

Assignment代写:Enterprise marketing in the Internet age

2019-08-29 17:35:56 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- Enterprise marketing in the Internet age,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网络时代的企业市场营销。在网络时代,企业需要不断改善市场营销的模式,朝着互联网的方向发展,不断转变自身观念,增加互联网市场营销意识。互联网市场营销能够促进企业的发展,帮助企业节省更多的成本。企业要舍弃传统营销模式中旧的观念和营销方式,善于运用互联网,实现自身营销模式的转变,提升企业的经济效益。

In the Internet age, all walks of life have undergone obvious changes, and the development of Internet technology has also changed the marketing mode. In the Internet age, marketing mode has made certain breakthroughs in content and mode, and will develop towards the direction of precision and niche. The change of marketing mode in the network era also brings challenges to enterprises.

With the change of market environment, marketing theory has also realized the change from 4P to 12P. 4P refers to price, product, sales and channels. After continuous enrichment and development, 12P is finally formed with the addition of power, public relations, market research, market segmentation, target market selection and market positioning, people and packaging on the basis of 4P. Combining the characteristics of Internet marketing, relevant scholars put forward the concept of 4E on the basis of 12P theory. 4E focuses on customer experience value and converts marketing products into customer experience. The 4E theory in the Internet mode is no longer restricted by space, and people have no geographical restrictions in the process of consumption and purchase, thus increasing the purchase space. The new marketing theory attaches more importance to the value of products.

The traditional marketing environment has been unable to adapt to the current development needs, and the development of the Internet to a large extent to make up for the lack of traditional marketing.

Traditional marketing is easily restricted by time and space, while the development of the Internet can well solve this problem. The Internet promotes the development of e-commerce, and online transactions are not restricted by time and space. However, the development of e-commerce has also brought a certain impact on traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Brick-and-mortar stores cannot satisfy the needs of customers who are far away due to the limitations of operating time and service scope. Therefore, enterprises in the marketing mode to vigorously develop the mode of e-commerce, using the network to broaden the scope and channels of operation.

Traditional payment methods have some limitations. With the maturity and development of Internet technology, significant changes have taken place in people's payment also, mobile payment has become indispensable in people's life a payment method, at present the common mobile payment has WeChat, alipay, union pay etc, mobile payment is not restricted by time and space, the operation is simple and convenient. The maturity of network technology makes the way of network payment more secure.

The Internet is spreading faster and covering a wider range than traditional advertising. Therefore, many enterprises choose to put advertisements on the Internet to publicize their products and build brand image through the Internet. The use of the Internet can achieve good communication between customers and enterprises and reduce the cost of enterprises. In the Internet age, marketing is more accurate and smoother.

In the Internet era, enterprises need to constantly improve the marketing mode, develop towards the direction of the Internet, constantly change their own concepts, and increase the awareness of Internet marketing. Internet marketing can promote the development of enterprises and help enterprises save more costs. Enterprises should abandon the old concepts and marketing methods in the traditional marketing mode and be good at using the Internet to realize the transformation of their own marketing mode and improve their economic benefits.

Enterprises can analyze the needs of consumers through big data and develop targeted marketing plans. If an enterprise wants to expand its business scale, it needs to have accurate market positioning of its products. Only when the products have certain competitive advantages, can it take a place in the fierce market competition. The development of the network brings both opportunities and challenges to enterprises. Nowadays, the phenomenon of product homogeneity is becoming more and more serious. In order to occupy the market in the fierce competition, enterprises need to constantly develop new products, conduct product innovation and upgrading, so as to bring more opportunities to enterprises. In addition, enterprises should formulate reasonable pricing mechanism, take advantage of price advantages, improve customer satisfaction and develop loyal users. At the same time, do a good job in product promotion, so that more people know about the company's products, increase the popularity, expand the influence, and thereby improve the sales of the company.

