


2016年02月07日 23時00分45秒 | 政治・社会
【Today's images】【今日の画像】

①the paper money of 5, 10, 20 dollars issued in 1861-1862 by the President Abraham Lincoln for financing the Civil War. They were called the green back so printed back in the green.


Hello! Everyone!


Thank your very much for your attention to my English boadvcast from Japan.


1) No 66分41秒  http://twitcasting.tv/chateaux1000/movie/239934282


Today is Sunday the 07th Feburary 2016 at 7:00pm at local time.


My name Ysuhiko Yamazaki.


I am an independent journalist on the media-internet.


I am also a political and social activist.


I am broadcasting in Japanese【YYNewsLive】every days except Saturday and Wendnesday by TwitCasting at about 6:30 p.m. on local time for more than 3 and half years.


In each program I have about 1,000-1,500 audiences.


I started on the 7th October 2015 the French broadcast 【YYNouvellesFrancais】forthe purpose to talk every Wednesdays
directlyto the 220 millions of Francophone people around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths about Japan and the world.

私は、2015年10月7日から毎週水曜日にフランス語放送【YYNouvellesFrancais】 で、全世界2億2000万人のフランス語 圏の人々に、隠され知られていない日本と世界の真実を直接伝えること始めました。

And today I start a broadcast in English 【YYNewsLiveEnglis】


The purpose of English broadcast is to talk directly to the 1.4 billions of English-speakers around the world to let them know the hidden and unknown truths about Japan and the world.

英語放送の目的は、世界14億人の英語圏の人々に、隠され知られていない日本と 世界の真実を直接伝えることです。

Here are 3 contents of today's program.


1)【Today's images】5 photos  【今日の画像】写真5枚

2)【Today's One Word】 6 words 【今日のひとこと】6つのひとこと

3) 【Today's Principal Subject】【今日のメインテーマ】

1)【Today's images】【今日の画像】

①the paper money of 5, 10, 20 dollars issued in 1861-1862 by the President Abraham Lincoln for financing the Civil War. They were called the green back so printed back in the green.


②After the victory in the Civil War,the President Abraham Lincoln has annonced in March 1865 his intention to keep the paper monaies issued by the gouverment as the persistent currency issuance system of the United States.But one month later,he was assassinated on 14th April 1865 and his currency issuance systme was canceled.

南北戦争に勝利した後、1965年3月リンカーン大統領は政府発行紙幣を米国の恒久的な紙幣とすることを発表した。その1か月後の1865年4月 14日、リンカーン大統領は暗殺され彼の政府紙幣計画は中止された。


③The front and back of paper monay of 1 dollar issued in 1933 by President Franklin Roozebelt.


At the front left of the back of 1 dollar,there are many messages printed of the world's largest secret society "Freemasonry =Illuminaty" like as all mimetic symbol of "one left human left eye"on the top of unfinished pyramid.

裏の正面左には,未完成のピラミッドの頂上部分にすべてをミット人間の左目=全視眼のような世界最大の秘密結社【フリーメーソン=イルミナティ 】のメッセージが刷り込まれている。

At the front right of the back of 1 dollar,a "Hexagram=star of David" of the Israeli national flag is designed.



④the paper money of 5 dollars issued in 1963 by President J・F・Kennedy.


20160204ケネディ政権下で発行さた政府紙幣 $5196年

⑤President J・F・Kennedy assasinated on 22th November 1963 at Dalas in Texas



2)【Today's One Word】今日のひとこと

①If the world has no happiness, there 'will be no personl happiness.(Kenji Miyazawa Japanese poet and writer of fairy tale, 1896-1933)


②Il is a big lie saying that human beings and everthing were made in a week by the Almighty God. (Yasuhiko Yamazaki)


③Human beings and everything are made by moving more than 4 billion of years from the primitive cells.They have evolved over a period of 40 billion years.(Yasuhiko Yamazaki)


④ "The Armageddon myth" is a big lie sayng that "The selected representatives" chosen by God will win the final war against the infidel and atheist and the Godwill come down to earth to dominate the peaceful world. (Yasuhiko Yamazaki)

神に選ばれた【選民】は、神を否定する【邪悪な異教徒】との最終戦争に勝利して、神が降臨して平和な世界が訪れるという【ハルマゲドン神話】は全 くの大嘘だ!(山崎康彦)

⑤The human beings and animals and the natural world are not made by God.But God is something that man has made. (Yasuhiko Yamazaki)

人間や動物や自然界は神が作ったものではない。しかし神は人間が作ったものだ。 (山崎康彦)

⑥Te war is not something that happens by chance. The war is a military terrorisme so carefully planned andnprepared by the world dominating class.The war is isguised as ifit had happened by chance. (Yasuhiko Yamazaki)

戦争は偶然に起きるもののではない。戦争は世界支配階層が周 到に準備して起こす『軍事テロ』でありそれはあたかも偶然に起こったかのように偽装されるのだ。(山崎康彦)

3)【Today's Pricipal subject】 今日のメインテーマ

■If a President of the United States decides to issue the bills by his gouverment in place of FRB(Fedreral Reserve Board) and bigins to criticize the fraud system of the private banks, he will be crtainly killed by the Jewish Rothschild International Financial Mafia.

もしも米国大統領が中央銀行FRB(連邦準備制度理事会)の代わりに政府が紙幣を発行することを決めたり、民間銀行のいかさまシステムを批判し始 めたら、彼は確実に殺されるだろう!

