


2024-05-15 21:48:12 | Newsメモ

BBC The illicit trade with China fuelling Mozambique's insurgency 13 hours ago
Angela Henshall


Timber smuggling, estimated to be worth $23m (£18m) a year, from Mozambique’s ancient forests to China is helping to fund a brutal Islamist insurgency as well as a large criminal network in the north of the southern African country.

This illicit trade in rosewood is linked to the financing of Mozambique’s violent militants with links to Islamic State in the northernmost province of Cabo Delgado, according to data seen by the BBC from the Environmental Investigation Agency (EIA), an NGO that campaigns against alleged environmental crime.

 モザンビークの北部のCabo Delgado。イスラミックステート系統の反乱武装勢力が巣食っているところ。そこからだいぶ流れてきているなあ―と言う。無論、輸出に際してはちゃんとした品ですよと言う証明書を要するわけだが、まあ適宜、調達されてしまう様子。


Rosewood is a catch-all trade term for a wide range of tropical hardwoods that are highly prized for luxury furniture in China.

Mozambique’s rosewood is protected under an international treaty, meaning only very limited trade that does not threaten the species is allowed.


A Mozambique government report published earlier this year and seen by the BBC - the National Risk Assessment on Terrorism Finance Report - says al-Shebab insurgents have taken advantage of the illicit timber trade to “fuel and finance the reproduction of violence”.

The report says the insurgents’ involvement in the “smuggling of fauna and flora products”, including wood, and the “exploitation of forest and wildlife resources” is contributing to a “very high level of fundraising” for the insurgency group. It estimated its revenue from these activities amounted to $1.9m a month.

While the Chinese authorities have made it illegal to log rosewood in their own country, huge quantities continue to be imported.


Between October 2023 and March 2024, investigators traced around 300 containers of a type of rosewood known as pau preto from the port of Beira to China.

Pau preto rosewood, which is found in the north of Mozambique and in Tanzania, is classed as a threatened species on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) red list.
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