HU5 control module data from "Xentry Diagnosis" needs export,And then DTS Monaco engineering software from where import to perform programming smoothly.
Connect VXDIAG Benz c6 multiplexer:
Open DTS Monaco - VXDIAG, click on "Diagnostic Services" and it has no HU5 Ethernet option and can't program DOIP, click on "File" and then "Close" to exist DTS to import the data.
Click on "Administrate and manage DTS projects".
Enter "System Configurator" - > "System settings" -> "Interfaces", check if the options are correct as below.
Right click on "Xentry Diagnosis" - "Open file location" -> "Xentry" -> "Kontexte" -> "ODXProjekte" - >PKW_COMMON" -> "DBR". This is the location of HU5 control module data.
Choose the HU5 control module data to copy, then paste them into "205 DTS DOIP" folder.
Open "Temporary workspace", choose HU5 control module data.
Enable DOIP switch.
Choose "HU5 Ethernet" to check the software NO and to choose the programming files.
Click on "Flashing programming", then "HU5 (UDS_Ethernet)", then "205 DTS DOIP", then choose the 3 files to open.
Click on "Diagnostic Services", then "Read ID" to confirm the software NO again.
Click on "Flash Programming" , then "Run" one by one.
Job is done.
VXDIAG VCX C6 is a nice DOIP programming tool.