Traditional sales channels are mainly offline physical store sales and dealer sales. With the development of the Internet, e-commerce platform sales and internal network sales have become the trend of sales development. Although the advantages of the network sales model, but also can not ignore the development of the traditional sales model. Generally, brick-and-mortar stores should be located where there is a large flow of people. Brick-and-mortar stores allow customers to directly see the products and have the most direct judgment on the quality and performance of the products, so that customers can intuitively see the image of the enterprise and enhance the visibility of the enterprise. Seller sales can reduce the cost of product sales, accelerate the flow of funds, promote the development of enterprises. Internal network sales requires enterprises to have their own websites. Since website construction and maintenance require certain capital investment, this sales model is not applicable to all enterprises. The sales of e-commerce platform is the main channel for the current product sales, and no matter the size of the company, it can use the e-commerce sales model. With the continuous development of the Internet, the number of e-commerce platforms in China is gradually increasing, and other platforms that can be used are also increasing. According to the characteristics of their products, enterprises can reasonably choose e-commerce voucher for sales.

Due to the fast communication speed and wide communication range of the Internet, enterprises can make use of Internet channels to promote their products. In the process of publicity, the contents of publicity should firmly catch consumers' eyes. Enterprises should take the long-term development of enterprises as an example to enhance customers' understanding of products, increase customer satisfaction, and constantly improve the potential of their own development. The use of the Internet for publicity, can quickly let people know the enterprise products, at the same time, enterprises also need to do a good job in the late service of products, increase the reputation of products, cultivate loyal users.

At present, people have entered the Internet era, the Internet has become a part of people's life. Enterprises need to use the Internet to constantly improve their marketing model, so that they can adapt to the development of the current era. In the network era, enterprises should strengthen the reform and innovation of marketing mode, establish Internet marketing awareness, take customer demand as the orientation, and constantly improve marketing strategy.


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Essay代写:Ecological concept in environmental art design

2019-08-29 17:33:13 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Ecological concept in environmental art design,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了环境艺术设计中的生态理念。在环境设计时,我们应当遵守生态理念的自然环境固有规律,坚持不改变和不破坏生态环境,保持和自然环境、生态环境的和谐,维护自然环境的整体共生系统。

In the process of continuing development of the society in our country, because of the bad people use and development of all kinds of resources, which destroyed the ecological balance of nature, causing all sorts of environmental problems, especially in the industrial production of all kinds of noise pollution, soil pollution and air pollution, its has a serious impact on human life and work, nature also constantly warned through all sorts of natural disasters on human, so human beings must fully recognize the importance of ecological concept development, and try to find the human and the nature harmonious point, increase the study of ecological concept in the design of environmental art. At present, many scholars and experts of environmental art design have devoted a lot of energy to continuously study the ecological concept of environmental art design and strive to reduce the damage to the ecological environment.

Environmental art design is a kind of practical art which aims at the environment of indoor and outdoor space of architecture. This art involves environmental psychology, literature, history, design aesthetics, sociology, architecture, urban planning, engineering, archaeology, environmental ecology and other disciplines. The design of environmental art is mainly to change the internal layout, furnishings and decoration of buildings through design to create an environment suitable for human life, work and living.

In 1980, the strategy of sustainable development was put forward. In China's policies and development plans, consideration and attention to the natural environment were added, which enhanced people's attention to the natural environment. When people are improving their living environment, they constantly destroy ecological resources. Some non-renewable resources cannot be dealt with by human beings after they are destroyed, leading to no recovery. Therefore, when carrying out environmental design, we should give full consideration to ecological balance and sustainable development, and promote "ecological design", "green design" and "sustainable design".

Kimi once predicted that "when you destroy the natural environment, you destroy your life." Natural environment is an objective ecological environment, which has inherent development rules and characteristics. Therefore, in environmental design, we should abide by the inherent laws of the natural environment of the ecological concept, insist on not changing or destroying the ecological environment, maintain harmony with the natural environment and ecological environment, and maintain the overall symbiotic system of the natural environment.

The role of art design is very important. How to improve the overall appearance of urban environment through artistic design is a problem worth thinking about. In addition, the environment not only needs the appearance of beauty, but also needs the internal coordination, so the environmental art design into the scientific guidance, it is an indispensable part. The combination of art and scientific guidance is beneficial to the environment to meet the aesthetic feeling of art, social needs and ecological requirements.

The 4R principles are Reuse, Recycle, Reduce, and Renewable. Following the 4R principle, these will help promote the innovation of ecological environment and reduce the waste of resources, which is more conducive to the development and construction of ecological environment.

