


2019-08-19 17:34:06 | 日記




















Paper代写:Welfare for the elderly in Japan

2019-08-19 17:30:11 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文- Welfare for the elderly in Japan,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了日本老年人的福利保障。日本公共养老保险制度的基础年金主要由国民养老保险年金、共济年金、厚生养老年金三大部分构成。政府主要负责国民公共养老基础年金的运营。近几十年来,老人的医疗保险费支出逐渐上升。2000年,日本政府采用了一种新型的老年社会保险制度,实行了《老人介护保险法》,该制度规定国民从40岁开始交纳老年介护保险金,等年龄到达65岁以上且需护理的老人,可获得保障,或者40岁以上未满65岁的特定疾病需要护理者也可享受保障待遇。运行老年介护保险制度不但保障了老年人的生活,同时促进了各类养老服务业的产业化、规模化发展。

With the increase of the number of the elderly, China is rapidly entering the aging society. However, Japan has built up a relatively mature old-age security system in the face of this phenomenon. The improvement of the social old-age security system in Japan is closely related to its population and economic development. For China, a country with a large population, it is necessary to study the course of Japan's social security system.

In the early 1960s, Japan's welfare system for the aged was a kind of government-run mechanism. This way of carrying out policies through state compulsion was indeed the most effective in the initial formation of the welfare system for the aged. However, faced with the fact that people's life expectancy is increasing and public welfare equipment and social services are diversified, from the perspective of the government, if all kinds of social welfare expenses are still provided by them, it will certainly bring great difficulties to the national finance. Therefore, the government has appropriately adjusted the financial burdens and responsibilities of some central and local governments, public and private funds. Starting from the mid-1970s, Japan's national welfare administration showed a weakening trend and gradually transferred to local governments, so that grass-roots organizations in Japan could develop social welfare undertakings for the elderly with characteristics according to local conditions. In the 1980s, the development of civil welfare and volunteer activities began.

According to the situation of the elderly population entering the old age, Japan launched the "longevity society strategy outline" in June 1986, as the central and local government policy on the development of longevity society. In the 80 s, Japan's economic recovery, to take this opportunity, before aging degree not peaked, released in December 1989, "the old man health benefits to promote strategic plan for 10 years, mainly from official as the main body of the plan's welfare countermeasures and set up 70 billion yen in longevity welfare social funds as the main content, from established the state on the longevity of the policy of" health care medical benefits "service.

Since the 1990s, as Japan's economy slowed, unemployment rose and the number of elderly people grew, the government has gradually changed its social welfare programs. The change is mainly reflected in: first, the change of the guarantee object. From part of the elderly in extreme poverty to all the elderly as the protection objects; Second, the transformation from the state to the state, local, non-governmental organizations and individuals to take full responsibility for security; Third, the transformation from only relying on large social institutions for the elderly to meet the needs of welfare services for the elderly to a variety of welfare institutions as the main body, based on home services. Meanwhile, according to the law on social welfare, Japan has successfully introduced social welfare legal persons.

The basic pension system of Japan's national public pension started from the national pension law promulgated in the late 1950s. The law requires Japanese citizens aged from 20 to 60 to participate in the national pension system. If they have paid an annuity for 25 years and reached the age of 65, they can receive pension regularly. And civilian enterprise still can attend "thick unripe endowment insurance", officeholder still has "mutual endowment insurance can attend". The specific operation is the initial government contribution of 11.1 billion yen, after that, the national Treasury will bear 1/3 of the total cost, and the rest of the cost will be borne by the industry and individuals.

The basic annuity of Japan's public endowment insurance system mainly consists of three parts: national endowment insurance annuity, mutual aid annuity and pension for social welfare. The government is mainly responsible for the operation of basic pension funds for public pension. It is found that the basic pension is the main source of income for the elderly in Japan. In addition, the Japanese government promulgated the "elderly welfare law" in the early 1960s, which proposed that the government build special nursing homes for the frail elderly such as dementia and bedridden.

