types of talent development and promotion way, thus enrich enterprise talent structure, mining and cultivating more, high-level, high-quality talents.

With the rapid development of modern enterprises, the importance of talent management has become increasingly prominent. Based on the systematicness and complexity of talent management, enterprise managers need to comprehensively use a variety of management methods and means to conduct scientific management of talents. There are obvious differences in the personality of different talents, such as ability, character, temperament and personality, etc. However, all talents hope to realize their personal value and ideal under a good platform. They have strong dedication to work and fighting spirit, and regard career as the important pursuit of life. Therefore, in human resource management, enterprises need to take the use and management of talents as the core content, provide sufficient space for talents to give full play to themselves, give innovative and challenging jobs to them, and give them greater freedom, so that talents can obtain satisfaction and sense of achievement from work. At the same time, corporate leadership in all the decisions, but also fully solicit and consider opinions and thoughts of talents, and dynamic communication and exchanges with the talent to get people's support and understanding, to overcome and academic difficulties in management, talent development plan to further education and training programs, and the work of talents in the enterprise play a personal ability and skills, realize the coordinated development of enterprises and talents. With the development of the modern enterprise, the new management concept and management methods of various kinds are springing up constantly, psychological law consciousness is the modern enterprise is relatively commonly used way of human resources management, the talents can be divided into thinking type, kind, phenotype and drive, through the analysis and summary of different character talented person, the targeted management strategies. In human resources management, the enterprise need to choose talent type flexible management style, business leaders to understand people's state of mind, work style, personality characteristics and development needs, in the management to suit the remedy to the case, adjust measures to local conditions, thus achieve twice the result with half the effort, to avoid misunderstandings in the management, through the purpose of human resources management, poly only.

As an important core content of human resource management, enterprises need to carry out effective management through a variety of ways. First, enterprises should actively build a modern, high quality, strong ability of talent team, professional ability of existing talent, personality and comprehensive quality were analyzed, and according to its characteristics and the ability to assign jobs, real men, material, to give full play to talent in the suitable position individual talents and special skills, implement talent and configuration optimization. Secondly, enterprises should respect the regularity and characteristics of talent consumption, guarantee consistency of talent use and human consumption, according to the needs of enterprise internal structure of the talent, the talent as enterprise important factors of production, reasonable structures, talent structure, handle personnel, material and production structure, the relationship between labor object and labor materials, mining internal potential of talent, through the use and management of talents to promote enterprise production and business operation activities orderly. Again, the enterprise to build internal Labour relationship between consumption and talent compensation, through mental compensation and material compensation to meet the needs of people's spirit and material, to mobilize people to participate in the enterprise production of passion and enthusiasm, at the same time, the compensation will include professional training and knowledge renewal, meet the talent demand for learning new knowledge, new technology, promote talented person's intelligence and ability, to play a more important in the enterprise production efficiency, realize win-win situation enterprises and individuals. Finally, enterprise and talents to build a reasonable promotion channels, for the modern talents, compensation is no longer the only goal, more people will be promoted and value realization as an important goal of personal career development, the enterprise needs to combine contemporary talent demand characteristics, gives a good platform for the promotion and channel to the employees, through the promotion meeting the demand of talents, combining the enterprise development and personal development, cultivate talented person's sense of belonging and centripetal force.

Talent is the core of enterprise human resources, the use of talent, management, development and training is the core content of human resources management, enterprise want to realize own stability and sustainable development, need to attaches great importance to the talent pool and training, to optimize and adjust the internal structure of talents improve efficiency and quality of human resources management, supported by talent the enterprise market competitiveness.