Today's society is scientific society, science and technology is the first productive force of our society, has greatly improved people's living standards and quality of life. Therefore, environmental art design should be combined with science and technology, constantly improve the designer's design ability and level of design, human and social improve the good ecological environment. For example, the development and utilization of new energy, the emergence of new materials, the application of new design technology, and the recycling and utilization of social resources and materials are all social development achievements and advantages brought by high-tech technology. Therefore, when carrying out environmental art design, relevant personnel and designers should make flexible use of high and new technology to better provide convenience and comfort for people's life.

The design of environmental art itself is based on the natural environment. Only by fully combining environmental factors and conducting research and analysis on the ecology of the natural world, can we design the environmental art most suitable for the natural development. For example, water source situation, vegetation planting situation, landform and geomorphology, geological conditions and so on, these are designers should fully consider. The designer makes a practical investigation of the environment of the target place, and designs the environment reasonably by relying on the aesthetic feeling of art, thus realizing the environmental protection and cost saving. In addition, taking the natural environment as the basis of the design not only achieves energy conservation and emission reduction, but also better displays the beauty of ecology and adheres to the concept of ecological environment development. At the same time, when designing, designers should fully consider the local characteristic environment and effectively combine the surrounding natural environment and geographical features to form a unique beautiful landscape. For example, for some odd-shaped trees and stones or with certain ups and downs and layers of terrain, the designer can make a unique design with practical, ornamental and artistic value by taking advantage of the natural environment.

In the ecological concept, the application of natural materials is also an important part of environmental art design. During the design work, the designer should fully analyze the characteristics, use conditions, process conditions, matters needing attention, modeling features and practical effects of natural materials, so as to realize the full application of natural materials. For example, in park laid a few cobblestones, its not only can undertake massage to the sole of the person's foot, promote haemal circulation, still have certain view and admire a gender. For example, designers transplant a certain number of flowers and trees on both sides of the park or road, which can not only create a relaxed and pleasant environment, but also have a high ornamental value, creating a relaxed and comfortable environmental artistic atmosphere.

At present, China's research and development of new energy is in the initial stage, many enterprises and scholars hope to use new energy instead of traditional energy, so as to achieve environmental protection. Therefore, when designing environmental art, designers should abandon traditional energy sources and strengthen the practical application of water, wind and solar energy to reduce environmental damage and pollution. This paper argues that designers should conduct comprehensive analysis from multiple levels and perspectives in environmental design. While emphasizing reasonable recycling of waste energy, designers should also pay more attention to the development of new energy, and always adhere to the concept of ecology, so as to truly realize low-carbon life.

With the rapid development of society, people's quality of life has been continuously improved, and their material needs have been gradually satisfied, and they began to pursue spiritual needs. Through the above, we can find that all the design activities of designers for environmental art design are based on the natural environment. The ultimate goal of this process is to achieve the harmony between people and nature, which is the initial starting point and the final destination, and meet people's spiritual needs of continuous improvement. Therefore, when carrying out environmental art design, designers should give full consideration to people's actual needs for environmental art, attach importance to the functionality and convenience of art, constantly enhance the comfort level of environmental art design, meet people's spiritual requirements for art, and strengthen the protection of natural environment. Designers should make it clear that the design objects of environmental art are not only ordinary people, but also vulnerable groups such as children and the elderly, so as to continuously improve the functionality and practicability of environmental art design.

The concept of ecology has become an important research topic in environmental art design. When showing the charm of environmental art and constantly innovating life, designers should respect and protect nature, and then become the principle of environmental design. With the rapid development of society, people's evaluation and appreciation of environmental design gradually make reasonable judgments under the guidance of ecological concept, which to some extent promotes environmental art to meet people's spiritual needs.


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2019-08-29 17:31:58 | 日記



× “I disagree that people spend too much time on leisure activities really people have a healthier work-life balance these days.”

√ “I disagree that people spend too much time on leisure activities. Really, people have a better work-life balance these days.”




这里有一个从Good Luck TOEFL摘得的例子:


Some people say that physical exercise should be a required part of every school day. Other people believe that students should spend the whole school day on academic studies. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.