As Japan's population ages and the number of newborns declines since the 1990s, it has become increasingly difficult for families to take care of the elderly. The cost of medical insurance for the elderly is rising gradually. In 2000, the Japanese government has adopted a new kind of old age social insurance system, implemented "the old man lie insurance law, the provisions from 40 people began to pay the old interface insurance, such as the age of 65 years of age or older and need to care of the old man, can be guaranteed, or under the age of 65 over 40 specific diseases need caregivers also can enjoy treatment of security. Referral service is divided into 5 levels according to the degree of referral, and each level enjoys its own insurance benefits. Individuals pay only 10% of the cost. Running the elderly care insurance system not only guarantees the life of the elderly, but also promotes the industrialization and large-scale development of various pension services.

Japan first introduced the "elderly welfare law", and then the country's elderly social welfare system gradually built up. It can be summarized from the transformation of coverage, supply mode and project setting.

Health care, prevention and welfare services for the elderly in Japan are provided by professional organizations. The specific form is to obtain professional qualifications in accordance with the industry standards of nursing staff to agree on a specific place or to take the form of on-site service for the elderly life care skills to teach and help.

Rehabilitation nursing consists of facility nursing, home nursing, district nursing and welfare equipment rental and sale welfare service.

The state mainly promotes employment. The government is working mostly with local businesses to allow people aged 60 to 65, who would otherwise have reached retirement age, to continue working through systems such as modest retirement delays. Other senior citizens who wish to work may be assigned suitable jobs through the senior talent centre.

Japan's social welfare system is composed of multiple responsibility subjects. In this system, the state is responsible for the main welfare expenditure, and the state also undertakes the overall planning and implementation of social welfare. Local governments, as the second largest part of the social welfare system, are responsible for 50% of the national welfare expenditure. At the same time, welfare activities can be carried out according to local conditions in combination with local financial conditions. As the third responsible body, civil society welfare organizations are responsible for the operation of social welfare. In Japan, the vast majority of welfare facilities are run by civil society welfare corporations. Japan's civil welfare facilities include the type of civil organizations assisted by the government and the type of commercial welfare services provided to the elderly with certain economic strength. The elderly can choose a life suitable for them according to their economic status and life pursuit. Citizen groups are also a force that cannot be ignored in the social welfare network. The Japanese government is aware of the importance of this group, and has been vigorously advocating citizen participation in social welfare mechanism in recent years.

In order to allow the elderly to enjoy better social welfare treatment, Japan focuses on service, including professional service team and diversified service mode.

One is to have professional qualification certificate for specialization. According to the special law of social welfare in Japan, personnel engaged in social welfare work should obtain professional certificates. Second, schools are required to train professional talents. Some schools choose to offer social welfare services to provide professional talents for the society. The third is to hold regular vocational training for the staff who work in the social welfare undertakings, constantly improve their business and expand their knowledge.

Different elderly people have different welfare needs. The Japanese government not only CARES about the common characteristics of the elderly group, but also takes into account the different personality characteristics, so it studies a variety of social welfare services for the elderly. At present, Japan's elderly welfare facilities are composed of health care, rehabilitation, social participation and other forms, and the service mode is also diverse. According to the time of care, it can be divided into day care, short care, long care and other forms.

The role of civil society in public welfare should be further enhanced. Eighty percent of Japan's welfare facilities are operated and constructed by civil society welfare organizations entrusted by the state. Eighty percent of the construction cost of its welfare facilities shall be borne by the state and the government, and the rest shall be borne by the entrusted operators. It is found that many public welfare undertakings in Japan are run by multiple entities. Our country also can combine specific circumstance, raise the enthusiasm of social group in this respect.

Before, "family care" was the main way for the elderly to spend their lives in our country. However, with the growth of the number of elderly population, the increasing number of professional women, and the impact of the specific family planning policy in China, the current use of family care is probably too limited, and the future family care model is likely to cease to exist. Therefore, it is feasible to establish the nursing system based on Japanese experience. At the same time, the current endowment insurance and medical insurance systems in China are constantly supplemented and optimized. In order to avoid difficulties in the payment of fees in the process of reference, we can adopt progressive retirement policy of postponement, flexible retirement policy and extension of payment period. At the same time, we should plan ahead and actively advocate the way of keeping healthy.

