

【英日語ブログ記事】■(Revised)Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is・・・(加筆訂正版)安倍晋三は「世界支配階級」が日本国を「ファシズムと戦争と貧困」に誘導・・(No1)

2017年10月19日 07時23分09秒 | 政治・社会







■(Revised Edition)Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is a "devil agent" sent by the "world ruling class" to induce Japan to "fascism, war and poverty"!(No1)


Japan 's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has become Prime Minister of Japan in 2006 but resigned in 12 months due to the deterioration of colitis.


New!The biggest power crime committed by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe during the twelvemonths is that even though the Diet member pointed out the earthquake and tsunami countermeasures against the major accident of radioactive contamination by uclear fuel meltingand radiation diffusion at Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plantoccurred on March 11, 2011,he said in the Diet on December 2006 that "The nuclear power plant in Japan is safest in the world","It is impossible for the whole power supply to be lost" without taking any measures.


New!Shinzo Abe is the main criminal of the major accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant.


The only thing he carried out during twelve months was that he has worsened the " Basic Education Act" having the philosophy of the "peace and democracy" and the "protection of human rights of children" by emphasizing the "patriotism", the "nationalism" and the "individual responsibility".


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe became the second Prime Minister when the coalition government was established when his party " Liberal Democratic Party" and the Cultreligious party " Komeito=Sokagakkai" won the victory at the House of Representatives election held in November 2012.


The politics that Prime Minister Abe had executed for the past five years until now has been the worst politics after the war as follows.


1. Embezzlement of national assets


The ruling class of the United States has dominated and exploited Japan "to monopolize the politics of Japan" using the puppet party "LDP" made
in 1955 by CIA for the purpose to dominate and colonize the post-war Japan at 100%.


Nobusuke Kishi and his grandson Shinzo Abe are one of the typical politicians of the selling country.


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Governor of Bank Of Japan Kuroda pushed the "AvenoMix" from April 2013 as orders of the world ruling class.


Shinzo Abe,a political agent sent by the world ruling class has justified that th "Avenomix" has an objectif to retreat the deflation by aggressive fiscal outburst of the government".


Shinzo Abe has gspent 350 trillion yen of taxes in the past 5 years by spreadfingt into the large corporations and the large banks.


The Govenor of Bank of Japan Kuroda has also justified that the "Avenomix" has an objectif to retreat the deflation by monetary easing in different dimension.


Kuroda has spent 350 trillion yen in the past 4 years by printing 10,000 yen papers and spreading most of them to major fellow financial institutions.


As a result, what is Japan like now?


As of the end of March this year, Japan's debt amounted to 1071 trillion yen, which is about 1.96 times GDP 546 trillion yen, becoming the world's worst debt nation.


The total amount of Japanese government bonds that the BOJ has purchased from major banks at the end of May this year was 500 trillion yen, 90 % of Japanese GDP(546trillion yen), which is the highest in disapproval compared with Western European Centra l Banks with less than 40% of GDP.


2. Constitutional destruction


Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a main member of the "Japan conference",the largest and worst extreme right fascist private organization in Japan advocating the revival of the "Emperor military dictatorship" and of the "Empire of Japan" by the "Constitutional amendment".


Shinzo Abe has an intention to abandone the actual "Constitution of Japan" to replace it by the "Constitution of the Imperial Japan Empire" of pre-war Japan.


If the Abe administration wins and gets 2/3 of the seats of the House of Representatives again in the House of Representatives election on October 22, he will definitely force the "reconstitute referendum" in October next year and use all kinds of wrongful means to realize the "reconstitution approval" by the referendum.


If that happens, it is certain that the "constitutional amendment"will be carried out during the festival of Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 and that it will destroy the actual "Constitution of Japan" and will replace it with "the Constitution of the Imperial Japanese Empire" before World War II.


(Next theme)


3. National crackdown and fascist dictatorship


4. War Country Japan




【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp

情報発信者 山崎康彦
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