× Partial Answer (first two paragraphs, written incorrectly as one run-on paragraph):

√ I think physical education should be included as part of the daily class roster at schools. Physical education is important to keep children strong and healthy so that they can focus on their studies. Moreover, physical education classes are a form of study in their own way. By exploring exercise and other health-promoting activities, schoolkids learn important facts about their own bodies and about health in general. You cannot learn without a healthy mind, and you cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body. Gym classes are important because they promote learning by keeping students in good physical condition. If students don’t exercise every day, they can have too much energy, feeling tense and distracted. In the long run, children who don’t get exercise may become overweight and develop aches and pains from unhealthy living. All of this can lead to emotional and behavioral problems that hinder academic performance.

Partial Answer (revised to form multiple paragraphs with correct paragraph breaks):

I think physical education should be included as part of the daily class roster at schools. Physical education is important to keep children strong and healthy so that they can focus on their studies. Moreover, physical education classes are a form of study in their own way. By exploring exercise and other health-promoting activities, schoolkids learn important facts about their own bodies and about health in general.

You cannot learn without a healthy mind, and you cannot have a healthy mind without a healthy body. Gym classes are important because they promote learning by keeping students in good physical condition. If students don’t exercise every day, they can have too much energy, feeling tense and distracted. In the long run, children who don’t get exercise may become overweight and develop aches and pains from unhealthy living. All of this can lead to emotional and behavioral problems that hinder academic performance.




× A typical web scratch on Google may yell many more results than you really need, so you must review the resulting carefully.

And here’s the correction:

√ A typical web search on Google may yield many more results than you really need, so you must review the results carefully.





× First paragraph of the response (incorrectly omitting some corresponding key points from both the reading and the lecture):

In the reading passage, the author is very critical of Chevalier de Seignalt’s memoirs. The passage claims that de Seignalt lied about the amount of money he had and made a false claim that he escaped jail. In contrast, the lecturer says de Seignalt’s autobiography can be trusted, claiming he was truthful about his wealth and that he accurately recounted conversations he had with the famous thinker Voltaire.


√ First paragraph of the response (corrected so that all key points are included):

In the reading passage, the author is very critical of Chevalier de Seignalt’s memoirs. The passage claims that de Seignalt lied about the amount of money he had, incorrectly recalled his conversations with the philosopher Voltaire, and made a false claim that he escaped jail. In contrast, the lecturer says de Seignalt’s autobiography can be trusted, claiming he was honest about his wealth, accurate in his descriptions of the talks he had with Voltaire, and truthful when he described his jailbreak.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?: Modern life is easier than life in the past. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.

× First paragraph of response (lacks some specific details to support the answer)

I don’t think modern life is easier than it was in the past. With greater efficiency of technology, we’re expected to work even harder and produce even more. In addition, we wake up earlier and must travel farther to get to work and school



√ First paragraph of response (complete with specific details to support the answer)

I don’t think modern life is easier than it was in the past. With greater efficiency of technology, we’re expected to work even harder and produce even more. In addition, we wake up earlier due to another modern innovation: the alarm clock. Not only that, we’re also expected to travel farther for work and school. This is because the invention of the car has caused the layout of modern cities to become much more spread out.!

常见的托福写作错误# 5:拼音拼写错误






Paper代写:Digital painting art

2019-08-29 17:30:25 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Digital painting art讨论了数字绘画艺术。数字绘画技术的广泛应用使传统的传媒更具有艺术性,为生活的方方面面都增添了美感。数字绘画作品并不拘泥于传统艺术的装饰和再现等作用,更发挥了其自身的技术优势和审美特征,成为推动市场中经济发展的一个因素,艺术与商业紧密相关。科技的不断发展对艺术的影响也是不间断的,数字绘画需要科技的支撑,更需要与时俱进不断创新。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The development of digital painting has been widely used in various industries. This paper takes the application scope of digital painting technology as the key research direction, aiming to summarize the technical advantages in the application of digital painting and make it better used by people. Discuss the application value of digital painting and the new career and market derived from this new industry. This paper analyzes the convenience brought by digital painting for the development of various fields, so as to make digital painting art better used by people and market.