At present, all kinds of pension forms exist side by side. To develop and expand in the long run, we must rely on professional services. With the development of The Times, the needs of the elderly are becoming more and more diversified. Therefore, it is of vital importance to cultivate professional talents for the welfare of the elderly and build professional service teams. The management of the team shall be strict, and professional qualification certificates shall be obtained before entry, regular training shall be conducted after entry, assessment shall be conducted according to specific standards, and organization supervision shall be accepted.

With the deepening of the aging degree, the elderly industry will have a good development prospect. The development of the elderly industry in Japan has generated considerable income. The country's elderly industry is divided into high and low grades according to their economic ability and consumer demand. For example, some elderly people with strong economic strength may choose high-end apartments. Upscale apartments for the elderly are provided with convenient medical facilities, close to public hospitals or with medical teams, convenient for the elderly to seek medical treatment, and recreational facilities. At the same time there are more complete facilities for the elderly working elderly rental apartments. According to the survey, the elderly who are really poor will be given water and electricity concessions. In general, we should develop a diversified and large-scale elderly industry.

With the improvement of living standards, many old people still have the energy to engage in many social activities, or continue scientific research activities and participate in elderly volunteer activities after reaching retirement age. For example, in terms of self-management of the elderly, we can learn from the practice of "senior citizens' club" in Japan and set up voluntary mass organizations for the elderly in the streets or communities, so as to make the elderly truly become the backbone of the community. This way can not only bring out the best in the elderly, but also enrich their life. So the state should actively advocate the elderly play surplus heat, to take a certain amount of financial support.


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2019-08-19 17:28:29 | 日記
Appendix,就是附录部分,是一系列的补充材料。Appendix一般出现在Report或者Academic Paper,平时还是比较少见的,所以大多数留学生对Appendix的写作不太熟悉,鉴此,今天我们就给大家讲解一下Appendix部分的写作。

Appendix部分通常包括作者用于开发书面作业的数据和支持文档。 虽然这些信息应该对读者具有潜在的用途(不被视为填充的机会),但如果它包含在文本正文中,它将破坏论证的流程。

Examples of Supporting Materials


“任何真正重要的信息都应纳入提案的正文中,”Sharon和Steven Gerson在“技术写作:流程和产品”中写道。“有价值的数据(证据,证据或澄清要点的信息)应出现在易于获取的文本中。附录中提供的信息是埋藏的,仅仅是因为它放在报告的末尾。你不是想要埋没关键的想法。附录是提交非必要数据的完美场所,提供文档供将来参考。“

Eamon Fulcher在“心理学课程指南”中写道,由于它的补充性质,重要的是附录中的材料不能“为自己论证”。“这意味着你不得仅在附录中提供重要信息,而在正文中没有任何迹象表明它存在。”


Should You Include an Appendix?


您希望简化附录材料,与留学论文写作的主题或论文相关,并对读者有用 – 但它不是放置所有研究材料的地方。参考文献,参考书目,作品引用或尾注中的引用将引用您的来源。 附录是一个项目的地方,可以帮助读者理解您的工作和研究以及手头的主题。如果材料的重要性不足以在文中引用,则不要将其包含在附录中。

The Difference Between an Appendix and an Addendum



Appendix Format Conventions

格式化附录的方式取决于您为工作选择的样式指南。一般而言,您的文本中提到的每个项目(表格,图形,图表或其他信息)都应作为自己的附录包含在内 – 尽管如果一个分组下有许多数据集,请将它们放在附录中并标注每个部分适当。




Chicago:The Chicago style manual 也允许编号附录(1,2,3,而不仅仅是A,B,C)。就位置而言,它们出现在任何尾注部分之前,因此附录中需要注释的任何信息都可以参考注释部分。但是,如果附录中有许多表,则最好将这些表保留在表中。



