


2023-09-22 16:38:52 | Newsメモ


BBC Niger coup: Wagner taking advantage of instability - Antony Blinken 9 Aug 2023 By Kathryn Armstrong

Russia's Wagner mercenary group is "taking advantage" of instability in Niger, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has told the BBC.

There have been suggestions the coup leaders have asked for help from Wagner, which is known to be present in neighbouring Mali.

Mr Blinken said he did not think Russia or Wagner instigated Niger's coup.

However the US was worried about the group "possibly manifesting itself" in parts of the Sahel region, he told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme

"I think what happened, and what continues to happen in Niger was not instigated by Russia or by Wagner, but... they tried to take advantage of it.


"Every single place that this Wagner group has gone, death, destruction and exploitation have followed," said Mr Blinken.

"Insecurity has gone up, not down".


He added that there was a "repeat of what's happened in other countries, where they brought nothing but bad things in their wake".

It is currently unclear if Wagner fighters have entered the country but the prominent Wagner-affiliated Telegram channel Grey Zone said on Monday that some 1,500 of its fighters had recently been sent to Africa.

It did not specify where on the continent they had allegedly been deployed.


BBC Soldiers killed in jihadist ambush in Niger 17 Aug 2023 By Chris Ewokor

The defence ministry in Niger says at least 17 soldiers have been killed in an Islamist militant attack.

Another 20 were said to be wounded. The ambush happened in the Tillaberi region - close to the border with Burkina Faso.

The military said more than 100 attackers were killed as they escaped the scene.

"The prompt reaction of the military and the air-land response initiated at the scene of the clash made it possible to deal with the enemy," a government statement read.


This is the seventh attack on the country's forces since military officers overthrew the government in Niamey three weeks ago.

Niger's army has cited the jihadist insurgency as a justification for last month's coup.


BBC Deep concern for Niger's poorest because of coup - UN 18 Aug 2023 By Will Ross

The UN's human rights chief has expressed grave concern for the people of Niger who he said were going to face even more hardship as a result of last month's coup.


He said in a country where nearly half the population is mired in extreme poverty the situation was worsening with borders shut, trade at a standstill, power cuts and rising food prices.



BBC Niger junta PM hopes for deal with West Africa bloc 5 Sep 2023 By Chris Ewokor

Niger’s new prime minister says there are hopes of reaching an agreement with West Africa's regional bloc Ecowas, following the group’s hard-line position on the coup in the country.

Ali Mahamane Lamine Zeine, who was appointed by the junta, was making his first appearance at a press conference in the capital, Niamey.

“We have not stopped contacts with Ecowas, we are continuing contacts. We have good hopes of reaching an agreement in the coming days,” he told journalists on Monday.

He also said negotiations were under way for the withdrawal of French troops from the country. France has about 1,500 troops in Niger - some of them deployed at an air base near the capital.

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