Traditional painting USES paper and pen for painting, which is restricted by the environment and materials, and has the disadvantage of not being easy to modify. In digital painting, will be better to solve this problem, now most of the drawing software can be modified in time, will work even in the painting is completed using the layer of the tool, in view of the paintings in the process of modified one detail, the author can not restricted by time tool change at any time, finally to achieve satisfactory results. For example, various overlay effects and other functional operations add new dimensions to traditional painting effects. This technology has obvious advantages in many fields, such as drawing commercial illustrations, game animation characters, scene design and so on, which gives new visual effects to the pictures and opens up a new path for artistic creation.

As the storage carrier of digital painting is electronic equipment stored in digital form, it is also transmitted through digital media in the way of transmission, which is fast and convenient. Traditional painting is fussy in its preservation, which is influenced by many factors in the external environment, such as light, temperature, air humidity, color stability and material of painting works, etc., all of which may cause the damage or even disappearance of artistic works. However, digital paintings do not have these unstable factors in preservation, and in the way of transmission, they avoid a series of potential unstable factors such as transportation and packaging, and save labor costs such as transportation. All these advantages make the spread of artistic works wider, receive information more quickly, save time cost in commercial use, and improve the work efficiency of the industry. With the advantage of the Internet, a piece of work can be quickly received by the public, and even people on two continents can enjoy the latest works.

Digital painting works are not only good, on the value of art critics from all walks of life. Some people think that compared with traditional painting, digital painting lacks the existence of essence, but is only a kind of beautiful decoration for people to use, and it only caters to the role of transcending material in today's multimedia communication. Compared with traditional art, traditional art lacks artistry. In traditional art, the production time and energy consumed can be directly captured. This is often realized in life. When we appreciate an oil painting in an art gallery, we often stop and appreciate it for a long time, including brush strokes, color, texture, craftsmanship, composition, picture content and so on. When we see a hyperrealistic painting, we will exclaim how can we paint such an extremely detailed picture on a specified plane, which does not exist in digital painting. Traditional works of art, on the other hand, never be bulk copy, even if the same painter painting it again, please also cannot achieve the same, it is caused by the randomness of traditional paintings, painting color when the degree of harmonic proportion and reconciliation, the magnitude of the pen will make a difference, so, many people think that traditional paintings unique is its precious. The characteristic that digital painting can be copied at any time makes many people think that it lacks the spirit of "craftsman" in art, making the artistic value of digital painting become vague and inconvenient to evaluate.

Due to the wide application of digital painting, a number of professional digital painting artists have emerged. The development of digital painting not only gives birth to a new career, but also drives the overall economic development. The gradual maturity of digital painting technology has contributed to the rapid development of film, animation, games and other industries. As a result, technology is no longer a stumbling block for a good story to be presented to the audience. Various special effects in films are becoming more and more real, and the authenticity and smoothness of images in games are also guaranteed. All these non-negligible progress have subtly promoted the consumption demand of leisure and entertainment. The development of digital painting art has made the film industry, animation industry and game industry develop rapidly. The active consumption of the public also provides the most basic economic support for these companies to create better artistic works, which is the economic effect of the interaction between the audience and the company.

The rapid development of digital painting has an indispensable position in all fields, which is not only the development of an artistic medium and expression, but also the full content of commercial mass consumption and recreational spiritual entertainment. The wide application of digital painting technology makes traditional media more artistic and adds beauty to every aspect of life. Digital painting works are not limited to the decoration and reproduction of traditional art, but give play to their own technical advantages and aesthetic characteristics, and become a factor to promote economic development in the market. Art is closely related to business. The continuous development of science and technology has an uninterrupted impact on art. Digital painting needs the support of science and technology, and more importantly, it needs to keep pace with The Times and keep innovating. The opinions in this paper come from my experience and analysis, and there are inevitably omissions and improper aspects, and the investigation on many aspects is still shallow, so I will do more in-depth investigation and research in the future, and continue to explore this field in greater depth.