Paper代写:The expression of sketch art

2019-08-19 17:26:26 | 日記
本篇paper代写- The expression of sketch art讨论了素描艺术的表现形式。素描的艺术表现形式多样,不但是艺术家个人的技能展现,也是对作品形象的细腻解读。结构表现是素描艺术的一个基础表现形式。素描艺术的结构表现形式是支撑整个作品完整性的关键,也是对作品真实复刻程度的重要保证。 素描艺术的另一个主要表现形式就是意象变现。不同于写实素描,意向素描更加注重的是作者个人情感在作品中的融入与体现。其突出强调的是在素描绘画中,通过个人对原有物体的初步判断,加入自身的创意思维和情感表达,形成一副超越物体本身意境的素描作品。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The single color of sketch is different from other painting methods, such as painting and oil painting, which have more color. Usually, a sketch contains different forms of expression can reflect the author's artistic accomplishment. Therefore, understanding the main forms of sketch art in basic teaching is the key to measure individual technical level.

Sketch is a single color painting to show the main characteristics of an object or person, which is different from oil painting, crayon and other paintings with rich color composition. To some extent, the sketch weakens the details of the work, but highlights the inner image of the work. The sketch is the artist to the work's unique cognition, also is the writer individual thought realm side display. With the development of The Times, sketch has gradually evolved into the main composition of painting art. Not only all kinds of fine arts colleges and universities take sketch as the basic painting compulsory course, some key colleges and universities also began to carry on the sketch art course teaching. In the classification of art, sketch is a bridge connecting different forms of expression. From the classification of architectural structure, sketch is the basic principle of coordinating and balancing the relationship of space composition.

Sketch art is a new art form derived from the continuous development of The Times, which is not only a basic composition of sketch, but also an artistic sublimation of traditional painting. In the development trend of different ages, the expression technique of sketch art has different. As the famous philosopher "Hegel" said, drawing is the key point connecting acquisition and future. In the process of painting, the author often adds personal feelings and thoughts, and the influence of an era is not only a person, but also the whole range of artists. They use sketch painting to show the social and cultural characteristics of the current era, and then express their personal understanding of the development process of the entire era. Thus it can be seen that sketch art is the artistic embodiment of different changes with the development trend of The Times.

The main body of sketch art is the work, although the external image of the work is consistent, but the interpretation of it describes people with different personality characteristics. On the one hand, the sketch works are depicted by the author to the original object one by one, which has a strong similarity. Unlike other schools of painting and exaggeration, sketch art pays more attention to realism. Therefore, the author needs to devote all his/her efforts in sketching and painting to ensure the authenticity of the model. On the other hand, since sketch works are presented only in a single black and white color, the main details are easy to be ignored and narrowed. Different authors care about different painting key points, and the image of sketch works will change. This has a great relationship with the author's mood and emotional state when painting. For example, when sketching static object images, the author's strong or weak thoughts and feelings are often reflected through different sizes and structures and the collocation of light and dark colors.

The inner image of a work cannot be described by direct line language, but requires the author to understand the connotation of the work in a delicate way, and then to foil the inner image through the combination of various forms of artistic expression. A sketch is a static display of a dynamic state, an interception of an object or a person's gestures in a certain state. The aim is to show the main features of the work through a moment of static description. How to show the inner image of the original object is the key to evaluate the artistic effect of sketch works. A good sketch works can often show the intrinsic characteristics of the works through the combination of light and shade of lines and the construction of the main body hierarchy. For example, when people are sketched, the details of their eyes are often used to show different inner images of models, such as melancholy or excitement.

The artistic expression forms of sketch are various, not only showing the artist's personal skills, but also delicate interpretation of the image of the work. Structural expression is a basic form of sketch art. First of all, when students first came into contact with sketch art, they did not have a deep understanding of the hierarchy of light and shade of an object, and could only use simple line collocation to show the space proportion and volume proportion of the work. Secondly, the subjective judgment of an object or person is the personal perception of its overall spatial structure. It can be intuitively judged whether it is large or small, high or low. The author needs to use this judgment as the basic structure of the sketch, and then show its real form on the drawing board. Finally, the structural expression form of sketch art is the key to support the integrity of the whole work, and also an important guarantee for the authenticity and reproduction of the work.