【1】Among the American Presidents,two Presidents were killed because of issuing the gouverment bills by deprivating the Note issue rights from the private banks orfrom the Central Bank controled and owned by the Jewish Rothschild International Financial Mafia.

【1】歴代米国大統領の中で二人の大統領が、ユダヤロスチャイルド国際金融マフィアが支配・所有する民間銀行と中央銀行から紙幣発行権を奪って政 府が紙幣を発行したために殺された!

①The 6th President of the United Etas Abraham Lincoln (term of Presidency 1861-1865 ,assassinated)

①第6第米国大統領アブラハム・リンカーン大統領 (大統領任期 1861年-1865年、暗殺)

(He said) 彼は言った

The government must issue the money for their circulation to finance the cost ofthe government and everything necessary for connsomamtion of population.


The previllage produce and emmettre currency would not only be the only previllage of government but also the most constructive luck of the government.


By integrating this principle, tax-payers could save immeasurable amounts of interest.


The currency would become a human servant instead of the master to human life.

それでこそお金が主人でなくなり、人間らしい生活を送る ための人間の召使になってくれるのです。

The Government bonds are not necessary.The bills issued by the gouverment will promot the wealth of the nation who is originally without debt and they would be only authorize.


The International finanicial power is able to exploit the nation in time of peace and to conspire the conspiracy against the state at the time of adversity.


The International finanicial power is more despotic than monarchy, more self-indulgent than dictatorship.


②The 35th President of Unaited-Stats John.F.Kennedy (term of Presidency from 20th January 1961 to 22th November1963, assassinatde)

②第35第米国大統領ジョン・エフ・ケネディ(大統領任期 1961年1月20日-1963年11月22日、暗殺)

We can'nt find the direct mentions of the President John.F.Kennedy about issuingthe gouverment bills.


(Here is an explination) 以下は説明です。

The President Kennedy signed on the 4th June 1963 to the Presidential Decree No.11110 recoverring the right to issue the bills by the government instead of the FRB.

ケネディ大統領は1963年6月4日にFRB(連邦銀行)の持つ「通貨発行権」を合衆国政府の手に取り戻す目的の大統領行政命令11110号に署 名した。

President Kennedy was assasinated on 22th November 1963 at Dalas in Texas on theoffcial visit.


After the assassination of the President, the bills of $ 4.3 billions dollars issued by the Minister of Finance were immediately recovered.


【2】Among the American Presidents,one President was killed and one Presiden was attemptede of assaination because they bigns to critisaize the fraud systemof the private banksd controled and owned by the Jewish Rothschild International Financial Mafia.

【2】歴代米国大統領の中で,一人の大統領が殺され、もう一人が殺されかかった。なぜならば、彼らがユダヤロスチャイルド国際金融マフィアが支 配・所有する民間銀行の詐欺システムを批判し始めたからだ!

①The 7th President of the United States Andrew Jackson (term of Presidency from 1829 to 1837,atempted by assassination)

①第7第米国大統領アンドリュ―・ジャクソン (大統領任期1829年-1837年、暗殺未遂)

(He said) 彼は言った。

Banks want to kill me, but I kill the bank. You are the dens of scheming thieves.We will wipe out you. By the force of the eternal God, we will surely sweep you..

銀行は私を殺したいだろうが、私が銀行を殺す。お前たちは腹黒い盗人の巣窟だ。私達はお前たちを一掃する。永遠なる神の力によって、お前たちを必 ず一掃する。

By the existence of the private central bank, our government will not give profit to our citizens.


More than 8 million shares of the Central Bank are held by the foreigners.The bank which is not exclusively linked to our country will be a risk to commit our freedom and our independence.


The Privee Central Bank that controls our money in circulation receiving public money with confidence and attracting more citizens would be redutable andmore dangerous than the military forces of the enemy.

我々の流通通貨をコントロールし、一般市民のお金を受け取り、信用している多くの市民を惹き付けていることは、敵の軍事的勢力より手ごわくて危険 である。

If the government focuses on its operating protejer all peoples in the egaliter for the rich and for the poor as the natute gives rain and showers in equality, the presenece government would be a gift from God.

天が雨やにわか雨を誰にでも均等に降らせるように、もし政府というものがその恩恵を高い所にも低い所にも、金持ちにも貧乏人にも同じように全国民 を均等に保護するということにその機能を絞るならば、政府の存在は神からの無限の賜物になるであろう。

Over a wide range it seems that it was unnecessary departure from this principleby the previous presidents.


②The 20th President of the United Etas James Garfield (term of  Presidency 6 months from 4th Mach 1881 to 19th September 1881 Assassinated)


(He said) 彼は言った。

The person who controls the amount of currency in circuration becomes the absolute master of all industiry and commerce.


When the people knows that a small number of influential human beings in the topcontrol very easily the whole system, the people will understand naturallement the cause of inflation and recession.

人々が最上部にいる一握りの有力者達がシステム全体を何らかの方法で極めて容易にコントロールしているのを知るや、インフレと不況の時期が何に由 来するのかが自ずと明白になる。

In our country, those who control the money become the head of industrie and commerce.




【Informations From Suginami】 【YYNews YYNewsLive】
Yasuhiko Yamazaki
e-mail: yampr7@mx3.alpha-web.ne.jp
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