Essay代写:Ideological and political work of enterprises

2019-08-29 17:23:29 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Ideological and political work of enterprises,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了企业的思想政治工作。企业的思想政治工作同企业的生产经营工作相互渗透,共同作用于企业管理之中。另外,企业思想政治工作是增强企业核心竞争力的重要途径。而企业核心竞争力是企业的持续创新能力、拓展市场能力以及企业知名度等。只有坚持以人力资源开发为目标,不断提高职工队伍的整体素质,才能有效提高企业的核心竞争力,为企业做大做强奠定坚实的思想文化基础,而这些正是加强思想政治工作所涵盖的重要内容。

Doing well in enterprise ideological and political work in the new era is the need to implement the spirit of the 19th CPC national congress, to promote enterprise reform and development, and to raise the level of enterprise party building and effectively mobilize the enthusiasm of cadres and employees. To this end, enterprise party organizations should fully understand the importance of strengthening ideological and political work and face the new situation, innovative and realistic to pay close attention to ideological and political work, in order to promote enterprise reform and development.

Ideological and political work is the unique political advantage and fine tradition of our party, and it is an important magic weapon for us to do all our work well. Enterprise ideological and political work is facing the broad masses of workers, can grasp the initiative of ideological and political work, related to the overall situation of the reform and development of the enterprise. In the new era, only by mastering the status quo and characteristics of the ideological and political work of enterprises, can the work reflect The Times, grasp the regularity, be creative and achieve effectiveness.

Since the 18th national congress of the CPC, the CPC central committee with comrade xi jinping at its core has attached great importance to ideological and political work and adopted a series of powerful measures to promote it.

The ideological and political work of enterprises and the production and management work of enterprises penetrate each other and work together in the enterprise management. This requires from the strategic height of enterprise survival and development to bring ideological and political work into the scope of enterprise overall management and give full play to the functions and functions of ideological and political work.

In terms of enterprise reform, how to coordinate the interests of all aspects, in addition to the relevant supporting system and policy factors, the most fundamental is to give play to the role of education, motivation and guidance of ideological and political work. In terms of enterprise development, the normal operation of an enterprise depends on the interaction and dynamic transformation between material and spiritual forces, which relies on the "catalyst" and "lubricant" of ideological and political work.

Enterprise spirit is a powerful spiritual force with driving, motivating and guiding functions. It is the core content of enterprise culture, as well as the important resources, intangible assets and spiritual power of enterprise survival and development. It is not difficult to see that the enterprise ideological and political work is not only the enterprise spirit of the cultivation, mold, but also is the enterprise propagandize, carry forward.

The core competitiveness of an enterprise is its continuous innovation ability, advanced technology ability, scientific organization ability, market expansion ability and enterprise popularity and reputation. To improve the above capabilities, only by adhering to the goal of human resource development and constantly improving the overall quality of the staff, can effectively improve the core competitiveness of the enterprise, and lay a solid ideological and cultural foundation for the enterprise to become bigger and stronger, which is the important content of strengthening ideological and political work.

In the new era, the economic transformation, social transformation, informatization and industrialization are all accelerating, making the ideological and political work of enterprises facing a changeable environment and new conditions. It can be summarized as follows:

Complex and changeable social psychology affects the development of enterprise ideological and political work. Reform entering GongJianQi and deep water area, the diversity of market main body diversity, distribution, cause the differentiation of social interest structure and social class, social interest relations become increasingly complex, and social psychology brings out the complicated variety, social psychology must invade into the ideas of the enterprise employees, to new enterprises to carry out the ideological and political work has increased the difficulty.

The value orientation of employees is diversified, which puts forward new requirements for the ideological and political work of enterprises. Enterprises become more and integrated into the market, promote the enterprise's rapid economic development, and the spiritual civilization construction relatively lags behind, the individualism, money worship, hedonism, such as unhealthy thoughts constantly flush, presents the pluralistic value orientation, plus enterprise in the corruption phenomenon, largely affect worker initiative, also appear with progress of the ideological and political work is not enough.

The rapid development of the Internet has changed the environment of ideological and political work in enterprises. "Internet + production", "Internet + consumption" and "Internet + life" are changing the reality. New ways of production, consumption and life are being reconstructed. Communication tools such as WeChat and weibo have realized real-time, covert and interactive communication between people, and promoted employees' thinking to be more changeable. This is the new ecology of enterprise ideological and political work in the Internet age.