Since only one color is used in the whole sketching process -- black, it is necessary to achieve the coordination of light and shade between different structural lines in order to show the detailed form of an object with a black brush on a white painting board. On the one hand, in scientific physical thinking, the brightness contrast of objects can be determined by different illumination degrees and the distance from the light source. For example, the closer an object is to a point of light, the brighter the structure will be and the darker it will appear where the light is not. Not only that, the material of the object itself can also affect the brightness of the lines when painting. For smooth objects such as silk and glass, the brightness contrast under the same light source will be more intense. On the other hand, the author's personal emotional cognition is also the key to determine the brightness of a work. The author's sketch works tend to be dark when his thoughts and feelings are depressed and sad.

Another main form of sketch art is image realization. Different from realistic sketch, intention sketch pays more attention to the integration and embodiment of the author's personal feelings in the works. It emphasizes that in the sketch painting, through personal preliminary judgment of the original object, add their own creative thinking and emotional expression, to form a sketch work beyond the artistic conception of the object itself. Image expression is one of the most difficult forms of sketch art, which not only requires the author to have a detailed and profound understanding of the original, but also needs the author's rich emotions and divergent thinking to enrich the connotation of the work and express a higher level of meaning.

To sum up, sketch art is the sublimation of the basic painting sketch level, and also the display of integrating traditional sketch into the author's emotion. Sketch art can not only reflect the mainstream development trend of an era, but also show the author's emotional thoughts under the background of The Times. The main expression forms of sketch art include structure expression, light and shade expression and intention expression and so on. Different forms of artistic expression represent different thoughts and feelings of the author, as well as different interpretations of the works. Colleges and universities should pay attention to the effective explanation of the form of sketch art when carrying out relevant teaching courses, so as to help students understand the characteristics of sketch art from different angles.


Essay代写:The audio-visual language of Miyazaki Hayao's animation films

2019-08-19 17:16:05 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The audio-visual language of Miyazaki Hayao's animation films,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了宫崎骏动漫电影的视听语言。色彩是电影视听语言中不可缺少的一部分,不同的颜色往往表达着不同的寓意,即使是同一种颜色在不同的情景中也可以表达不同的感情和意义。在宫崎骏的动漫电影中,受日本文化的影响,其色彩运用严格遵照着阶级性的原则,同时还表现出明显的宗教性。宫崎骏还很注重本民族对于颜色运用的传统,影片中随处可见日本传统民族文化的色彩使用。

Born in Tokyo in 1941, miyazaki moved his family to the city of deernuma because of the war. In 1963, after graduating from university, Miyazaki Hayao did not engage in the work of his major, but chose to work in animation, thus opening up an era of animation films belonging to Miyazaki Hayao. Studio ghibli opened in 1985 and has since seen such classics as city in the sky, my neighbor totoro, kiki's delivery service and spirited away.

Miyazaki Hayao animation film leading role for women, whether the na uzziah card in the valley of the wind, "sky city" of the tower, "spirited away" national wild qianhe or princess goldfish in the cliff goldfish princess ", etc., these girls or pure, or the ordinary kind, is ready to release the characteristics of the common life of passion and potential.

Common theme of Miyazaki Hayao film is about the concept of environmental protection advocates, but beyond that, Miyazaki Hayao animation film also reflects the diversity of the topic type, such as "sky city" shows the harmony of man and nature, "spirited away" in the growth of qianhe through diligence and wisdom, "my neighbor totoro" shows for flying is yearning, and so on.

Miyazaki Hayao film music style is contracted and not simple, longer each film are made by stone as a master of the music, and stone will make the use of a series of characteristic in music instruments, and bring out the best in each other, the movie can even play a role to promote the development of the plot, so that the further deepen the subject.

