豪州落人日記 (桝田礼三ブログ) : Down Under Nomad



2008-01-05 08:50:50 | 教養?





An old dog story
Sat. January 5 : fine

The Japanese school girl, a home stay maker went to walk with a big old dog, her owner’s house dog every evening. One day when she went to a park as usual suddenly the old dog crouched onto the ground and never woke up. Making herself calm down, she covered the carcass with falling leaves, left it there and came home but the owner had been out. After all her efforts to think she returned to the park carrying a suitcase. It was a hard work to carry back the heavy suitcase with the carcass in it. On the way home a kind old man stopped his car and offered to give her a ride. As soon as she put her suitcase into the boot the car ran away super quickly.
Lesson 1 : Do the right things ( If an elderly deprives a young generation of chance for her to set to work he or she would meet a scary seen later).
Lesson 2 : Pick up your dog after (Pick up a taxi first).

cover it by falling leaves
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