Facing the new era, the enterprise ideological and political work should be based on the reality, look to the future, pay attention to innovation, actively adapt to the new situation, and effectively solve new problems.

"Ideological and political work is the lifeline of economic work and all other work", in the enterprise, the "lifeline" role is to ensure that the socialist nature and direction of the enterprise, ensure enterprise and worker to correctly implement the party's line, principles and policies, to promote the completion of tasks of enterprise reform and development and the improvement of economic efficiency, promote enterprise staff ideological consciousness, moral sentiment, to the all-round development of wisdom. To this end, the enterprise ideological and political work, first is to highlight the political content, strengthen the marxism-leninism, MAO zedong thought, deng xiaoping theory, the important thought of three represents, the scientific outlook on development and xi jinping thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, implement the 19th CPC national congress spirit. At the same time, we will conscientiously carry out education activities on patriotism, collectivism, socialist ideology and the situation and tasks to ensure the implementation of the party's lines, principles and policies in enterprises. Second, focus on the content of enterprise. Mainly around the enterprise reform, development and production and management of the daily ideological and political work, safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of workers, stimulate their enthusiasm for work. The political nature and the enterprise nature are organically connected and closely coordinated, and cannot be neglected and improved together.

In the enterprise ideological and political work in all fields, the whole process of the use of information technology means, improve its penetration rate, arrival rate, coverage and interactive, vivid, effective. We will continue to shift the focus of our work downward, focusing on strengthening the ideological and political work of our teams, and making our ideological and political work more targeted and flexible. Actively integrate social resources, adhere to the ideological and political work into the community, into the family, into the entertainment places, let the ideological and political work more into the new era of staff life.

Make it clear that the main person in charge of the party organization is the first person responsible for ideological and political work, and form the work pattern of the main leader personally grasping, in charge of the specific grasping, functional departments earnestly grasping, one level grasping, one level with one level. The assessment should adhere to the combination of quantitative and qualitative, the daily management, ideological education, civilization creation and other aspects of quantitative assessment, and absorb the staff of the satisfaction degree of ideological and political work, support degree for qualitative analysis. According to the assessment situation, the implementation of ideological and political work tasks to commend the units, the assessment failed to give a yellow card warning, the implementation of awards and penalties. Fourth, establish a working contact mechanism. We have organized leaders of enterprises and party and mass organizations to conduct regular special investigations and studies, and provided timely feedback on the ideological and political work at the grassroots level in the form of symposiums, symposiums and coordination meetings to urge the implementation of work.

Relying on the civilization to create the carrier, an extensive civilized unit staff team, the window of civilization, civilization, civilization and civilized family series of activities, to improve the civilization quality of the workers in an all-round way and the civilization degree of the enterprise, and insist on selected typical, propaganda typical tree, among the masses to build advanced learning, carry forward the advanced, be advanced thick atmosphere. To cultivate characteristic corporate culture, we should, in accordance with the principle of "one major and multiple factors, let a hundred flowers bloom", explore the glorious tradition of enterprises through multiple channels, at different levels and by all the staff, grasp the depth of integration and extension, and constantly enrich the connotation of corporate culture. Use all kinds of cultural activities, so that the masses of workers from the background to the stage, from the stage to the stage, from one-way indoctrination into two-way interaction, so that the masses of workers in the popular activities imperceptibly accept ideological education. Fourth, to adapt to the new situation of new media information dissemination, strengthen online positive publicity, dissemination of positive energy, set up a new fashion.

Faced with the new situation of continuous improvement of the overall quality of the staff, the political and industrial cadres must strengthen their study, enrich their knowledge reserves, improve their political theoretical foundation, and then actively exert the leading role of ideological and political work. Political and industrial cadres should continue to receive high-level training in theory, business and work skills, and at the same time actively broaden their horizons, activate their thinking and dare to innovate, in order to adapt to the changing situation and the new trend of the masses' ideological activities, and enhance the pertinence of their work. We should improve our political positions, take the initiative in our work, and play the roles of scouts of social conditions and public opinions, counselors of ideological liberation, promoters of enterprise reform and development, and staff departments of party and government decision-making in enterprises. Through effective ideological and political work, the enterprise reform and development of a strong synergy.