On the other hand, in miyazaki's animation films, he often USES vistas to depict the historical background, natural scenery and other grand scenes of his works, so as to make the audience feel as if they are in them. When using the big panorama, it is mostly to show the environment of the characters, highlighting the unique and profound meaning of the war scenes. He is particularly good at using close-ups to show the psychological changes, expression details and expression movements of the characters. For example, in my neighbor totoro, he shows the psychological activities of my neighbor totoro in addition to its lovely characteristics through close-ups, which promotes the development of the film plot.

In terms of symbols, the most frequently seen visual symbols in Miyazaki Hayao's animation films are water, and images such as sea and lake frequently appear. In addition to enhancing the aesthetic feeling of the picture, they also play a role in expressing emotions, symbolizing images such as nature, regeneration and purity. In addition, the wind, which implies the yearning for the harmony between man and nature, not only represents the civilization, but also represents the fire of war and destruction. The tree that represents the vitality, the origin of civilization and the barrier of human beings, and the elf that indicates the world's hope, are also frequent images and symbols in Miyazaki Hayao's films.

Color is an indispensable part of the audio-visual language of movies. Different colors often express different meanings. Even the same color can express different feelings and meanings in different situations.

In Miyazaki Hayao's animation films, influenced by Japanese culture, the use of colors strictly follows the principle of class. For example, in howl's moving castle, gorgeous colors are used to highlight the sanctity of the imperial palace and castle. At the same time, religious characters in the film are depicted in white, red, yellow and other colors. Miyazaki Hayao also pays great attention to the traditional use of color in his own nation. The use of color in traditional Japanese national culture can be seen everywhere in the film, such as the clothes and accessories of many characters in the film.

The use of color language in Miyazaki Hayao's animation films is to create a relatively real environmental atmosphere, and use relatively soft color collocation to show the beauty of nature, so as to infect the audience and show the environmental protection theme Shared by most films. In addition, color is often used to depict characters' personalities and hearts. For example, when Sophie, the heroine of howl's moving castle, is being molded, Miyazaki Hayao does not use bright colors, but matches gray clothes with dark brown eyes and eyebrows, so as to reflect his strong, simple character.

When it comes to the aural language in Miyazaki Hayao's animation films, we can't help but mention the famous musician hisaishi, who, as Miyazaki Hayao's regular musician, has been cooperating with miyazaki for more than 20 years in the production of animation film soundtrack, creating immortal masterpieces such as summer.

Miyazaki Hayao cartoon movie soundtrack contracted but not simple: "my neighbor totoro" is used in the electronic synthesizer, "sky city" used in the children's chorus, horn and other elements, "spirited away" the piano chords, its music theme and the plot complement each other, it is played throughout the story, even role to promote the development of the plot, the second is through music and picture with apply colours to a drawing the atmosphere of the film, enhances the quality of the film, three is to use music to express the through language and images to direct expression of emotion.

In Miyazaki Hayao's films, the lens, color and auditory language do not appear independently, but complement each other and constitute the style and theme of the film together, thus making the narrative structure complete.

As an outstanding film master, Miyazaki Hayao's films are full of symbols and allegorical meaning, and express a certain degree of expressionism color in the magic animation world. His films not only bring the audience a world full of traditional Japanese national culture, but also can feel the cultural atmosphere of various countries in it, so as to give consideration to both the nation and the world. He expanded and updated the audio-visual language and expressed human's inner world and emotions with poetic pictures and music, thus gaining the reputation of "cartoon poet" and making outstanding contributions to the progress of the audio-visual language of animation films.

China's animation industry originated in the 1920s and 1930s. In the development process of nearly a century, although many progress has been made, there are still many shortcomings compared with the advanced animation industry countries like Europe, America and Japan. In the process of reference and learning, we should not forget the excellent cultural deposits of our own nation. We should take its essence and use it for our own use to produce domestic animation with Chinese national characteristics and culture, so as to make China's animation industry bloom with splendor.

