amita_gate's memorandum



2012-09-17 16:31:15 | 仏教
When I think through the unimaginable great vow of Amithaba Buddha, it is the largest ship to sail through the perilous sea of life and death, and when I think through the unrestricted light of Amithaba Buddha, it is bright light of wisdom which emancipate sentient beings from pitch darkness of ignorance. And now,  Devadatta directed Ajatasatru to harm his farther while this world entered into deep relationship with pure lands, and Shyaka Buddha had Vaidehi select pure land of Amithaba Buddha, showing the target of Amithaba buddha's pure karma. This is that the reverend Devadatta and the reverend Ajatasatru in their tentative form equally want to relieve sentient beings like weed from their pain and despair, and Shyaka Buddha compassionately wants to give mercy exactly to sinners of five great sins, slanderer to Mahayama Buddhism teachings and those who have no seed of Buddha. Thus now I know, the respectful name of Amithaba Buddha with harmonious and perfect virtue is true wisdom to convert bad karma into virtue, and incredible diamond-like joyous belief given is the truth to eliminate deep rooted doubt of the sentient beings and make them realize buddhahood.